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1 Egypt


3 People 87 Million (15th) Most populous in the ME and 3rd in Africa
Majority Ethnic Egyptians Bedouin Arabs, Berbers, Nubians 91% Muslim, 9% Christian (Copts)

4 Economy GDP $262 billion 6,600 per capita
Agriculture (29%), Industry (24%), Services (47%) Tourism, 1% of world total Political instability from 2011 weakened the tourist industry

5 Government Semi Presidential Republic
President elected every 4 years, may serve 2 terms 2014 Constitution

6 History 1517 Conquered by the Ottomans
1798 Invaded by Napoleon of France 1882 British Invasion 1914 British protectorate 1922 Revolution and Independence 1952 Free Officers Movement

7 Al Nasser, Pan Arabism 1952 Free Officers Movement
Opposition to Western security arrangements Egyptian Arab Nationalism Struggle with Iraq over leadership Arab Cold War Republics vs Monarchs

8 Suez Crisis 1951 Anglo Egyptian Treaty abrogated
‘Playing the Superpowers’. US withdraws financial support for Aswan Dam Nationalization, Alexandria Speech, Ferdinand de Lesseps 1956 Tripartite Aggression, Britain, France, Israel Retake Suez and overthrow Nasser

9 Diplomatic Pressure US, USSR, UN forced withdrawal
US blocked UK IMF Loans and threatened Israel with sanctions Saudi Arabia oil embargo on UK, France Canal re-opened April 1957 after the last IDF troops left Egypt in March

10 1967 Six Day War Nasser, “The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel“ Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq Crushing defeat for the Arab coalition Loss of Sinai Peninsula

11 Sadat, Post-Nasserism 1970 Nasser dies
Anwar al Sadat becomes president Corrective Revolution, Purge of Nasserists Political and Economic Reforms, including multi party system October war 1973, Egypt First Policy 1978 Camp David Assassinated by Egyptian Islamic Jihad 1981

12 Mubarak, Islamists, Revolution
Normalized relations with Arab Neighbours Established pragmatic relations with the West Inclusion of moderate Islamists, managed the Muslim Brotherhood Crack down on militant groups

13 2011 Hosni Mubarak overthrown
2013 Mohomed Morsey of the Muslim Brotherhood serves as first democratically elected president Overthrown by Military coupe led by al Sisi Morsey imprisoned killing of protesters spying for Qatar spying for Hamas

14 2014 Fatah al Sisi elected 93%of vote

15 Islam and Politics Al Azhar founded 970
Hassan al Banna, Muslim Brotherhood 1922 Sayid Qutb executed 1967 Ayman al Zawahiri

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