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Jeopardy fixation defense Yomama stages Persnality Q $100 Q $100

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1 Jeopardy fixation defense Yomama stages Persnality Q $100 Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 This accounts for what is consistent in our behavior and thoughts.

3 $100 Personality

4 $200 This personality test measures Our level of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience

5 $200 “Big Five” or Five Factor Model

6 An aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable.
$300 An aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable.

7 $300 Trait

8 This approach to personality focuses on the unconscious mind
$400 This approach to personality focuses on the unconscious mind

9 $400 Psychodynamic

10 This personality test has 16 personality types
$500 This personality test has 16 personality types

11 $500 Myers-Briggs

12 $100 According to Freud, this term describes a person “stuck” in a stage of development.

13 $100 Fixation

14 $200 A person who likes to eat, bite nails, chew and
Suck on stuff is said to be fixated in this stage.

15 $200 Oral Stage

16 $300 A person who is overly aggressive and domineering is said to be fixated in this stage.

17 $300 Phallic Stage

18 $400 A person who is overly neat and organized and
generally uptight is said to be fixated at this stage.

19 $400 Anal Stage Ned is Anal Retentive

20 $500 According to Freud, as we progress through psychosexual stages, different body parts are sources of this type of energy.

21 $500 Libidinal energy

22 100 A person who is always doing the right thing even when inconvenient is said to be dominated by their ___?

23 $100 Superego

24 200 This part of your personality protects you. It’s based on the reality principle.

25 $200 Ego

26 300 Boys in the phallic stage have this “complex” when competing with their fathers for their mother’s attention.

27 $300 Oedipus complex Why is this a bad picture?

28 $400 This is a major criticism of Freud’s Psychoanalytic theories.

29 400 Not scientific, can’t be observed, Sexist, not multicultural

30 500 How psychoanalysts access the unconscious mind

31 $500 Hypnosis, free association, dream analysis, transferrence

32 $100 Upon breaking up with his girlfriend, Julio continues to think, “She digs me. She’ll be back.”

33 $100 Denial

34 $200 This model says to you, “You are like, too skinny.”

35 $200 Projection

36 $300 In the movie Mean Girls, this mean aggressive chick takes up Lacross, a very physical sport as a positive outlet for her anger.

37 300 Sublimation

38 Although I hate my mother, I buy her flowers and tell her how much I love her.

39 $400 Reaction Formation

40 Juan overachieves in math because he is bad in another
$500 Juan overachieves in math because he is bad in another area like making friends.

41 $500 Compensation

42 $100 These are Freud’s psychsexual stages in order

43 Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent Genital
$100 Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent Genital

44 A fifth grade girl who thinks boys have cooties
$200 A fifth grade girl who thinks boys have cooties is said to be in this stage.

45 $200 Latent stage

46 Slamming the door in anger is an Example of this ego defense mechanism
$300 Slamming the door in anger is an Example of this ego defense mechanism

47 $300 displacement

48 Telephone numbers are stored in this part of our mind.
$400 Telephone numbers are stored in this part of our mind.

49 $400 Pre-consciousness

50 The id resides in this part of the mind.
$500 The id resides in this part of the mind.

51 $500 Unconscious mind

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)

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