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Code for Sustainable Homes

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1 Code for Sustainable Homes
Hi everyone – my name is Alan and I have been working on BREEAM and its associated derivatives since More recently I have been working closely with DCLG on CSH Alan Yates Technical Director, BREEAM

2 ? Contents Objectives for the Code for Sustainable Buildings.
Progress on the Code for Sustainable Homes. What of Ecohomes? ? Today I hope to tell you where we are with the CSH – This is work in progress and I am not able to give you all the answers at the moment for reasons that I hope will become apparent – Simon has outlined the background to the CSH and I hope to put some flesh to those bones. I will reemphasise the objectives of the code and then concentrate on the content and structure. AS the Code is based on the existing EcoHomes method operated by BRE, I will also cover the relationship between these methods. I have a lot to cover but would also like to be able to take some questions so I will talk fairly quickly.

3 Background to the Code - Sustainable Buildings Task Group Said …..
Develop a single national standard for assessing the environmental performance of buildings based on BREEAM/EcoHomes which sets minimum standards for key issues to prevent unreasonable tradability between key issues. Fully aware of the qualities of the BREEAM/EcoHomes Schemes the Task Group wanted a single method……... Concerned about the flexible credit system in EcoHomes. Whilst accepting the need for flexibility if cost effective solutions are to be available for developers, the task force was keen to see mandatory minimum standards in specific key areas to ensure an overall reasonable level of performance. There was also widely differing views expressed about the appropriateness of the levels being achieved under EcoHomes given the rapidly developing targets for climate change, water and waste efficiency etc. The resulting debate has been extremely useful in setting reasonable, achievable but meaningful increases in some areas.

4 Government Response Government decided to focus on a code for housing with the following objectives It will cover new-build housing initially It will be performance based. It will focus on the building and its immediate location Work with BRE and a Senior Steering Group to develop the Code Given pressures in the housing sector and the major part that this sector plays in the UK environmental impact overall, the government decided to focus such a code in the housing sector initially. This was sensible as housing represented a large opportunity to influence development in the immediate future and developing any kind of code was likely to be a lengthy process. It was felt that the CSH should be performance based seeking to follow the EcoHomes approach of quantifying impact where ever possible. They chose to work with a Senior Steering Group comprising a wide range of key stakeholders to advise the process and commissioned BRE to develop the existing structures and criteria to meet the changed objectives.

5 Progress on the Code for Sustainable Homes
DCLG working with BRE to ensure; that the CSH builds on EcoHomes that the CSH uses the established systems and procedures that the CSH benefits from the widespread knowledge of EcoHomes technical robustness of the scheme an orderly transition in standards

6 Progress on the Code for Sustainable Homes
CSH builds on EcoHomes 2006 Uses same criteria wherever possible Raises standards where appropriate Some changes required to: bring closer to existing and future Building Regulations Establish a framework for government programmes/initiatives point the way for future government policy/regulation i.e. Building Regulations The most important outcome of this work, it seems to me from the point of view of the industry is that the work closely builds on EcoHomes. Aspects are only being changed where necessary for these reasons.

7 Credits reflect opportunities
EcoHomes 2006 Management Health and wellbeing Energy Transport Water Materials Land Use Ecology Pollution Assessment Credits Credits reflect opportunities Tradable method allowing flexibility in design and construction Focuses on quantifiable environmental impacts Operational Embodied This means that the basic approach will be familiar to many of you. Credits will be awarded against the same environmental impact categories used by EcoHomes and many other international schemes. They are there to recognise real opportunities that exist and not to encourage the impossible/impractical. WE all realise that the final goal of ‘sustainable housing’ can ot be achieved overnight. EcoHomes is currently a tradable method so that the optimal means of achieving an overall performance can be tailored to each situation. The focus is on impact across the life of the building so embodied impacts are assed alongside operational ones. This can introduce some conflicts which the method helps to resolve through its scoring structure.

8 Balance Scorecard Management Health and wellbeing Energy Transport
Water Materials Land Use Ecology Pollution Assessment Credits Environmental Weightings Single Score Issue Category Scores BREEAM Rating PASS GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT Issues Covered by BREEAM BREEAM rates the performance of buildings on a simple single scale of PASS to EXCELLENT. But this simple rating draws together a comprehensive assessment process, using 9 headline indicators that cover all of the important aspects of a building’s design and operations This structure makes the assessment transparent Scores are assessed and weighted to provide a single score this rating provides a common vocabulary for environmental performance enabling building across the UK to be compared

9 EcoHomes 2006 Matches Part L1A:2006. Renewable energy
Responsible Sourcing of Materials New credits for: Minimising flood risk Home User Guide Considerate Constructors Scheme Secure by Design Flood Resilience For those of you who are not familiar with the current method, EcoHomes was revised in its 2006 version to cover these issues. This was at least partially in reasponse to the SBTG recommendations without prempting decisions on structure that Government and their SSG should take in relation to the CSH.

10 EcoHomes 2006 ISO 9001- processes
UKAS accreditation - Competent Persons scheme covering assessors. Streamlined procedures to reduce time taken in assessment and minimise costs In addition, BRE have invested significantly in improving our operating systems to cope with the ever increasing demand for assessments. The systems are now accredited under ISO9001 and assessors are covered by a UKAS accredited Competent Persons Scheme. We are also working hard to streamline our services reducing time and cost.

11 Statistics This shows growth that we are responding to, exponential – can say something about Code increasing this too?

12 CSH Consultation Proposal – Governance
Owned by Government Operated by BRE using EcoHomes Systems/procedures Assessed by current assessor network expanded as necessary Flag the future direction of Building Regulations So what is different for the Code. Governance is a big issue as the Code will sit alongside Regulation

13 Levels of Compliance 5 (possibly 6) levels of compliance
Minimum Standards for 6 key issues at Entry Level Higher minimum standards for upper levels in energy and water Level 3 broadly equivalent to EcoHomes 2006 ‘Very Good’

14 Key Issues Mandatory performance levels for 6 key issues at entry level: Energy Efficiency Water Efficiency Water Surface Management Site Waste Management Household Waste Management Use of Materials Higher minimum thresholds for Energy and Water at upper level of the Code Six key environmental areas minimum mandatory standards will have to be met for any dwelling achieving a Code Rating. In other words a house must achieve a specific level in all of these areas in order to gain even the most basic level of compliance. Performing extremely well in one of these areas in isolation will not enable a house to compensate for performing below the required base level in another area. But in Energy and Water this is not enough to warrant a higher rating and for these issues higher levels are required for upper ratings. This recognises the environmental importance of these issues

15 Minimum Performance Standards for Energy/CO2
Based on SAP:2005 calculation Level 1 – Above Building Regulations (ADL1A) Level 3 – ‘Equivalent’ to EcoHomes ‘VERY GOOD’ Level 5 - Carbon neutral (for SAP related energy uses) Energy is key

16 Minimum Energy Standards
DER % improvement over TER as Part L1A:2006 Built Form indicator (HLP) Low Energy Lighting Provision (% of fixed provision) Compliance with other aspects of ADL1A - Fabric Backstop standards Energy standards/methods will be based on those that you are familiar and working with at present. Most of this comes out of the SAP calculation so there is no additional demand for analysis to demonstrate compliance.

17 Minimum Performance Standards for Water
Based on consumption of internal potable water (ltr/p/d or m3/p/a) Level 1 – Above proposed water regulations level Level 3 – cost effective water saving fittings Level 5 – Water recycling /rainwater collection Water will be treated in a similar way to energy. The levels are being set (as we speak) in tandem with the work at Defra/EA on new regulatory levels for water efficiency due to be consulted on later this year.

18 Other Minimum Performance Standards
Surface Water Management – Ensure runoff rates no worse than previous conditions. Materials – Ensure that key building elements are specified to minimise the use of materials with high environmental impacts The other mandatory minimum requirements are as follows.

19 Other Minimum Performance Standards
Site Waste Management – Adopt and implement a site waste management plan including the setting of targets Household Waste – Provide at least 0.8m3 of storage for each house

20 Tradable credits awarded:
for higher performance under these 6 key issues. for remaining non site issues Broadly as in EcoHomes 2006: Locational issues omitted Some additional credit areas In addition to the mandatory levels that the code will require there are a wide range pf additional areas where credits where performance can be recognised. It will be necessary to obtain a proportion of these for eaach level of the code in the same way as the scoring currently works in EcoHomes. Higher performance under the 6 key issues Additional areas that the code will address – areas that are not currently in the EcoHomes method – these are Lifetime Homes and Security. Some of the site related issues covered within EcoHomes relating to off site issues are not proposed to be included in the code.

21 Additional Credit Areas
Zero/Low Carbon Technologies Additional Credits for Zero/Low Carbon technologies where they make a significant contribution to the energy demands Based on the % of total energy demand met As EcoHomes 2006 As some Planning Authorities

22 Additional Credit Areas
Lifetime Homes Based on design drawings, specifications and commitments Results in interim certificate of compliance Security Secured by Design Specification of locks and door/window sets to met recognised standards .

23 Mandatory Standards Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Energy Potable Water Consumption Waste Materials Water Surface Run-off Mandatory Standards Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Energy Potable Water Consumption Waste Materials Water Surface Run-off Pollution Health & Wellbeing Management Environmental Weightings Issue Category Scores Overall Score Tradable Credits The scoring structure becomes more complex when mandatory standards are added into the equation but: These issues are measured broadly in the same way They are not scored as they are mandatory requirements

24 + A Two-stage Process Design Stage Review
Based on design drawings, specifications and commitments Results in interim certificate of compliance + Post Construction Certification Based the design stage review Confirmation of compliance through site records and visual inspection. Another key change from EcoHomes is the decision to make the Code a post construction assessment. Better reflects the actual performnce of the house but this poses interesting problems for housing developers. TO over come these the process will be a 2 stage one with an interim assessment at design stage. This is required to: demonstrate compliance with planning/funding requirements give confidence that a development will meet the required standards before construction assuming of course that it is constructed in accordance with the design!

25 Assessment Process Issue Certificate Independent Licensed Assessors
Builder, Developer, Owner, Occupier Consensus Standard Training & Quality Control ISO9001 Pre BREEAM Advice Quality Control Interim Assessment Formal Assessment Operationally the assessment service would operate in the same manner as EcoHomes does at present. BRE will manage and QA the process under its ISO/UKAS accredited procedures. Existing assessors will be retrained to the code requirements. The only difference being the formal two stage process. Issue Certificate

26 Mandatory Assessments?
Under consideration by ministers Introduction in future Requirement to carry out assessment and display results No specific performance requirements Ministers are considering the possibility of making assessment under the scheme a mandatory requirement. This will not be the case immediately but is likely in the fairly near future so ignoring the Code may not be a good idea! Housing Corporation and English Partnerships will continue to require standards (mostly Level 3 or level 4 in some cases) as they currently require EcoHomes Very Good or Excellent. Planning authorities are increasingly likely to do the same.

27 Regulatory Impact Assessment
BRE is preparing this simultaneously with the setting of standards This covers the cost and practicalities for the industry in implementing the code. The RIA will be subject to peer review. To be published along with the CSH in late Autumn It is of coursefairly easy to conjure up levels of performance which would improve the environmental performance of our housing. But in the end standards must be acheivable and this process is being carreid out in parralle with a formal RIA. BRE are doing this work so that it can properly inform the development of criteria. However the process is being independently peer reviewed to ensure that it is totally unbiased in its analysis of the costs, other impacts and benefits. Trio of Beckett, Hewitt and Prescott (the main depts for Sus. Dev) along with Env Agency and English Partnerships set up Sus. Buildings Task Force BRE is currently involved in talks with ODPM on how BREEAM can be used to develop the Nat Code for Sustainable Buildings

28 EcoHomes will continue to be operated:
CSH and EcoHomes The Code for Sustainable Homes will replace EcoHomes for new homes in England. EcoHomes will continue to be operated: for those developments already registered by the CSH launch date (April 2007?) for refurbishment schemes for existing dwellings (EcoHomes XB) for use outside England Finally – I am often asked what will happen to EcoHomes. There is no benefit in running two competing schemes and EcoHomes will no longer be used for new housing in England. It will be around for other development programmes however, but BRE will strive to keep the two methods as close as possible to avoid confusion in the industry. There are a number of bodies and organisations that stipulate or encourage the use of the EcoHomes benchmark EP: The National Regeneration agency: quite unique, they are both landowner and planning authority so have considerable power over the developer to implement sustainable buildings and infrastructure EP: very good – normal sites, excellent – flagship or exemplar sites PCP – part of Treasury concerned with Govt procurement HC – requirement if HA’s to get funding from HC. Not all get funding through this route. To be moved to ‘Good’ from April 2005.

29 So don’t ignore it! Conclusion The Code will:
be similar to EcoHomes 2006 focus on the building and site include minimum performance levels and a wide range of more flexible criteria be operated through the established assessor network and systems by BRE be operated under a formal UKAS accredited competent persons scheme Finally - it is likely to become mandatory So don’t ignore it!

30 Thank You


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