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Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water?

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Presentation on theme: "Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water?
remember our pie charts?

2 Not lakes.

3 Not lakes.

4 Not lakes...only 0.52% of freshwater is here


6 Certainly not rivers.

7 Certainly not rivers…only 0.01% OF OUR FRESHWATER IS FOUND THERE!

8 Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water?

9 Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water?
down here

10 Most our FRESH usable (aka: available) WATER comes from UNDERGROUND

11 HOW DOES WATER GET DOWN into the ground?
let’s see….

12 Let’s do a little demonstration
Push down a bit of toilet paper into the bottom of your cylinder.

13 Fresh Earth under our feet can be measured 3 ways:
grain size (size of the bits) porosity (space between the bits) permeability (how fast something passes through)

14 Make a quick table substance grain size (large, small, super fine)
porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel sand clay

15 FILL OUT THESE COLUMNS NOW as I give you one of the 3 substances
grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel sand clay

16 We will time how quickly water passes through each layer.

17 fill in the rest of your table
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high sand small medium clay super fine low

18 You should have this… What did we learn? substance
grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high fast sand small medium slow clay super fine low not permeable What did we learn?

19 Water underground…. Super fine grains ________ water.
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel sand clay Super fine grains ________ water. Water goes right _________ gravel into the ground Sandy grains helps __________ our groundwater!

20 What did we learn? Super fine grains ________ water.
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high fast sand small medium slow clay super fine low not permeable Super fine grains ________ water. Water goes right _________ gravel into the ground Sandy grains helps __________ our groundwater!

21 What did we learn? Super fine grains CATCH water.
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high fast sand small medium slow clay super fine low not permeable Super fine grains CATCH water. Water goes right _________ gravel into the ground Sandy grains helps __________ our groundwater!

22 What did we learn? Super fine grains CATCH water.
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high fast sand small medium slow clay super fine low not permeable Super fine grains CATCH water. Water goes right THROUGH gravel into the ground Sandy grains helps __________ our groundwater!

23 What did we learn? Super fine grains CATCH water.
substance grain size (large, small, super fine) porosity (high, medium, low) permeability (fast, slow, none) gravel large high fast sand small medium slow clay super fine low not permeable Super fine grains CATCH water. Water goes right THROUGH gravel into the ground Sandy grains helps FILTER our groundwater!

24 Clean-up

25 check for understanding…
The larger the grain size… the more water is trapped. the more water is filtered. the more water flows into the ground.

26 check for understanding…
The smallest grain size… makes the ground impermeable. filters water the most. helps the ground soak up more water.

27 tiered lesson to follow…skip to 32 otherwise

28 Why did sand filter the water?

29 Why did sand filter the water?
direct collision

30 Why did sand filter the water?
direct collision microscopic charged particle interaction

31 Why did sand filter the water? Why did the clay stop the water?
direct collision microscopic charged particle interaction friendly elephant 15,000 lbs, antibacterialcows and buzz flies (1 million = 1 lb)

32 end Wednesday…

33 how do our groundwater systems work?

34 first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable


36 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL

37 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL

38 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND


40 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND CLAY

41 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND CLAY HARD BEDROCK



44 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND WET T-SHIRT CLAY HARD BEDROCK

45 plastic SLIP’N’SLIDE

46 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND WET T-SHIRT CLAY HARD BEDROCK SLIP’N’SLIDE

47 Where do humans get most of our fresh drinking water? groundwater!!!

48 The water table is the top level of underground water

49 Is the land above a water table permeable or impermeable?

50 the land above a water table permeable!

51 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND WET T-SHIRT LAND ABOVE WATER TABLE CLAY HARD BEDROCK SLIP’N’SLIDE

52 Is the land BELOW THE GROUNDWATER permeable or impermeable?

53 The land BELOW GROUNDWATER impermeable!

54 permeable impermeable
first let’s make sure we know the difference between permeable & impermeable permeable impermeable GRAVEL LOOSE SOIL SAND WET T-SHIRT LAND ABOVE WATER TABLE CLAY HARD BEDROCK SLIP’N’SLIDE LAND BELOW the GROUNDWATER

55 How do we usually access our groundwater?
PERMEABLE impermeable

56 we usually access groundwater BY wells!
PERMEABLE impermeable

57 we usually access groundwater BY wells!
you’ve seen those fake rocks on people’s property… PERMEABLE impermeable

58 we usually ACCESS groundwater BY wells!

59 What’s another word for groundwater?
PERMEABLE impermeable

60 groundwater = aquifer! PERMEABLE AQUIFER impermeable

61 groundwater = aquifer!

62 Sandstone aquifers underground in US.

63 Here’s ALL our aquifers at all sorts of depths!

64 Let’s draw some AQUIFERS!

65 Freshwater SPRINGS shoot out of rocks from just below the water table.

66 Freshwater SPRINGS shoot out of rocks when just below the water table.
Here’s a spring gushing out below the water table

67 Let’s draw!

68 Here’s another spring from rock that must be holding some water back behind these otherwise impermeable rocks!

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