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Leadership and motivation

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1 Leadership and motivation

2 Leadership The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals “When you boil it down, contemporary leadership seems to a matter of aligning people toward common goals and empowering them to take the actions needed to reach them.” Sherman, 1995 Sanctioned vs. non sanctioned leadership

3 Managers Vs Leaders Manager Characteristics Administers A copy
Maintains Focuses on systems and structures Relies on control Short range view Asks how and when Eye on bottom line Imitates Accepts the status quo Classic good soldiers Does things right Leader Characteristics Innovates An original Develops Focuses on people Inspires trust Long range perspective Asks what and why Eye on horizon Originates Challenges the status quo Own person Does the right thing

4 Trait Theories What characteristics or traits make a person a leader?
Great Man Theory: Individuals are born either with or without the necessary traits for leadership Trait theories of leadership sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits that differentiate leaders from non leaders Trait view has little analytical or predictive value Technical, conceptual and human skills (Katz 1974)

5 Behavioral Theories Ohio state studies: initiating structure (task or goal orientation) vs consideration (recognition of individual needs and relationships) University of Michigan studies: Employee oriented ( genuine concern for people) vs production oriented genuine concern for task)

6 Types of leadership styles

7 Charismatic Leadership
Key Characteristics of Charismatic leaders Self Confidence- They have complete confidence in their judgment and ability. A vision- This is an idealized goal that proposes a future better than the status quo. The greater the disparity between idealized goal and the status quo, the more likely that followers will attribute extraordinary vision to the leader. Ability to articulate the vision- They are able to clarify and state the vision in terms that are understandable to others. This articulation demonstrates an understanding of the followers’ needs and, hence acts as a motivating force. Strong convictions about vision- Charismatic leaders are perceived as being strongly committed, and willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve their vision. Behavior that is out of the ordinary- Those with charisma engage in behavior that is perceived as being novel, unconventional, and counter to norms. When successful , these behaviors evoke surprise and admiration in followers. Perceived as being a change agent- Charismatic leaders are perceived as agents of radical change rather than as caretakers of the status quo. Environmental sensitivity- These leaders are able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources needed to bring about change.

8 Transactional vs Transformational leaders
Characteristics of Transactional and transformational leaders Transactional Leaders Contingent Reward: Contracts exchange of rewards for effort, promises rewards for good performance, recognizes accomplishment Management by exception (active): Watches and searches for deviations from rules and standards, takes corrective action. Management by exception (passive): Intervenes only if standards are not met Laissez faire: Abdicates responsibilities, avoids making decisions Transformational Leaders Charisma : Provides vision and sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect trust. Inspiration: Communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, expresses important purposes in simple ways. Intellectual Stimulations: Promotes intelligence, rationality, and careful problem solving. Individualized consideration: Gives personal attention, treats each employee individually, coaches, advises.

9 The Activities of Successful & Effective leaders
Motivation Delegation communication

10 The Activities of Successful & Effective leaders
Type of Activity Description categories Derived from free Observation Exchange Information Routine Communication Handling paperwork Planning Traditional Management Decision Making Controlling Interacting with outsiders Networking Socializing /Politicking Motivating/Reinforcing Disciplining/Punishing Human Resource Management Managing conflict staffing Training/Developing

11 What skills do leaders need?
Personal Skills Coping with stressors Managing time Delegating 2.Managing stress 1.Developing Self-awareness 3. Solving Problems creatively Using the rational approach Using the creative approach Fostering innovation in others Determining values and priorities Identifying cognitive style Assessing attitude toward change

12 Interpersonal Skills Gaining power Exercise influence Coaching
Empowering others Coaching Counseling Listening 5. Gaining power and influences 6. Motivating others 4. Communication supportively 7. Management conflict Diagnosing poor performance Creating a motivating environment Rewarding accomplishment Identifying causes Selecting appropriate strategies Resolving confrontations

13 The Activities of Successful & Effective leaders
Motivation Delegation communication

14 The Activities of Successful & Effective leaders
Motivation Delegation communication


16 What Is Motivation? Direction Persistence Intensity

17 I was saying "I'm the greatest” long before I believed it.

18 “After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.” Direction

19 It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Persistence Means - Refusing to give up

20 Direction Persistence Intensity


22 Theories of Motivation
Needs theories Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Herzberg’s two factor theory Process theories Expectancy Theory Goal Setting Theory

23 Self actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological Prentice Hall, 2001 Chapter 6

24 Maslow's hierarchy

25 Contrasting Views of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Traditional view Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Herzberg's view Motivators Satisfaction No satisfaction Hygiene Factors No dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction

26 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Dissatisfaction and demotivation Not dissatisfied but not motivated Positive satisfaction and motivation Hygiene Factors Motivational Factors Company policies Quality of supervision Relations with others Personal life Rate of pay Job security Working conditions Achievement Career advancement Personal growth Job interest Recognition Responsibility

27 Needs Theories Herzberg Maslow Self-Actualisation Esteem Hygiene
Motivators Factors Maslow Social Safety Physiological Self-Actualisation Esteem

28 Encourages persistency New strategies developed
Goal Setting Goals Specific Difficult Accepted Effects on Person Directs attention Energises Encourages persistency New strategies developed Performance Feedback


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