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Soft Soil Engineering (Class note) Junhwan Lee School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Yonsei University.

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Presentation on theme: "Soft Soil Engineering (Class note) Junhwan Lee School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Yonsei University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soft Soil Engineering (Class note) Junhwan Lee School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Yonsei University

2 Outline Ch. 1. Introduction to soft soil engineering Ch. 2
Outline Ch. 1 Introduction to soft soil engineering Ch. 2 Geological and geotechnical characteristics Ch. 3 Soil exploration and characterization Ch. 4 Settlement analysis Ch. 5 Strength analysis Ch. 6 Ground improvement Ch. 7 Monitoring and construction management Ch. 8 Design example

3 wn Natural water content (wn) gives: Profiling and Check on Soil Type
wn + AL  Strength  Consolidation/Swelling   wn + t + Gs  Degree of Saturation (S)  Storage quality

4 t Total unit weight (t) gives: Total stress (v) = t  depth
Effective stress (’v) = v – u Testing Method: Soft Clay  Trim by Wire Saw Stiff Clay  Trim by Knife Sand (clean)  Estimate  from SPT N

5 Atterberg Limits (AL) ALs give: Upper & Lower limits of Plastic State
ALs + wn (LI)  Indication of Strength  Consolidation/Swelling Problem: LL - Short mixing time, Improper equipment calibration (height, base type) PL - No 3 mm – resulting in high PL

6 ALs and wn Soil profiles and indication of strength

7 Sieve Analysis Purpose:
Soil Classification - e.g., gravel, sand, silt/clay Size distribution of Coarse grained material Drainage condition  Permeability  Density Testing Method: WET SIEVE: Weigh Dry Soil  Wash through #200 Sieve  Dry  Sieve  Weigh  Give Particle Size Distribution

8 Soil Anisotopy Cause Resultant Deposition - Orientation
Stress Induced - OCR Flow/Consolidation Anisotropy Strength Anisotropy Stress-Strain Anisotropy

9 Steady State Condition CRS-V Theory
Compression Curves Steady State Condition CRS-V Theory

10 Testing Methods Oedometer test Rowe-cell tests

11 Preconsolidation pressure Distribution of pore pressure
Issues Preconsolidation pressure Distribution of pore pressure

12 Vertical Drain Methods
PVD Rate of consolidation

13 Issues Preconsolidation pressure Distribution of pore pressure

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