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The Importance of the Nile river

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1 The Importance of the Nile river

2 Analyze Map What is the main climate of Egypt?
Why would the Nile River be so important to the people of Egypt? What is the purpose of this map? What is the name of the two Deserts of Egypt?

3 Analyze Map What are the differences between the Regions of Egypt?
3,000+ Ft Ft Ft Ft 0-200 Ft Below Sea Level What is the purpose of this map / What is it telling us? What is the difference between Upper and Lower Nubia? What is the difference between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt? How would that impact the Nile?

4 Take a Guess! Why does the Nile flow South to North?
Lake Victoria, Africa's biggest lake, is generally thought of as the source of the River Nile. -Hapi was the Nile god -The name Nile comes from the Greek “neilos”, which means valley.

5 Quick Facts About the Nile River
Continent Africa Countries it Flows Through Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Burundi, Egypt Length Approx. 4,160 miles Source Burundi, central Africa / Lake Victoria Mouth Egypt into the Mediterranean Sea

6 White Nile and Blue Nile
White Nile: Starts at Lake Victoria Blue Nile: Starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia These two rivers move towards Sudan and meet to form the Nile River

7 Nile River Valley River Valley a low area between hills that has a running river through it

8 Nile River Delta Delta: a triangular shaped set of tributaries (smaller rivers) that intersect. The bit of land in between them is filled with sediments (nutrients) from the river water. River Mouth: is the part of a river that flows into a lake, reservoir or ocean

9 Black Land vs. Red Land Egyptians called their land Kemet
Kemet means “The Black Land” It was dark from the soil or silt that was left behind from the Nile’s flooding This land was Fertile and good for farming Beyond the Fertile Black Land was the “Red Land” The Red Land was the desert Egyptians did not settle here

10 Springfield is about 175 Feet Above Sea Level
4000 Miles! South North

11 Right Near Us! Northern New Jersey Wallkill River
Wallkill River Flows from Sparta, NJ – Walden, NY and empties into the Hudson River. Difference is the Nile is 4,000 Miles long, approximately the distance from NY to Alaska

12 What Do Egyptians Get From The Nile?
Fertile and Rich Soil Water Transportation and Travel Plants: Papyrus Reeds for paper and Boats Animals Ability to make new tools

13 The Nile River Today About 95 % of Egypt's population live in and around the Nile River Valley Use the Nile for many aspects of Economy Fishing Farming Industry / Travel Tourism

14 Answer the following question in at least 1 sentences
Reflect Answer the following question in at least 1 sentences Imagine you live in ancient Egypt, what is one way you would utilize the Nile to your advantage? IDEAS … Would you invent something new? How would you use the fresh water?

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