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Mission of Hope Presented by Rev. Charles Sagay 2017

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1 Mission of Hope Presented by Rev. Charles Sagay 2017

2 Position of Cameroon On The Map of Africa

3 Our mission field is situated in Molobo in Mbang sub division
Location of Our Mission Field on the Map of Cameroon Our mission field is situated in Molobo in Mbang sub division Mbang

4 About The Mission of Hope
We are located in Molobo in Mbang Sub Division which is found in the Eastern Region of Cameroon. We have a school and a medical clinic/maternity The school and the clinic were created to provide the Baka pygmies an opportunity to receive education and also to cater for their health and other needs. The once wanderers have now settled down, looking up to Jesus and living more organized lives with hope for a better tomorrow for their children. All these has been possible through the demonstration of Gods love by our wonderful partners

5 Bringing Hope to communities
Once we were in complete darkness with no identity but today we have the light of God and many things have been made possible. Thank you so much for bringing Jesus, Love and the hope of glory to us

6 Audrey at 1yr 10 months having breakfast
Audrey was born in our clinic and she is such a lovely baby. Her family lives near the school and from the time she started walking, she used to come to school by herself at exactly lunch time and the cooks had to include her plate during meals. In September she picked an old arm board and came to school when her mother left for farm. It was only after a week that her mother discovered Audrey had enrolled herself as a pupil of Mission School of Hope. This is how your support is changing lives. Audrey is born Audrey at 1yr 10 months having breakfast Even on Saturdays her mother has a difficult task taking her away from school Her 1st day in school

7 Our school buildings We have 3 school buildings with 6 classrooms and an office. We will never forget from where this journey began, when our first school building collapsed, you gave us these beautiful and durable buildings

8 Our Staff Quarters Thanks to your generous support our teachers receive a stable monthly salary and this has brought a lot of stability in their homes and at work which is evident in the performance of the children in school.

9 Thank You For Food

10 Bonne Appétit Eating and drinking Folere a very healthy local drink

11 We are so grateful for our school supplies
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts We are enjoying good education

12 Arts & Crafts Day in School
Our children made some lovely things This child made a nest and it was really awesome

13 Our culture is our identity
We are not being educated to abandon our culture but to make it better

14 Our Clinic New Clinic Old Clinic

15 Our Clinic Has Water & Electricity
Du jamais vue in our community

16 Thank you for keeping us healthy

17 Some Babies Born in our clinic

18 Buying of Medicines and Lab Reagents
Most of our community members cannot afford medical care but thanks to you we are able to care of even those when they are sick

19 Our Farm Spraying can to spray the farm with weed killer chemical. Most of the bush mango we planted did not survive the heat from the sun last year

20 Visit from some Italians Diego & Guiliana
Dressed and marked in the Baka style Enjoying the Baka hospitality Learning simple phrases in Italian Learning how to make thatches

21 We Went to the Capital City of Cameroon called Yaoundé and we visited the Nsimalen International Airport It was a dream trip and the children were dazzled with all they saw, the lights, cars, storey buildings, planes etc The whole community is talking about the trip and how education can take one to places

22 our plans and projects Purchase uniforms and school items for next academic year Continue to provide meals for the children. Continue to provide medical care to our children and community members Purchase of medicies ad reagets Paymet of salaries Maintenance of our well water Expand our Farm More child sponsorship Provide shoes for the children because the ones they have are worn-out

23 Thank you all for always being there for us

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