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Presentation on theme: "YOUTH ACTION HUDSON."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ongoing projects & programs

3 Presidential volunteer service award
Encourages citizens to live a life of service through Presidential gratitude and national recognition The PVSA recognizes US citizens who have achieved the required number of hours over a 12-month time period (or cumulatively over the course of a lifetime)

4 PVSA Send check for $10 to Youth Action Hudson
901 4th St., Suite 207, Hudson, WI 54016 This $10 covers the costs associated with being a certified organization – also covers 40% of awards package cost RECORD OF SERVICE KEY Allows me to certify your hours and order your award

5 Requirements US citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of US Awards are issued for volunteer service only Rule of thumb: not paid, not required Awards are issued by approved Certifying Organizations YAH is the only certifying organization in the City of Hudson

6 To register Visit the PVSA website Create a user account
Create a user account Under the “GET INVOLVED” tab, click on VOLUNTEERS

7 Scroll halfway down the page and click the blue REGISTER button

8 Fill in personal information.
When asked to select FOCUS AREAS, please select EDUCATION as primary focus (as this is YAH’s focus area as the certifying organization). You can select any secondary focus you would like!

9 Entering YAH ros key code
To receive YAH’s RECORD OF SERVICE KEY, please send a $10 check made out to Youth Action Hudson to 901 4th St. Suite 207, Hudson WI This one time fee helps to cover the costs associated with being a certifying organization and also covers 30% of the cost of the award package. Once we receive the check, we will you YAH’s ROS key. TO enter the key, select MY PROFILE and then ADD a RECORD OF SERVICE KEY

10 Entering service hours
To enter volunteer hours, select MY SERVICE

11 Select ADD ACTIVITY. Then fill in the required information.

12 This is an example of what a completed ROS should look like!

13 You can also see your TOTAL HOURS


15 Impact to date 8,000 youth 18 programs 100,000+ hours 26 cities 8 states 960 adult volunteers 150,000+ served $15,000 raised

16 Questions? Learn more
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Facebook: Twitter: YouthActHudson Instagram: YouthActionHudson Questions?


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