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Through sports club partnerships

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2 Through sports club partnerships
Community Collaboration Through sports club partnerships Consistent Terminology Strategic Priority for Sport Canterbury Alignment to wider Trust work Active Communities Impact/Achievements Lessons and Opportunities

3 Terminology is varied Sports Club Partnerships. Sportville’s
Amalgamations Sporting Hubs Joint Ventures Strategic Alliances Sports Club Partnerships.

4 A Strategic Priority Vision - By 2012 Sport Canterbury will:
for Sport Canterbury Vision - By 2012 Sport Canterbury will: Have effective and collaborative partnerships throughout the sporting community. Build capability of people and organisations within the sporting landscape. Critical Success Factors: Provision of leadership Increased impact through a targeted approach.

5 Sports Club Partnership
Alignment to wider Trust work Targeted Sports Targeted Schools Targeted Communities KiwiSport Sports Club Partnership SCPs, whilst a strategic priority of their own, also link well into our wider trust work. Our approach recently has moved to a more focused one, targeting sports, schools and communities, across all our trust pillars to maximise the impact/influence we have. Our Targeted schools and targeted communities are aligned in most instances to a SCPs; Enables both our Young Person’s team and Sport Development team to work collaboratively in those communities Targeted sports - key outcome is increased participation. Participation happens at club level Through both RSOs and SCPs we can help ensure that clubs are supported and are able to deliver quality experiences to their members. A lot of cross over between SCPs clubs and Targeted Sports. KiwiSport - confidence to invest $ into club level (greater reach/influence; management structure) - across a number of sports and a number of schools. Encouraged the facilitation of links between clubs and schools. Earthquake Recovery Key message is collaboration will help recovery; SCPs well placed to lead within their communities and are being seen as a natural leader to speak and act on behalf of sport in their communities. Partnerships, Hubs, Precincts

6 Alignment to wider Trust work
Sports Club Partnership Sport Development Other Trust Support Community Engagement

7 Sports Club Partnership
How do they fit in the sport structure? NSO RSO Sport Canterbury Clubs Sports Club Partnership

8 Active Communities Project
Targeted Outcomes For Sport Canterbury: Increase in our knowledge and capability For each partnership; an increase in: Volunteer numbers Playing members numbers New sport and physical activity opportunities

9 Impacts/Achievements
For Sport Canterbury Internal capability to develop partnerships A proven process that can be replicated in different communities Organisations we can partner with to achieve our outcomes (e.g. KiwiSport, Coach Development)

10 The first step is to establish the working party which has the responsibility to create the Sports Club Partnership - this group works under a terms of reference to provide guidance as to how they operate The next four steps are about the working party shaping what the structure looks like and how it will operate. Using this information we help the working party establish the legal entity and the inaugural board to run the new organisation (these steps take around 8-12 months). Once the board is established the working party’s role changes somewhat, as they hand over responsibility to the board. To assist the board to start their role, we support them with some training, and then work with them on some planning (strategic and facility). Whilst this process is happening - in parallel we start the working party discussing club/community issues they are facing. This helps in a number of ways - it starts clubs understanding each other better, it identifies some potential projects clubs can work on together, it gives the board some ideas as to what they can focus on once they are established.

11 Impacts/Achievements
For partnerships Sports Club Partnership Community Leadership and Advocacy Enhancing Club Membership Supporting Coach Development Providing Administration Support Increased Programme Delivery Meaningful School/Club Engagement Facility Development/ Management

12 Lessons & Opportunities
What have we learnt Shaping quality boards for their community Changing the focus from facilities to services Staying relevant to member clubs Creating resources that are not tagged Volunteer Boards managing paid staff Our continued involvement; lead, support or walk away Territorial Authority/stakeholder support and endorsement

13 Lessons & Opportunities
What options exist? Cross code Intra code Cross sector


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