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A Single Proton m There is electric charge
on the surface of the proton, thus creating a small current loop and generating magnetic moment m. The proton also has mass which generates an angular momentum J when it is spinning. J + + + Thus proton “magnet” differs from the magnetic bar in that it also possesses angular momentum caused by spinning.
Proton interaction with a magnetic field
Moving (spinning) charged particle generates its own little magnetic field Such particles will tend to line up with external magnetic field lines (think of iron filings around a magnet) Spinning particles with mass have angular momentum Angular momentum resists attempts to change the spin orientation (think of a gyroscope) J = mw=mvr B B I L m = tmax / B = IA m v r J L W F t = m B = m B sinq F = IBL t = IBLW = IBA Force Torque
Larmor frequency D E = 2 mz Bo D E = h n n = g/2p Bo
The energy difference between the two alignment states depends on the nucleus Resonance frequencies of common nuclei Note: Resonance at 1.5T = Larmor frequency X 1.5 D E = 2 mz Bo D E = h n n = g/2p Bo g/2p = MHz / Tesla for proton
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Nucleus needs to have 2 properties: Spin charge Nuclei are made of protons and neutrons Both have spin ½ Protons have charge Pairs of spins tend to cancel, so only atoms with an odd number of protons or neutrons have spin Good MR nuclei are 1H, 13C, 19F, 23Na, 31P Hydrogen atoms are best for MRI Biological tissues are predominantly 12C, 16O, 1H, and 14N Hydrogen atom is the only major species that is MR sensitive Hydrogen is the most abundant atom in the body The majority of hydrogen is in water (H2O) Essentially all MRI is hydrogen (proton) imaging
MRI uses a combination of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields
NMR measures the net magnetization of atomic nuclei in the presence of magnetic fields Magnetization can be manipulated by changing the magnetic field environment (static, gradient, and RF fields) Static magnetic fields don’t change (< 0.1 ppm / hr): The main field is static and (nearly) homogeneous RF (radio frequency) fields are electromagnetic fields that oscillate at radio frequencies (tens of millions of times per second) Gradient magnetic fields change gradually over space and can change quickly over time (thousands of times per second)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Radio Frequency Fields
RF electromagnetic fields are used to manipulate the magnetization of specific types of atoms This is because some atomic nuclei are sensitive to magnetic fields and their magnetic properties are tuned to particular RF frequencies Externally applied RF waves can be transmitted into a subject to perturb those nuclei Perturbed nuclei will generate RF signals at the same frequency – these can be detected coming out of the subject Lower Higher
Net magnetization Net magnetization is the macroscopic measure of many spins Small B0 produces small net magnetization M Larger B0 produces larger net magnetization M, lined up with B0 Thermal motions try to randomize alignment of proton magnets At room temperature, the population ratio of anti-parallel versus parallel protons is roughly 100,000 to 100,006 per Tesla of B0 Bo M
To measure magnetization…
We can only measure magnetization perpendicular to the Bo field Need to apply energy to tip protons out of alignment Amount of energy needed depends on nucleus and applied field strength (Larmor frequency) The amount of energy added (duration of the RF pulse at the resonant frequency) determines how far the net magnetization will be tipped away from the Bo axis
Precession = m × Bo = dJ / dt J = m/g dm/dt = g (m × Bo)
If M is not parallel to B, then it precesses clockwise around the direction of B. “Normal” (fully relaxed) situation has M parallel to B, and therefore does not precess Derivation of precession frequency This says that the precession frequency is the SAME as the Larmor frequency = m × Bo = dJ / dt J = m/g dm/dt = g (m × Bo) m(t) = (mxocos gBot + myosin gBot) x + (myocos gBot - mxosin gBot) y + mzoz
Recording the MR signal
Need a receive coil tuned to the same RF frequency as the exciter coil. Measure “free induction decay” of net magnetization Signal oscillates at resonance frequency as net magnetization vector precesses in space Signal amplitude decays as net magnetization gradually realigns with the magnetic field Signal also decays as precessing spins lose coherence, thus reducing net magnetization Lower Higher
NMR signal decays in time
T1 relaxation – Flipped nuclei realign with the magnetic field T2 relaxation – Flipped nuclei start off all spinning together, but quickly become incoherent (out of phase) T2* relaxation – Disturbances in magnetic field (magnetic susceptibility) increase the rate of spin coherence T2 relaxation The total NMR signal is a combination of the total number of nuclei (proton density), reduced by the T1, T2, and T2* relaxation components
Weighted image Different tissues have different relaxation times. These relaxation time differences can be used to generate image contrast T Gray/White matter T Tissue/CSF Proton density T2* - Susceptibility (functional MRI)
Multi-Slice Spiral Images
Multi-Slice EPI Images
Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) MRI
Brain activity Oxygen consumption Cerebral blood flow Oxyhemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin Magnetic susceptibility T2* MRI signal intesity
Magnetic Properties of OxyHb and DeoxyHb
Hb + O2 <-> HbO2 M=cH if c>0, paramagnetic if c<0, diamagnetic Deoxyhemoglobin: paramagnetic (c > 0), with respect to the surrounding tissue Oxyhemoglobin: diamagnetic (c < 0), isomagnetic with respect to the surrounding tissue Rest Normal blood flow Activation High blood flow Oxyhemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin
T2* decay Spin coherence is also sensitive to the fact that the magnetic field is not completely uniform Inhomogeneities in the field cause some protons to spin at slightly different frequencies so they lose coherence faster Factors that change local magnetic field (susceptibility) can change T2* decay action MR signal (S) rest TE t excitation reception
Time series and activation map
Data Analysis Voxel Signal Extraction Signal Raw Data Model Fitting
Fitted Response (Green) Model Fitting Trigger Function Function To Fit Convolution Haemodynamic Response
Statistical Map Generation
Fitted Response (Green) Statistical Map Generation Activation Map
Activation Maps on Anatomical Images
MS Spiral MS EPI 3D Spiral
Visual Activation Maps (ISI=12s)
Group Mapping Subject 1’s Subject 2’s Statistics Map Statistics Map
Activation Map Subject 3’s Statistics Map Subject 2’s Statistics Map
Contrast between groups
Condition 1 Group Statistics Map Condition 2 Group Statistics Map Brain area activated by Condition 1 and Not Condition 2
Data Management Computing Requirement Analysis Individual Map:
Each 4D file from Scanner = 500MB approx Intermediate data = 500MB x 5 Processing time = 1 hour Best done with a script (at least 36 map per exp) Group Map 20 minutes per individual map 30 minutes to generate group map Contrast Map 5 minutes Analysis Hypothesis-driven approaches t-test, cross-correlation, GLM, etc. Data-driven approaches Principal component analysis (PCA), independent component analysis (ICA), and clustering analysis.
Challenges in fMRI Sensitivity Specificity Temporal resolution
signal change is 1-2% at 1.5 T ; SNR in single-shot EPI images is 100 Physiological pulsations cardiac and respiratory head motion instrumental instability Specificity Location of activation ; neurons or veins ? Susceptibility artifacts Temporal resolution Limited by BOLD impulse-response function image sampling rate, and spin relaxation times Spatial resolution Limited by BOLD point-spread function SNR, image sampling rate Non-linearity Neurological and hemodynamic Acoustic noise Higher magnetic fields BOLD signal change DS ~ Ba (1 < a < 2) Standard clinical MRI scanner at 1.5 T Research scanner up to 8 T currently Optimization of image acquisition parameters Optimal echo time (TE) to maximize BOLD signal Optimal repetition time (TR) increase number of images/unit time decrease motion artifacts Suppression of Temporal Fluctuations Head holder modified from a football helmet Image realignment in data processing: cardiac and respiratory signal correction Ultra-fast imaging techniques Single-shot echo-planner imaging (EPI) Single-shot Spiral imaging Post-processing: Denoising
Frontal Systems: Subcortical-thalamic connections
The prefrontal cortex is connected to the striatum and thalamus in parallel but separate circuits that help regulate behavior Topographic mapping of caudate and thalamus Subcortical white matter connections Long tracts Cortical U-fibers Injury anywhere in a circuit can produce a major deficit and small subcortical lesions can mimic large cortical lesions
Frontal Systems Function
Processing speed Mental flexibility Planning Sequencing Decision-making Working memory Behavioral regulation, self-monitoring Motivation, drive, interest White Matter Changes in Aging Volume loss Greater than grey matter loss Greater in frontal lobes Loss of myelin Wallerian degeneration Subcortical ischemic vascular changes Selective vulnerability of frontal regions Increased interstitial fluid
Subcortical Hyperintensities
None Mild Moderate Severe
Diffusion-Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Measures magnitude and direction of water diffusion in biological tissue in 3D. Measures water diffusion in at least 6 directions – we use 12 for better resolution 1.5T magnet or greater capable of diffusion encoding Echo-planar imaging (fast acquisition) Collecting small voxels, scanning takes about 14 minutes Off-line post-processing (Laidlaw lab) Image analysis: Butler Hospital Quantitative Imaging Lab
DTI – Tractography Bammer, 2003
Fiber Clustering
Take home message fMRI vs. DTI
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