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Analysis the performance of vehicles ad hoc network simulation based

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1 Analysis the performance of vehicles ad hoc network simulation based
Supervisor :Dr. Saed Tarapiah

2 Outline Introduction. Overview of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network.
Overview of NS-2 Network Simulator . Overview of Ad- hoc Routing protocols in VANET. Run the Simulation. Result and Conclusion.

3 Introduction With the transportation revolution , possibility of accident on the road. Simulation tools give to us a comprehensive study of the network before apply it in real environment. We evaluate performance of different routing protocol on the basis performance metric, in the cluster based VANET environment . Random waypoint and Freeway Mobility models are applied. The Simulation studies are conducted using NS2.

4 Type of Wireless Networks
Wireless network typically work in one of two topology Ad –Hoc network :Its composed only nods , there will not be any access point in the network nods communicate directly with one another as Infrastructure network : every wireless device on the network link up with a central access point , which usually is wireless router as

5 Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
Vehicles act as nodes to establish a wireless connection between them. Vehicle can communicate with another vehicle directly ,Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication. Vehicle can communicate to an infrastructure such as a Road Side Unit (RSU), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure(V2I). VANET communication range is one thousand meters .

6 VANET Architecture

7 Multi-Hop Vehicles ad-hoc network
Transmission area for green car Transmission area for red car Transmission area for yellow car

8 Types of Mobility Models
Random Waypoint (RW) Model Freeway Mobility(FM) Model Manhattan Mobility (MH) Model

9 Ad Hoc Routing Protocol

10 DSR Protocol D will check packet and find it own address ,D would know that node S want route to D


12 AODV Protocol

13 AOMDV Protocol In each route discovery find multiple route between source and destination Use alternative rout in route frailer Reduction delay It has an advertise hop count for the REQ with same seq number

14 AOMDV Protocol

15 DSDV Protocol The Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) protocol is a table-driven routing protocol where each node maintain a table that contain the shortest distance and the first node on the shortest path to every other node in the network.

16 Routing update

17 Link Failed

18 Overview of NS-2 Network Simulator
Discrete Event Network Simulator. Large user base. Open source (Cheap). Support UNIX and Windows platforms. Complex scenarios can be easily tested ,results can be quickly obtained. Capable of simulating wired and wireless networks. Supported protocols. C++ and OTCL Languages supported.

19 NS-2 usage diagram

20 Parameters in Our Simulation
Value Network Simulator NS 2.35 Channel Wireless Propagation Model Two Ray Ground Mac address IEEE Simulation Time 200sec. Packet Size 512 byte Transmitter Range 250 m Area of Mobility Model Random Waypoint model 500X500 m2 Freeway Model 1000 X11 2 lanes (5m on each lanes ) Speed of vehicles Km/h Pause Time (sec) 2.0 sec Packets Rate 5 Packets/s Traffic Source CBR Number of nodes 10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50, 60, 70 Routing protocol AODV, AOMDV, DSDV, DSR

21 Performance Parameters
Throughput The throughput is defined as the total amount of data a receiver actually receives from the sender divided by the time it takes for receiver to get the last packet. Throughput = received data*8/data transmission period End to End delay End-to-End delay indicates how long it took for a packet to travel from the source to the destination. End-to-End delay depends on following components: Transmission Delay (TD) ,Propagation Time (PT) ,Processing Delay (PD) Queuing Delay (QD) End-to-End Delay = TD + PT + PD + QD. Packet Delivery Ratio This is the ratio of the number of data packets successfully delivered to the destinations to those generated by sources. Packet Delivery Fraction = received packets/sent packets * 100

22 Results


24 Throughput


26 Conclusion The Large End to End delay appears in DSR protocol.
DSDV have lower throughput and packet Delivery Ratio. DSDV it acts well in E2E delay when the network size is changed. AODV is suitable in throughput for small and large environment. AOMDV gives the middle pattern in all metrics.


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