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Can masers trace the Galactic magnetic field?
The MAGMO Survey Project to examine magnetic fields traced by the Zeeman splitting of OH masers Jimi Green | A Neapolitan of Maser Science 2013 | Sydney 21st May 2013 CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE
Can hydroxyl (OH) masers map the Galactic magnetic field?
Overview Can hydroxyl (OH) masers map the Galactic magnetic field? Introduction Zeeman splitting of OH masers Star formation environment of OH masers Magnetic fields of OH masers Description of MAGMO Aims Collaborators Observations Results from MAGMO First results of pilot region Expected full results Summary Three main sections: -overview of hydroxyl star formation masers – their physics and environment, and some details of magnetic field work with maser Zeeman splitting -details on the MAGMO project, observations and techniques -results including that of the pilot study and those expected from the full survey MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 2
Zeeman splitting of OH masers
Introduction Paramagnetic molecule Large splitting factors for maser transitions Narrow linewidths (typically <1 kms-1) Field strengths of the level of a few mG Green et al. 2012 Zeeman splitting enables us to determine: (total) field strength & line-of-sight orientation of the in situ magnetic fields basically OH masers are great polarimetric tools OH is a paramagnetic molecule therefore high levels of polarisation are observed, particularly circular polarisation (up to 100%) OH has a large splitting factor, emission is spectrally narrow, and we have mG field strengths giving clear zeeman pairs Zeeman splitting enables us to determine the (total) strength and line-of-sight orientation of the in situ magnetic fields. MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 3
+ + + + + + Star formation environment of OH masers Introduction
Fish & Reid 2007 Temperatures: 30 K to >150 K H2 densities: 106 to 107 OH abundances: 10s to 100s cm-3 + + + + + + ~20 mpc (4000 AU) Image credit: Robert Hurt (NASA/JPL, IPAC/SSC) The OH masers we're interested in with this project are those associated with high-mass star formation, thus those within the spiral arms These masers are known, from VLBI studies, to be located on the edge of UCHII regions surrounding forming high mass stars As we've heard this morning we know the Galaxy has a large scale ordered field in the diffuse medium, we also have seen that the ionized material of the UCHIIs appear to exhibit the orientation of Galactic magnetic field, this leads us to... OH masers lie on edge of Ultra-Compact HII regions (from VLBI) Large scale magnetic field known from rotation measure observations (e.g. Brown et al and van Eck et al. 2011) Ultra-Compact HII regions known to exhibit orientation of Galactic magnetic field (e.g. Harvey-Smith et al. 2011) R. Hurt: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 4
+ + + + + + Magnetic fields of OH masers Introduction
Fish & Reid 2007 Temperatures: 30 K to >150 K H2 densities: 106 to 107 OH abundances: 10s to 100s cm-3 + + + + + + van Eck et al. 2011 ~20 mpc (4000 AU) ... the possibility of tracing these large scale fields with OH maser zeeman splitting – again VLBI studies have shown often coherent field direction within a given star forming region and limited studies have found coherence of field orientation across multiple sites of star formation, over scales of a few kpc, however previous studies have been limited by scale, statistics or the inhomogeneity of data, and this leads us to the MAGMO project... Masers typically exhibit consistent line-of-sight magnetic field orientations with comparable field strengths (of a few mG) Limited scale studies have found coherence of field orientation across multiple sites of star formation, over scales of a few kpc [e.g. Davies 1974 , Reid & Silverstein 1990, Fish et al. 2003, Han & Zhang 2007 compilation] R. Hurt: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 5
Aims of MAGM Project description
Examine magnetic fields pervading regions of high-mass star formation Measure Zeeman splitting of OH masers to determine the strength and orientation of the in situ magnetic field Correlate homogeneous observations of 100s of sites of high-mass star formation spread throughout the spiral arms of the Galaxy Test if the orientations of weak large-scale magnetic fields can be maintained in the contraction (and field amplification) to the high densities of high-mass star formation Onto details of the project... the overall aim is to examine the magnetic fields pervading high-mass star formation through Zeeman splitting, increasing previous magnetic field studies of this type by an order of magnitude. MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 6
Collaborators of MAGM Naomi McClure-Griffiths James Caswell
Project description Naomi McClure-Griffiths CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science James Caswell Tim Robishaw NRC-HIA, DRAO Lisa Harvey-Smith Sui Ann Mao University of Wisconsin + Methanol Multibeam Collaboration acknowledge MMB team for target sources MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 7
Observations of MAGM Project description
Targets: 6.7-GHz methanol masers (from Methanol Multibeam survey), exclusive tracers of high-mass star formation Utilised new broadband backend and 16cm receivers on the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) Ground-state OH transitions (1612, 1665, 1667 & 1720 MHz) Full Stokes polarisation (I, Q, U, V) 16 tunable ‘zoom’ bands of 1 MHz width with 2048 channels (velocity resolution ~0.1 kms-1) at 2 Intermediate Frequencies. ~30' primary beam, fitted positional accuracy ~0.4'' ‘snapshot’ observing mode with 4/5 cuts across 12 hr period, ~50mJy rms channel noise ~30 arcmin primary beam, 6 km array configuration => ~7 arcsec synthesized beam => fitted positional accuracy ~0.4 arcsec ~30mins on source => 50mJy rms channel noise MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 8
Carina-Sagittarius Arm Tangent
Results (Green et al. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 2530) + 6.7-GHz methanol masers (Green et al. 2012) Hα emission (SHASSA, Gaustad et al. 2001) Carina-Sagittarius Crux-Scutum Perseus Norma Here are the pilot observations, made towards the 23 sites of maser emission in the Carina-Sagittarius spiral arm tangent, seen here in longitude-velocity – this is a nice region to look as its straightforward to associate structurally, we detected 17 sites of OH masers across six regions of star formation (9 new discoveries), seeing both high linear and high circular polarsation, and crucially 11 statistically significant zeeman pairs with positive field strengths in the range of 1 to 8 mG The probability of this occurring by chance is <2% Here is the comparison with the RM measurements - positive RM measurement and positive Zeeman however the two conventions mean the first indicates a field towards us, the second away from us, i.e. opposite orientation which has led us to reinvestigate the zeeman splitting convention Spiral arm colours: Yellow = Perseus Orange = Crux-Scutum Purple = Carina Sagittarius Blue = Local Greyscale Halpha to highlight major HII regions. symbols as per key 17 sites of OH masers across 6 star forming regions, 11 Zeeman pairs Coherent magnetic field orientation observed across ~5 kpc of spiral arm Opposite (!) orientation to that indicated by rotation measures MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 9
Summary of full survey results
Results (Green et al. in prep) Observations completed (~500 hrs between 2010 and ) All 6.7-GHz methanol masers between longitudes 186° and 20° observed Data reduced through python scripted MIRIAD ~500 (SF) 1665-MHz OH masers, ~ MHz Detection rate implies ~300 Zeeman pair measurements across the Galaxy Frequent, high % circular polarisation Infrequent, high % linear polarisation Coherent field orientations over several kpc => field direction conserved Observations done (~43 days observations over last 1-2 years) Preliminary results encouraging Expected numbers 500 of which approximately 50% will be new detections More generally, this implies (as per discussion of Han & Zhang 2007) that large-scale magnetic fields either play a dominant role in the development of molecular clouds and the process of star for- mation (in accordance with the recent review by Crutcher, Heiles & Troland 2003), or the fields are unaffected by the process. Either way, they are conserved during the contraction to the small scales and high densities of star formation despite the dynamically disrup- tive processes involved. Theoretical modelling of high-mass star formation concurs, forecasting that the direction of the magnetic field pervading the larger molecular cloud will be conserved on the collapse of material into star-forming regions (e.g. Li & Shu 1996; Allen, Li & Shu 2003). MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 10
Still to come... Results Full analysis of in situ arm fields (combining longitude-velocity with astrometric distances) Zeeman field orientation versus Rotation Measure orientation VLBI followup results – high resolution Zeeman pair identification Associated excited-state OH analysis – Zeeman pair confirmation MAGMO (targeted survey of star formation OH with I,Q,U,V) GASKAP & SPLASH (blind survey of all OH with I,V) POSSUM (rotation measure complement) northern hemisphere survey (& Galactic plane completion) reiterate preliminary result mention synergy with GASKAP and POSSUM VLBI follow up Davies 1974 Reid & Silverstein 1990 Fish et al. 2003 Brown et al. 2007 van Eck et al. 2011 MAGMO ? MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 11
Still to come... All the extras
VLBI follow-up observations - 4 sources observed with Long Baseline Array (LBA) – Zeeman pairs identifications confirmed Excited-state OH studies – 30 bright sources observed with Australia Telescope Compact Array with full Stokes polarisation, Pi component identification ~15% of Zeeman pairs Variability studies – long term, high cadence monitoring similar to G12.889 HI Self Absorption study – HI observed simultaneously with maser transitions Masers associated with evolved stars (serendipitous MHz detections) Greyscale Halpha to highlight major HII regions. symbols as per key MAGMO | Jimi Green | Page 12
Thank you Neapolitan of Maser Science 2013 | Sydney
Zeeman splitting Conventions & definitions
Splitting of otherwise degenerate energy levels in presence of magnetic field. Maser emission seen from transitions between levels. Three components: σ+, σ-, π. MAGMO | Jimi Green | Extra Page
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