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Showing patterns & trends

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Presentation on theme: "Showing patterns & trends"— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing patterns & trends
Graphing Your Data Showing patterns & trends A picture is worth a thousand words!

2 Types of data (information)
Variables what you measure in an experiment _______________________ __________________________ ___________________________* _________ ____________________: it only changes because we chose how it would change _____________________ _________________________________** ____________________: we don’t know how it will change until we do the experiment ________________ Water Depth (m) * Temperature ℃ ** 10 25 20 18 30 33 The effect of _____________ on _____________ INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT

3 Examples of experiments 1
How does fertilizer affect the growth rate of plants? we set up an experiment testing different amounts of fertilizer on different plants & measuring the growth (height) of the plants: independent variable (X-axis)? ________________________ dependent variable (Y-axis)? The effect of _____________ on _____________

4 Examples of experiments 2
How does exercise affect heart rate of 10th grade student? we set up an experiment testing different lengths of time of exercise (minutes) on the heart rate of students: independent variable (X-axis)? ________________________ dependent variable (Y-axis)? The effect of _____________ on _____________

5 Examples of experiments 3
What’s the favorite drink of students? we set up an experiment surveying students and asking which is their favorite drink : independent variable (X-axis)? ________________________ dependent variable (Y-axis)? The effect of _____________ on _____________

6 Making pictures out of data
How’s a critter to choose? Graphs ___________________________ graphing data that shows continuous change graphing data that is in disconnected groups

7 elevation (feet above sea level)
How does elevation affect temperature? elevation (feet above sea level) temp. (°C) 30 500 25 1000 20 1500 15 2000 10 2500 5 30 25 20 temperature 15 10 1200 ft? 5 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 elevation

8 Which drink do you like best?
number Coke 1 Pepsi Water 4 Iced tea Gatorade 3 6 5 4 number of students 3 2 Red Bull? 1 Coke Pepsi water tea Gatorade type of drink

9 Any Questions??

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