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Presented by Vaughan Heussenstamm Kyle Gillis Berry Strawberry

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1 Presented by Vaughan Heussenstamm Kyle Gillis Berry Strawberry
Shamanic Leadership Presented by Vaughan Heussenstamm Kyle Gillis Berry Strawberry

2 Agenda for the Day Boal imitation exercise Introduce Shamanism
Boje Leadership is Theater Chapter 2 Canvas Questions Youtube video on Shamanism Individual groups Q&A Peer Review sheets

3 Leadership is Theatre A round of rhythm and movement Boal Exercise
Each group stands in a circle. One person moves into the center and makes a ridiculous movement, and rhythmically saying “I feel healthy!”. Another person trades places with them, making up a new movement and saying “I feel happy!”. A third person does the same, saying “I feel terrific!”. Everyone should get a turn in the middle.

4 Meaning of the term: The word Shaman translates to “the one who sees in the dark” or “the one who knows” The name comes from a Tungusic tribe in Siberia (1) Shamanic training is called “journey of the wounded healer” (7) The Greeks believed Shamans gained their abilities by healing themselves The ability to easily meditate in a Shamanic trance is influenced by genetics, and the practice alters DNA structures in the practitioners (xxv).

5 History of the practice:
Tribal peoples found in “Siberia, Asia, Africa, Australia, Greenland, North, Central, and South America, and Northern Europe” contain shamanic foundations to their societies (2). Evidence of Shamanic societies date back 60,000 years to a Neanderthal found in Iran. This body was buried with various healing plants, indicating that it was done ceremoniously (5). Indigenous hunter-gatherers would meditate before hunting to ceremoniously communicate with the spirits of the animals they intended to kill, asking for their pelts and meat (19). In modern time shamans are community leaders who practice types of ritual and meditation assist them in healing themselves, others, and improving the community as a whole (19).

6 Methods and Beliefs: Shamanism utilizes a type of meditation that is intended to achieve direct revelation through a hypnotic trance state. A commonality throughout differing Shamanic societies is the belief in a non-physical world which can be visited by certain individuals through ritual meditation. Hypnosis is a certifiable practice modern psychologists use to heal trauma through an altered state of consciousness. Shamans, much like psychologists, use this science to heal their own trauma, and others’ in their communities. In Shamanism it is a method of spiritual exploration as well as a method for problem-solving. Ingerman, Sandra & Wesselman, Hank. Awakening to the Spirit World: the Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation. Sounds True Inc., 2010, Boulder, Colorado.

7 Book Leadership is Theater
Leadership is working together with other people to shape a narrative of the past and generating a collective future. Narrative: this is created when you reflect on something that has happened to you, remaking that incident into a meaningful story. Living Story: this is the narrative you create which molds your identity. Antenarrative: this type of narrative is a goal, like a story, that you project into the future. It doesn’t have to have a beginning middle or end. Leadership is more effective with leader theater awareness

8 Book Canvas Questions 1a) How can you make a spiritual walk into a narrative for leading? 1b) They say that leadership is followership. When is this true and not true?

9 Youtube

10 Youtube Drumming Session

11 Q&A

12 Peer Review

13 “This is a super-important quote”
- From an expert

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