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College Application Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "College Application Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 College Application Webinar
Hi Everyone! My name is Kelsey and I’m an Indigenous Outreach Officer at Murrup Barak. For this webinar, I will take you through the residential application process. With the end of the year approaching, I know things are pretty busy. You do not want to miss key task that come with applying to university!

2 Colleges accomadation
After completing your VTAC application, make sure you apply for accommodation straight away! You do not want to wait until the last minute! Pictured is what a room looks like at Ormond college. Comfy!

3 Application -screen grab -link
Applications for 2018 Semester 1 are now open! Make sure you read all the information CAREFULLY before applying. If at any point you have problems completing your application, contact your 1st preference school immediately! Your application will not be considered until it is complete! Apply at:

4 Application Process IMPORTANT *
At the end of the application process you will be asked to print and sign a transcript of your submission. You must then post or this transcript with a cheque or Credit Card payment for $75 and two passport sized photographs of yourself to the College of your first preference. Before you begin your application, please note that you will need access to a printer/scanner in order to sign a transcript of your submission. You will also need to send in a passport size photo of yourself to your 1st preference school. Lastly, there is an application fee. If for some reason you are not able to pay for the fee, please contact the Outreach Team. Details will be at the end of the webinar.

5 Now. Starting your application
Now! Starting your application! You will first need to create an account.

6 Record your id ID Number here
An application ID will be generate. Remember that ID number. Write it down, save it, do whatever you need to do in order to alway have that handy. You will need it in the future

7 Preference There are 11 residential colleges to choose from. Each offers something uniquely different from recreational sports, dietary options, the social scene, just to name a few. I strongly suggest you have a look at the residential website to get a feel on the college that best suits you. On this page, you will rank your college from 1st preference, down to the least. Remember to chose wisely! 

8 Personal Details This next step is all about you! Fill out the indicated sections. Make sure you identify yourself as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. If not, exit the webinar now! If you do not identify, you will miss out on support and opportunities with Murrup Barak.

9 Family Details Simply complete this family details section. You would have to either put in your mother, father, or guardians information in. 

10 Referee In this section you have to put in details of two responsible people that are not close relatives or friends. It can be, but not limited to) an old teacher, liaison officer, careers advisor, doctor, neighbour, pastor, etc. 

11 Education History -Domestic -VTAC ID
On this page, fill out as much information as possible. That includes ATAR score, VTAC ID, classes taken, etc. It is however mandatory to type your school name and ‘domestic student’, which you don’t get anymore domestic then us!

12 Supplementary History
This is actually a very serious portion of the application that can be overlooked. If you have any special needs (medical, dietary, disabilities, family circumstances, etc) they need to be indicated here. For example, if you are vegetarian, Vegan, or allergic to any food where you need an epipen, the dinning hall must be aware.

13 Financial Details -Melbourne Indigenous Scholarship
// Now is the time to start considering how you will be paying for college. If you are Abstudy eligible, college is covered. Just make sure you contact abstudy in a timely matter. If you are not Abstudy eligible, you are able to seek financial assistance through your college with scholarships like the Melbourne Indigenous Scholarship that is indicated with the red arrow. You are also able to contact the Student Success Team at Murrup Barak for scholarships and bursaries. If you have not already applied for Access Melbourne via your VTAC application, please do so as soon as possible. All Indigenous students are eligible for that.

14 Semester One Entry -Oct 31st -available colleges screen grab
31st of October -Oct 31st -available colleges screen grab Do not forget that the closing date to apply for colleges is the 31st of October!  Applying early for college will bring about a smooth transition into University.

15 College Contacts -screen grab of contacts
Now that you have completed your VTAC application and ready to start you college application, you are on the home stretch Into The University of Melbourne. Contact your college regarding your application status. 

16 Murrup Barak Outreach Team
Kelsey Bonds Josef Tye Contact us if you have any inquiries. All the best!

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