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Published byGabriella Campbell Modified over 7 years ago
Summary and Analysis of DCS Budget and Annual Performance Plan (2015/16)
Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services 14 April 2015
Introduction This presentation is intended to summarise and flag issues raised in the document presented to Members of the PC on Justice and Correctional Services. Amongst other things, this presentation will touch on: Overview of DCS budget allocation in comparison to the JCPS Cluster allocation A summary of key audit findings made during the 2013/14 financial year An analysis of broad allocations as well as allocations to each of the five programmes contained in the Vote and the targets as outlined in the 2015/16 APP
DCS budget in Context Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster
2015/16 (R’000) % of Cluster Vote Correctional Services 13% Defence and Military Veterans 28% Independent Police Investigative Directorate 234.8 0.14% Justice and Constitutional Development 9.5% Police 48.5% Total for Cluster 23.1% of total national budget Total National Budget
DCS Budget in Context (Cont..)
DCS received R billion for 2015/16 This constitute 3% (3.1% in 2014/15) of total National Budget 13% (13.2% in 2014/15) of total allocation for JCPS cluster. Cluster received R billion (R billion in 2014/15) which is 23% of National Budget. DCS budget increased by R895.8 million (4.54% in nominal terms) compared to the 2014/15 budget. A total of R (68%) billion has been channelled towards compensation of employees
DCS Budget in Context (Cont..)
A total of R178 million earmarked for construction of perimeter security fence and intercom installation Another R100 million has been allocated for creation of 787 additional bed and support facilities at Standerton. The project is still at tender stage.
Summary of Key findings of Auditor General for 2013/14
Expenditure management: Effective steps were not taken to prevent irregular fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Fruitless expenditure amount was R1.1 million while irregular expenditure amounted to R187 million Internal audit: the internal audit function did not submit reports detailing the performance against the annual audit plan to the Audit Committee every quarter as required by Treasury Regulations3.2.7(d) Leadership: The department had key positions that were vacant for significant periods of time. These key positions were occupied by employees in an acting capacity Human resources: funded vacant posts were not always filled within 12 months as required by Public Service Regulation 1/V/D/ 2(b)
Programme allocation (Administration)
R billion allocated (R billion in 2014/15) for this programme. This is an increase of 2.03% as compared to 2014/15 allocation. This is the second largest programme in terms of budget allocation and it takes 18% (18% in 2014/15) of total DCS budget for 2015/16 financial year. The bulk of the budget for this programme is allocated to compensation of employees (73.8%), goods and services (23%) and computer services (3.8%).
Programme allocation (Administration Cont..)
Spending trends: The programme managed to spend 100% of its allocation in 2013/14 whereas in the 3rd quarter of 2014/15 expenditure was at 73.3% which was 0.5% higher than projected spending of 72.8%
2015/16 targets for Administration Programme
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Workplace Skills Plan officials trained officials trained 15 000 Target achieved ( officials trained) Filling of vacancies 98% 97% Not achieved (only 56.9% vacancies filled)
Administration Programme (Comments/Questions)
The Department should provide the Committee with detailed plan including time frames on how the target to improve the vacancy rate will be achieved for 2015/16. The Department should provide the Committee with an update on all outstanding ICT projects managed by SITA including RDOMS as this is a priority area listed in the Seven-Point Plan. The Department should indicate whether there are vacancies under ICT branch, if yes, how long were these positions vacant? And when will these positions be filled? The Department should also indicate the amount of outstanding debt dispute between DCS and SITA and what are the plans to resolve this?
Programme allocation (Incarceration)
R billion (R billion in 2014/15) allocated for this programme. This is an increase of 6.35% as compared to the 2014/15 allocation. This is the largest allocated programme in terms of the budget and it takes 62% (62% in 2014/15) of the total budget allocation. Spending over the medium term will reach R14.4 billion (in 2017/18) as a result of spending on compensation of employees which is expected to grow to R10 billion due to additional allocation for improved conditions of services. Spending will also focus on upgrading of 16 facilities which will increase the total bed space by in 2017/18.
Programme allocation (Incarceration Cont..)
Allocation for Sub-programes: Security Operations is allocated an amount of R6.6 billion which is 50% of the total allocation for Incarceration Programme. Facilities sub-programme is allocated an amount of R3.8 billion which translate to 29% of the total allocation for Incarceration programmes Offender Management Sub-programme has been allocated an amount of R1.8 billion which translate to 14% of the total allocation Remand Detention has been allocated R822 million (6%)
2015/16 Targets for Incarceration Programme
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Assaults 3.9% 4.1% 2% Not achieved (4.6%) Unnatural deaths 0.034% 0.035% 0.027% Not achieved (0.039%) Escapes 0.025% 0.026% 0.032% Not Achieved (0.038%) Increase number of bed space by 518 by 480 by 471 Not achieved (no bed space created) Reduce overcrowding 31% 27% or less 30% or less Achieved (overcrowding was at 29.70)
Incarceration Programme (Comments/Questions)
The Department should provide the Committee with an update on uniforms for remand detainees. How many centres have been supplied with uniforms and how many centres are outstanding. When will this process be finalised? Who is the service provider for the uniforms? How much has been budgeted for this project? The Committee should request the department to provide a status report regarding the construction of Ceres and Vanrhynsdorp correctional centres.
Programme allocation (Rehabilitation)
R billion (R billion in 2014/15) allocated for 2015/16. This is a decrease of 1.23% as compared to 2014/15 financial year. This is the second lowest allocated programme and takes only 5.6% (again 6% in 2014/15) of the allocated budget. Spending over the medium term will reach R1.4 billion by 2017/18. This will be used amongst others, to increase the number of offenders taking part in adult education and training programmes from a projected (in 2015/16) to (in 2017/18)
Programme allocation (Rehabilitation Cont..)
Spending trends: Expenditure for 2012/13 was 87% whereas for 2013/14 expenditure improved to 95.2%. In the third quarter of 2014/15 expenditure was behind by 9.6% (or R112.3 million). This means there are possibilities of under spending at the end of the financial year for this programme.
2015/16 Targets for Rehabilitation Programme
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Increase % of offenders participating in correctional programme targeted at offending behaviour to 68% Not target set 60% Achieved (64%) Increase % of offenders involved in Further Education and Training mainstream programs to 548 80% No target set
2015/16 Targets for Rehabilitation (Cot..)
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Increase % of offenders involved in Further Education and Training Mainstream program To 67% 57% Achieved (79.9%) Skills training To 80% 80% No target set
Rehabilitation Programme (Comments/Questions)
LESSONS FROM THE PAST Rehabilitation Programme (Comments/Questions) In 2013/14 the target for participation in Further Education and Training College programmes was not achieved as a result of lack of funding from skills fund. The Committee should enquire from the department if whether this challenge regarding lack of funding has been addressed ? If yes, how? If no, why not? The budget allocation for rehabilitation programme has been reduced (by 1.23%) as compared to previous financial year. The Committee should enquire from the department what informs this reduction in allocation for rehabilitation programmes.
Rehabilitation programme (Comments/Questions)
The Committee should also enquire from the department what are the outcomes of the Ministerial Task Team Investigation on offenders serving sentences of less than 24 months without Correctional Sentence Plans. The department should inform the Committee about their plans with regard to the retention and attraction of scarce skills such as psychologists and social workers The NDP also calls for the prioritisation of youth in prison. What steps will the Department be taking to ensure this group of offenders is targeted for all programmes to ensure rehabilitation and to reduce recidivism? What is the progress with regard to the number of centres registered as full-time schools?
Programme allocation (Care)
R billion (R billion in 2014/15) allocated to this programme. This is an increase of 2.89 as compared to 2014/15 allocation. Care programme only takes 8.7% of the total budget allocation. Spending focus over the medium term will be on increasing the percentage of inmates tested for HIV from 68.7% (in 2013/14) to 90% (in 2017/18), and Increase TB cure rate from a projected 80% (in 2014/15) to 85% (in 2017/18)
Programme allocation (Care)
Spending trends: In 2013/14 expenditure was 100% whereas in 2012/13 it was 96.8%. Expenditure for third quarter of 2014/15 was 74.6%. This is 3.2% higher than projected which translate to over-spending of R56.5 million.
2015/16 Targets for CARE programme
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Increase % of Inmates tested for HIV to 80% 50% Achieved (68.7%) Increase the % of HIV positive inmates on antiretroviral therapy to 96% 95% 94% Achieved (95.70%) Increase the % of Inmates who are on TB treatment to 85% 75% Not provided
Care programme (Comments/Questions)
The fight against TB in correctional centres has been identified in the State of the Nation Address for 2015 as a priority. What are the plans to realise this priority of government? The Committee should enquire as to, what are some of the existing initiatives implemented by the department with regard to the fight against TB in correctional centres? The Committee should also enquire from the department what are the plans in place to retain and attract scarce skills such as health care workers and pharmacists especially in remote correctional centres.
Programme allocation (Social Reintegration)
R891.2 million (R886 million in 2014/15) allocated to this programme. This is an increase of 0.55% as compared to 2014/15. Social Reintegration only takes 4.3% of the total DCS budget. Over the medium term, spending focus will be on the rollout of electronic monitoring which will cater for the increase of people placed under electronic monitoring from 500 (in 2014/15) to 1500 (in 2017/18).
Programme allocation (Social Reintegration Cont..)
Spending trends: Spending trends of this programme shows a positive improvement from 90% (in 2012/13) to 100% expenditure (in 2013/14). Expenditure at the end of the third quarter of 2014/15 was 68.9% which is 5.6% lower than planned spending of 74.5%. This translate to under-spending of R49.5 million
2015/16 Targets for Social Reintegration Programme
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Increase the % of probationers without violations to 80% no historical information Number of victims participating in restorative justice 6000 victims and offenders 2000 victims and offenders Increase the % of parole without violation to 95% 80% 79.9% Achieved (exceeded by 14.2%)
2015/16 Targets for Social Reintegration (Cont..)
Indicator 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Achieved or not in 2013/14 Parolees reintegrated through halfway houses 79% (110/140) parolees 80 parolees No historical information
Social Reintegration program (Comments/Questions)
The Committee should request the department to explain the formula used to determine the number of victims (6000) and probationers and parolees (76 985) who will participate in restorative justice. The Committee should request the department to provide progress report on the implementation of electronic monitoring system for probationers and parolees, including challenges experienced. What are the budget implications for these challenges? This programme was behind spending plans by R49.5 M in the third quarter of 2014/15. The department should provide reasons for this and how has this affected service delivery.
2014 Budget Review and Recommendations Report
The following recommendations were made by the PC on Correctional Services: The Committee recommended that should austerity measures be imposed on DCS, they should be of such a nature that they do not hamper the delivery of the rehabilitation and reintegration services at the DCS’s core. Interventions that will strengthen its leadership, risk and financial management, and security operations should also not be compromised.
National Treasury Response to the 2014 BRRR of the PC on Correctional Services
Spending reductions were implemented on non-core goods and services items such as catering and entertainment, consultants, travelling and subsistence, and venues and facilities. In allocation letter to the departments, the National Treasury indicated that reductions should be effected in such a manner that front line services delivery to the public should not be compromised.
CONCLUSION It is expected that this budget and subsequent budgets will address recommendations from the National Development Plan. The Department should ensure that subsequent Strategic Plans are aligned with the Seven-Point Plan as recommended by the National Development Plan.
Thank, You
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