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The Timeline Of Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Presentation on theme: "The Timeline Of Lyndon Baines Johnson"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Timeline Of Lyndon Baines Johnson
By Madison and Caitlin

2 He Was Born ….. August 27 , 1908 He was born near Johnson City , Texas

3 He Graduated collage in ….
He graduated in 1930 He graduated from Southwest Texas State Teachers Collage

4 He Got Married In….. He got married in 1934

5 He Won House of Represenitives in…..
He was elected House of Represenitives

6 He Bought A Radio Station In …..

7 He Ran For Senate In ….. He ran for senate in 1948

8 He Was Elected Vice President in…

9 He Greeted John F. Kennedy In…
He greeted John F. Kennedy in November 21 , 1963 in when he arrived to Texas

10 He Became President In…
He became president on November 22 , 1963

11 He Died In… He died on January 22 , 1973


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