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Moon Phases, Eclipse, Tide Trivia

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Phases, Eclipse, Tide Trivia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Phases, Eclipse, Tide Trivia
Mrs. Gibson

2 How long does it take for the Earth to take one revolution?

3 One year

4 How long does it take for the Earth to make a rotation?

5 24 hours/ 1 day

6 How many high tides are there in one day?

7 Twice a day….every 12 hours

8 If the Earth was not tilted on its axis…what would change?

9 No seasons, same temp year round

10 What is another name for the “moon phases”

11 Lunar Cycle

12 How long does the Lunar Cycle take?

13 29.5 days….about a month

14 Explain the position of the Earth. Moon, and sun in a spring tide.

15 All in a straight line

16 In what moon phases can spring tides occur?

17 New and full

18 What causes the Earth’s tides?

19 Gravity of the moon and the relationship between the Earth, moon, and sun

20 Explain the relationship between the Earth, moon, and sun during neap tide.

21 Right angle to each other

22 What moon phases are in neap tide?

23 1st and 3rd Quarter

24 Explain the actual tide in a spring tide.

25 High tide is very high, low tide is very low
High tide is very high, low tide is very low. GREATEST DIFFERENCE IN TIDES

26 Explain the actual tide in a neap tide.

27 High tide is not much higher than low tide
High tide is not much higher than low tide. SMALLEST DIFFERENCE IN TIDES.

28 How much of the moon is always lit?


30 How are the Earth, moon, and sun arranged during new moon?

31 Moon is directly in between Earth and Sun

32 What is a solstice?

33 Point at which the Earth is tilted as far away or toward the sun as possible

34 In what two seasons will we have a solstice?

35 Winter and summer December 21 and June 21

36 What is an equinox?

37 Point at which Earth is not tilted toward or away from sun

38 What two seasons have equinoxes?

39 Spring and Fall March 21 and September 23

40 During a lunar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?

41 Full moon

42 During solar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?

43 New moon

44 When progressing from full moon to new moon, is the moon waxing or waning?

45 Waning….getting smaller

46 When it is spring in the northern hemisphere, what is it in the southern hemisphere?

47 fall


49 The final question is going to work a little different today
The final question is going to work a little different today. Each team member will answer the same question on a sheet of paper….BY THEMSELVES. If the team has less than half correct answers…lose those points that you wagered. If a team gets half or more correct answers… you get your points. HERE. WE. GO.

50 Draw and shade the lunar cycle with the SUN AT THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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