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IFALDA Flight Dispatcher/Flight Operations Officer Advanced Control and Supervision of Flights Developed by: Bernard Gonsalves – IFALDA Director Global.

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Presentation on theme: "IFALDA Flight Dispatcher/Flight Operations Officer Advanced Control and Supervision of Flights Developed by: Bernard Gonsalves – IFALDA Director Global."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFALDA Flight Dispatcher/Flight Operations Officer Advanced Control and Supervision of Flights Developed by: Bernard Gonsalves – IFALDA Director Global ATM : David Porter – IFALDA Director Professional and Technical Standards

2 Terms of Reference and Acronyms
14 CFR = Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (The U.S. FARs) NATII/2 = ICAO Normal Aircraft Tracking Implementation Imitative - 2nd working group OOOI = Out, off, on, in report CARs = Civil air regulations SARPS = ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices COTS = Commercial off-the-shelf ATSU = Air traffic service unit RCC = Rescue coordination center

3 Types of Courses Currently Offered
Certification/Licensing ICAO Annex 1 U.S. 14 CFR Part 65 Foreign (i.e. Germany, Canada, etc.) certification/licensing Non-certification/licensing EASA (training to perform function) and other training Air carrier specific ICAO Annex 6 Part 1 Chapter 10 U.S. 14 CFR Part 121 Subpart N Aircraft manufacturer – aircraft specific

4 Case Study – The Need Our program will be integrated into the ICAO Dispatcher Training Manual currently under development by IFALDA. It starts where certification courses leave off. There appears to be a large vacuum, a need for value-added advanced Flight Dispatcher/Flight Operations Officer/ Operations Controller training programs in airlines today.

5 Interact and Collaborate
Develop with ICAO Dispatcher Training Manual Working Group. Share best practices

6 Sample Modules Where the MEL leaves off and where the QRH kicks in
Managing inflight contingencies & emergencies ETDO (ICAO- Extended Diversion Time Operations) ETOPS (U.S. FAA – Extended Operations) LROP (Airbus- Beyond 180 minutes - Long Range Operations) Position reports Emergencies Diversions Air Traffic Management and the Dispatcher

7 Basic Information Terms of Reference Dispatcher tools
Dispatcher resources ICAO Standards ICAO Recommended Practices ICAO Guidance Material and Circulars State CARs vs ICAO SARPS

8 Operational Control The exercise of operational control in the enroute phases of flight…who is responsible for what? Taxi-out Enroute Diversion Emergencies Landing/taxi-in Dispatcher and ATC

9 Operational Control 2. Enroute information to the P.I.C. necessary for the safety of the flight 3. Planned redispatch 4. ETDO 5. Space Weather 6. Management of destination, destination alternate(s) and enroute alternate weather and field condition information.

10 Reroutes 7. Dynamics of enroute reroute initiated by: a. Pilot b. ATC c. Dispatcher

11 Reroutes Flight dispatcher Issues: Fuel recalculation Driftdown
ETP calculations Enroute alternate Communications availability on new route FIR overflight permission

12 Reroutes What does the pilot need? What does ATC need?
What does the dispatcher need?

13 Methods of Flight Tracking
Manual text and “how-gozit” tabular systems Graphical display systems

14 Flight Tracking - Manual
Manual text and how-gozit tabular systems: Advantages Generally up to date Generally accurate Disadvantages Labor intensive

15 Graphical Display Systems
Advantages Big picture Easy to view Overlays Disadvantages Latency Data Source Information overload

16 Types of Graphic Display
Operator in-house system COTS system Aeronautical data displays (FL/speed/FR) Overlays Class I Navigation airspace Class II Navigation airspace

17 Types of Graphic Display
Source of data Near real time Radar Radio Datalink Extrapolated Add ETE to take-off time on ATC flight plan

18 Types of Graphic Display
Relevance of data Timeliness of data Reliability of data Quality of data OpSpec issues (A08 and A10)

19 Position Reports Source Latency of information Frequency of reports
4D/15 position reports Lat/lon/alt/time every 15 minutes By datalink Autonomous ICAO Annex 6, Part 1 Ch. 3.5 and Circular /18

20 Missed Position Reports
Three phases Uncertainty phase Alert phase Distress phase Responsibilities Dispatcher ATSU RCC

21 Inflight Contingencies
Aircraft system degradation MEL? QRH? Combination? Something else? Dispatcher responsibilities

22 Inflight Contingencies
Destination and enroute/destination alternate weather and field condition deterioration. Dispatching with no alternate when destination weather deteriorates. Field condition reports while enroute Quality? Source? Representative? Latency?

23 Inflight Contingencies
Fuel over-burn Normal flight plan Planned redispatch Special fuel reserve ETP considerations Volcanic ash encounter Overflight airspace denial

24 Space Weather Long range communication failure (HF Radio in particular) SATCOM issues Satellite-related issues

25 Diversions: Online and Offline
Online diversion issues: Ground equipment suitability for aircraft Passenger handling systems Ground Transportation Customs/immigration

26 Diversions: Online and Offline
Offline diversions All of the same issues as online diversion plus: Airstart Towbar/tug Ground power Re-fueling Ground handling agency Flight plan support

27 Other Contingencies Drunk passenger Unruly passenger Sick passenger
Sick crewmember Security/hijack threat

28 Emergencies Responsibilities Notifications Reports Pilot Dispatcher
OCC/Operator ATSU RCC Notifications Reports

29 Landing and Taxi-in Issues
Delay getting a gate Lengthy delay getting a gate Movement areas contaminated with ice/snow/flood Airport environment deterioration Roads Ground transportation (light rail, taxis, buses)

30 Comments? Questions?

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