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Learning Sequence Using CA Science Framework Vignette

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1 Learning Sequence Using CA Science Framework Vignette
Writing team acknowledgements:

2 Welcome and Introductions
We are all in the same room but not in the same place. Please stand when you hear a role “Just Like Me”

3 Session Outcomes Recall the key findings of How People Learn
Experience your grade Level learning sequence based on CA Science Framework vignette (Chapter X) Identify Access and Equity for All Students (Chapter X) Provide context for grade level assessment sessions (Chapter X) Think about the questions used? Focus for latter How do we use Science notebooks

4 Quick Write: How do you currently plan your science instruction?

5 How People Learn Implications for Instruction
Prior Knowledge Conceptual Framework Metacognition Relate HPL to Science is fundamentally about making sense of the natural world. • We often use the language: “figure something out”. • When you are trying to figure something out, you are trying to make sense of it. You are engaged in the process of sense-making. • The learner is the one doing the sense-making.

6 Instructional Segments
Writers-Insert instructional segments and identify where the vignette or snapshot is in the segments. Add page number for vignette or snapshot. Insert chart of segments for your vignette or snapshot Star the segment where the learning sequenc3 is located.

7 Conceptual Flow: DCI Progressions
CHANGE TO SPECFIC CONCEPTUAL FLOW FOR GRADE SPAN/LEVEL. Conceptual flow used to diagram the conceptual order of the three dimensional learning. Yellows are teacher thinking. Orange are DCI’s layered on. Blue are science and engineering practices. Green are cross cutting and flags represent potential assessment points. White boxes are Performance Expectations.

8 What do students know coming into the learning sequence?
The solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects held in orbit by gravitational pull. The distance and scale of Sun-Moon-Earth can be compared by using analyzing data showing mathematical proportions How to use models to explain the cyclic pattern of seasons. How to make daily observations for at least one month to determine the pattern of moon phases Current goal: Develop and use a model to explain the cyclic pattern of moon phases showing the apparent motion of the Sun-Earth-Moon. Sample: Change to specific learning sequence

9 Connections to the Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&C’s)
Review Principles and Concepts for connections to the learning sequence. If there is alignment, incorporate EP&Cs into the learning sequence. SHOW IN SLIDE AND SCRIPT HOW THE EP&C’S WERE USED. Delete slide and adjust numbering if your group did not address the EP & C’s.

10 Notebook Set-Up Use several sheets of plain paper
Fold into a notebook to use with Part II: Science Learning Experience

11 Part II: Inside the Classroom
Discipline Specific Middle School Example Learning Sequence on Earth and Space Science Identify exact example


13 Part III Debrief: Learning Sequence Review
Scan the chart Notice the facilitator moves and strategies Think about participant response Use the chart as needed for the debrief

14 Table Group Jigsaw Table 1: Evidence of three dimensions SEP, DCI, CCC
Table 2: Access and Equity strategies Table 3: Evidence of CCSS ELA and/or Math Table 4: Evidence of Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs) If E P and C’s are part of the learning sequence use for table 4 in the Jigsaw If EP & Cs were not part of the learning sequence experienced, delast table group 4 from the slide and and make three topics. Assign table groups in multiples of 3 or 4 depending on whether the learning sequence address EP& C. After Table 1 sharing, reveal slide 13 identified by the writers After Table 2 sharing, reveal slide 14 identified by the writers After Table 3 sharing, reveal slide 15 identified by the writers Explain the jigsaw as follows: Review the learning sequence activities experienced. Discuss evidence of your assigned table group topic. Ask one group member to record group discuss for a final group sharing.

15 Jigsaw Directions Read the questions on the resource handout for your assigned table group Select a recorder Groups have 20 minutes for the discussion Be ready to share with the larger group

16 Table Group Sharing Process:
Table groups share discussion based on the handout prompts Compare to writers’ ideas about topic Ask all Table 1 (3 Dimensions) to share. (5 min.) Show slide 16 with the writers’ ideas about the topic Follow with Table 2 (Access and Equity) to share (5 min.). Show slide 16 with the writers’ ideas about the topic. Follow this slide with slide 17 and explain the Framework has strategies to address the list of groups on the slide. Follow with Table 3 (Connections to Common Core ( to share (5 min.). Show slide 18 with the writers’ ideas about the topic. Explain another session on links to Common Core will be on the schedule tomorrow. Follow with Table 4 (EP&Cs ) if they were a focus of the sequence. Show slide 19 with the writers i’deas about the topic. Follow this slide with slide 20 and remind participants that the EP&C can be addressed in most learning sequences. Review the list on slide 20 and explain a session is included tomorrow that deepens framework understanding of EP&Cs.

17 Table 1: Three Dimensional Learning
•Develop and use a model to explain the cyclic pattern of moon phases showing the apparent motion of the Sun-Earth-Moon. Writers include the learning sequence goal as well as ways different practices or CCC might have played out in the learning sequence. (Not shown on this slide sample yet)

18 Table 2: Access and Equity Strategies

19 Access and Equity Chapter ( ) Resources
ELD Special Needs –Non Sighted African American Learners Living in Poverty Foster Youth Advanced Learners Other There are specific strategies for access and equity in chapter X. These will also be highlighted in the afternoon session on Day 2. Members of your team attending that session can take notes on additional resources.

20 Table 3: Connections to Common Core

21 Table 4: Environmental Principles and Concepts
Delete slide if not part of writers learning sequence.

22 Environmental Principles
 People Depend on Natural Systems II. People Influence Natural Systems III. Natural Systems Change in Ways that People Benefit from   and Can Influence IV.  There are no Permanent or Impermeable Boundaries that Prevent Matter from Flowing Between Systems V.  Decisions Affecting Resources and Natural Systems are Complex and Involve Many Factors This slide shows the five Environmental Principles.  Your handout includes both Principles and Concepts that can be address in most learning sequences.  There will be a session deepening our understanding of these in the breakouts tomorrow.

23 Part IV: Closure Learning Sequence Reflection
Review your notebook entry from the beginning of the session about how you plan a learning sequence. Add new considerations needed for designing NGSS for all students.

24 Assessment: How do we know what student’s know?
Grade level teams continue working with the learning sequence focusing on assessment. Review schedule

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