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Lecture 2: Introduction to Chromatography and Size- Exclusion Chromatography Yaj.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2: Introduction to Chromatography and Size- Exclusion Chromatography Yaj."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2: Introduction to Chromatography and Size- Exclusion Chromatography

2 What is chromatography
What is chromatography? It is a physical method of separation in which the components to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary (stationary phase, SP) while the other moves (mobile phase, MP or‘eluant’) in a definite direction Yaj

3 Schematic representation of Column Chromatography
At t = 0 we will open the gate and let the analyte into the column Analyte will be carried by the Mobile phase (Gas or liquid) Analyte might partition to Stationary phase (Solid or Liquid) Analyte will be detected by its adsorption of light at the detector Yaj

4 Schematic representation of Column Chromatography
Assume the mobile phase moves in steps If analyte has no affinity for SP it would move with the mobile phase Emerge at the detector at time (tM) Yaj

5 Schematic representation of Column Chromatography
If the analyte has affinity for the stationary phase it will be retarded It will emerge at the detector after “retention time” (tR) Yaj

6 Corrected retention time (t’R)
Unretained peak (tM) Analyte peak (tR) Corrected retention time (t’R) Yaj

7 What is “Retention time”
What is “Retention time”? The “Retention time” of a solute is taken as the elapsed time between the time of injection of a solute and the time of elution of the peak maximum of that solute. Yaj

8 What is “Corrected Retention time”
What is “Corrected Retention time”? The “corrected retention” time of a solute is the retention time minus the retention time of a completely unretained solute. Yaj

9 Distribution of the Analyte between two phases An analyte is in equilibrium between the two phases; Amobile <=> Astationary K, partition coefficient; defined as the molar concentration of analyte in the stationary phase divided by the molar concentration of the analyte in the mobile phase. Retention factor, k', is often used to describe the migration rate of an analyte on a column. It is also called the capacity factor. The retention factor for analyte A is defined as; k'A = tR - tM / tM = t’R/tM Analytes retention factor is less than one, elution is so fast that accurate determination of the retention time is very difficult High retention factors (greater than 20) mean that elution takes a very long time Ideally, the retention factor for an analyte is between one and five. Yaj

10 Selectivity Factor (α)
selectivity factor (α), , which describes the separation of two species (A and B) on the column; α = k'B / k 'A species A elutes faster than species B selectivity factor is always greater than one Yaj

11 Resolution is the measure of how well species have been separated
The resolution of two species, A and B, is defined as                                                     Yaj

12 Efficiency To increase the efficiency of a system. This is achieved by: Well-packed columns, evenly packed, neither to tight or too loose, with no air bubbles Small matrix particle size, bearing in mind that small particle sizes decrease the flow rates, and hence increase the run times; Even buffer flow. Yaj

13 Yaj

14 Concept of Column Plates or Theoretical Plates
A theoretical plate in a separation processes is a hypothetical zone or stage in which two phases, establish an equilibrium with each other. If the two phases are liquid and vapor for example: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium : Rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation A collection of theoretical plates or stages is referred to as a theoretical tray Yaj

15 Estimating number of theoretical plates (N) from Retention time

16 Yaj

17 Yaj

18 Co-Relation between all that was mentioned

19 Concept of Retention time Partition Co-efficient and retention factor
Points to Remember Concept of Retention time Partition Co-efficient and retention factor Selectivity Factor Resolution Efficiency Plate Theory of Chromatography Yaj

20 Classification Yaj

21 Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) aka
Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Gel Filtration Yaj

22 Definition Type of chromatography that separates molecules according to differences in size or hydrodynamic volume as they pass through a gel filtration medium packed in a column Yaj

23 Basic Facts Molecules are separated based on their size and shape using a wide array of porous materials aka gel Each molecule of the gel has a porous structure Yaj

24 Basic Facts A column of gel granules, equilibrated with appropriate buffer is set up. Molecules of different molecular sizes are eluted through this column. Large molecules will be excluded from the pores of these granules and will pass thorough the interstitial space and eluted first. Large molecules will appear from the column first, followed by smaller molecules Yaj

25 Totally included –eluted last Totally excluded –eluted first
Porous beads column Totally included –eluted last Partially included pores Totally excluded –eluted first The above animation describes the duration of molecules of different sizes in the column. Small molecules will diffuse into the porous beads due to concentration gradient. As mobile phase is continuously supplied, concentration gradient is reestablished. Yaj 25

26 Basic Facts Yaj

27 Three types of gels are commonly used:
Types of gels used Cross linked polymers Uncharged and inert i.e. don’t bind or react with the materials being analyzed Three types of gels are commonly used: Yaj

28 Dextran It is homo-polysaccharide of glucose residues (Glucan)
It is prepared with various degrees of cross-linking to control pore size. It is bought as dry beads, the beads swell when water is added. The trade name is sephadex. It’s mainly used for separation of small peptides and globular proteins with small to average molecular mass. Yaj

29 Polyacrylamide Prepared by cross linking acrylamide with N,N-methylene bis acrylamide. The pore size is determined by the degree of cross-linking. The separation properties of polyacrylamide gels are mainly the same as those of dextrans Yaj

30 Agarose linear polymers of D-galactose and 3,6 anhydro-1-galactose
It forms a gel that’s held together with H bonds It’s dissolved in boiling water and forms a gel when it’s cold The concentration of the material in the gel determines the pore size The pores of agarose gel are much larger than those of sephadex or bio-gel p It’s useful for analysis or separation of large globular proteins or long linear molecules such as DNA Yaj

31 Sephadex – Cross Linking Dextran with Epichlorohydrin
Composite Gels Sephadex – Cross Linking Dextran with Epichlorohydrin Yaj

32 Superdex – Cross Linking Dextran with Agarose
Composite Gels Superdex – Cross Linking Dextran with Agarose Yaj

33 Composite Gels Sephacryl – Covalently cross linking allyl-dextran with N,N-methylene bis acrylamide Yaj

34 Yaj

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39 Yaj

40 Yaj

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44 Yaj

45 Size Exclusion chromatography separates on the basis of size
Points to Remember Size Exclusion chromatography separates on the basis of size The analyte(s) do not interact chemically with the matrix – (Molecular sieve) HMW analytes are eluted first, and LMW analytes later Yaj

46 Uses of Gel-Filtration

47 Separation of Proteins

48 Isolation and purification of the novel protein - Ohanin
Isolation and purification of the novel protein. A, gel filtration of king cobra venom. Crude venom (200 mg) was loaded onto a Superdex 30 column (Hiload 16/60). The column was pre-equilibrated with 50 mm Tris-HCl (pH 7.4). Proteins were eluted at a flow rate of 1 ml/min in the same buffer. The horizontal solid bar (peak 1b) indicates the fraction containing the protein of interest. B, RP-HPLC of peak 1b from gel filtration. Jupiter C18 semipreparative column was equilibrated with 0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid. The protein of interest was eluted from the column at a flow rate of 2 ml/min with a gradient of 38–40% B (80% acetonitrile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid). The arrow indicates the peak corresponding to the protein of interest. C, ESI/MS of the novel protein. The protein has a molecular mass of 11, ± 0.67 Da as indicated by Biospec Reconstruct spectrum. Yaj Pung Y F et al. J. Biol. Chem. 2005;280: ©2005 by American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

49 Study of Complex Formation

50 Study of Complex Formation
sTfR (30 μg) sTfR:Tf (30:3) μg Study of Complex Formation sTfR:Tf (30:15) μg sTfR:Tf (30:45) μg Tf (50 μg) Yaj

51 Determination of Molecular weight

52 Determination of Molecular weight

53 Conformational change by SEC

54 pH-dependent conformational changes of sMR-HA.
pH-dependent conformational changes of sMR-HA. The occurrence of large conformational changes in the MR was tested by gel filtration chromatography under several conditions. The running buffer was 10 mm Tris, 140 mm NaCl, pH 7.4, supplemented with 10 mMCaCl2 at pH 7.4 (A), with EDTA and no CaCl2 (B), with 10 mm mannose (C), at pH 5.4 (D); 20 μl of human serum was used a molecular weight standard (E). Yaj Boskovic J et al. J. Biol. Chem. 2006;281: ©2006 by American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

55 Desalting a sample by SEC

56 Please Go through the papers in the way that was mentioned previously

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