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Initial Position Field Judge & Side Judge 20 yards deep on sideline

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1 Initial Position Field Judge & Side Judge 20 yards deep on sideline
F & S B Field Judge & Side Judge 20 yards deep on sideline 25-8 yard line going in, be on the goal line 7 yard line and in, be on the end line Back Judge 25 yards deep, favor strong side 30-25 yard line going in, be on the goal line Go to end line anytime F and S are on goal line 20 yards On goal line On end line

2 Basic Zones of Coverage
Man, Zone, Ball Basic Zones of Coverage Initial key Press coverage – stay with key longer No press – progress to next threat Don’t bail out too quickly, let play develop (read then react) Watch Block by initial key Blocks in front of runner to your side & at POA Backside behind U if play is away Look for Threats (swimming upstream) Late hits and roughness on sidelines Players on opposite color’s sideline Players on ground using leg to trip or whip Preventive Officiating Accordion in after play Talk to players B S F

3 Blocking Below the Waist
Know if players are restricted or not Intent of the rule is that TE is always restricted even if in tackle box 10 – 2 block is in the area of a player’s arms extended with left hand at “10 o’clock” and right hand at “2 o’clock” “Crackback” – BBW directed towards the original position of the ball “Peelback” – BBW directed back towards the offensive team’s end line Team B may legally BBW only inside zone 5 yards beyond and behind NZ – legal outside if against ball carrier or if attempting to get to ball or ball carrier Foul if BBW is against opponent in position to receive a backward pass Foul if BBW is eligible receiver beyond the NZ (no foul if legal forward pass is no longer possible) BBW is always a foul during a kick down (free or scrimmage) after change of possession Team B low blocking zone 5 yds. 5 yds. Tackle Box Restricted Player Unrestricted Player

4 Blocking Below the Waist
Ball still in tackle box Ball leaves tackle box X X X X X X X X X Tackle Box Restricted Player Legal if 10-2 Foul Legal if blocker has not left tackle box Restricted Player Legal if 10-2 Foul Legal only if 10-2 and ball carrier is clearly beyond NZ Unrestricted Player Unrestricted Player

5 Basic Keys Field Judge & Side Judge Widest player to your side (#1)
Back Judge Determine strong side based on number of eligible receivers outside tackles Take second receiver on strong side (#2) B S F Pressbox

6 Balanced Formations - Strength is declared to Line Judge’s side
No initial key, let play develop and watch zone S F S F Initial position Position snap Motion Preliminary key Key at snap

7 Twins B B S F S F B B S F S F Initial position Position at snap Motion
Preliminary key Key at snap

8 Trips B B S S F F B B S F S F Initial position Position at snap Motion
Preliminary key Key at snap

9 Quads B B S F S F B B S F S F Initial position Position at snap Motion
Preliminary key Key at snap

10 Make it big! Holding Categories Takedown Hook and restrict
Must have material restriction AND effect on play Take your time Pause – see the act Read – digest the results React – make a decision Questions to ask Was movement of player restricted? Was player beat and trying to regain advantage? Was player able to make penetration up field? Was player still able to participate in play? Was runner already past the point where supposed hold took place? If hold is away from POA, could defender potentially make tackle? Player must be trying to disengage Categories Takedown Hook and restrict Jersey stretch (not always a foul!) Twist and turn Make it big!

11 Pass Interference Defensive Offensive Contact not playing the ball Playing through the receiver’s back Grab and restrict Arm bar Cutoff Hook and turn Blocking downfield Initiating contact and creating separation Driving through the defender who has established position on the field Not Pass Interference: Incidental contact Inadvertent tangling of the feet Ball is clearly not catchable (be very careful here)

12 Targeting Indicators – must have! Launch
Forcible contact to head or neck area with the crown of the helmet “Crown” is area above facemask to the dome of the helmet Forcible contact to head or neck area of a defenseless opponent that goes beyond making a legal tackle, block, or playing the ball Defenseless players Player in the act or just after throwing a pass Receiver attempting or in position to catch a pass or one who has completed a catch but not had time to protect himself or clearly become a ball carrier Kicker in the act of or just after kicking a ball or during the kick or the return Kick returner attempting to catch or recover a kick or one who has completed a catch or recovery but not had time to protect himself or clearly become a ball carrier Player on the ground Player obviously out of the play Player who receives a blind-side block Ball carrier already in the grasp of an opponent and whose forward progress has been stopped Quarterback any time after a change of possession Ball carrier who has given himself up and is sliding feet first Indicators – must have! Launch Crouch followed by upward & forward thrust Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, hand, fist, or elbow to head or neck area Lowering the head Take your time Pause – see the act Read – digest the results React – make a decision

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