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Organization & Management

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1 Organization & Management
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY SYSTEM King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (General Organization) Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Title Page

2 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
was established in Muharram 1406 (September 1985) by the Counsel & Supervisor of Executive Management Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) ESTABLISHMENT

3 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
was established to delegate authority during periods of absence established for department head level and above * * ED: dated 08 Muharram 1406 (22 September 1985) Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Why and for whom

4 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Approvals are as follows: Chief Executive Director (CED) for Executive Directors & all others reporting to the Chief Executive Director Executive Directors for respective Associate / Deputy Executive Directors and below to, and including, Department Head level only Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Approvals

5 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Approvals are as follows: Chief Operating Officer (COO)- Riyadh for Executive Directors & all others reporting COO-R Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) COO-R approval

6 Recommending approval
The Delegation of Authority System (DA) Recommending approvals Associate / Deputy Executive Director can only recommend DA for their respective Assistants and Department Heads Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Recommending approval

7 no later than five (5) days before the start of the leave
The Delegation of Authority System (DA) Completed, properly approved DAs should be forwarded to Organization & Management (O&M) for publication no later than five (5) days before the start of the leave Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Due date

8 Link to O&M Information Library
The Delegation of Authority System (DA) Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Link to O&M Information Library

9 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Currently we have the following DA memo templates online: DA requiring approval only DA requiring both approval and recommending signatures Third party delegation to be used when the delegator has already gone on leave and is not available for signature. There are two (2) third party delegations – one to be used when the Executive Director is delegating the authority (e.g. from the Executive Director (requires only a sample signature); and the second to be used when a recommending authority is delegating (e.g. from the Chairman which would require the approval of the Executive Director) Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Why and for whom

10 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
How to complete the DA on line? Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) HoW

11 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Date: Date & Number will be assigned by O&M To: Distribution From: - Name of Individual Delegating Authority DA: - Title - Department / Area Subject: DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY - - type department / area here During the period from Hijra date to ( Gregorian Date ) through Hijra date ( Gregorian Date ) Name of Delegatee whose title and sample signature appear below will assume the responsibilities and signatory authority of my job functions Your cooperation is appreciated. Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) DA form

12 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Please use MD, PhD or DDS – no other designations Distribution Please use MD, PhD or DDS – no other designations Date: Date & Number will be assigned by O&M To: Please use the correct Manpower Status Report Title OR the title as indicated on the Management Notification (MN) assigning the individual to this non-MSR role From: - Name of Individual Delegating Authority Adnan Ezzat, MD DA: - Title Executive Director , - Department / Area & Cost Code Medical & Clinical Operations (MCO), Costcode XXX Subject: DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY - - type department / area here MCO Please do not use abbreviations until the full title has been spelled out once in the DA Cost Code can be included on the subject line, if there is not enough space to enter it in the ‘From’ section. During the period from 05 Rabi Al Awal 1426 Hijra date to ( Gregorian Date ) ( 14 April ) through ( 29 April ) 20 Rabi Al Awal 1426 Hijra date ( Gregorian Date ) Hassan Al Rayes, MD Name of Delegatee whose title and sample signature appear below will assume the responsibilities and signatory authority of my job functions Your cooperation is appreciated. Completing the form Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005)

13 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
No need to type the name of the delegatee as it is picked up from the upper portion of this document Sample signature:______________________ Name of Delegatee Title of Delegatee Please use MD, PhD or DDS – no other designations Recommended: __________________ Recommending Authority Name Recommending Authority Title Please use the correct Manpower Status Report Title OR the title as indicated on the Management Notification (MN) assigning the individual to this role Approval: __________________ Approving Authority Name Approving Authority Title Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Lower portion of form

14 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Points To Remember Fill the form in completely Use the correct Manpower Status Report (MSR) Title OR use the title as indicated in the Management Notification (MN) assigning the individual to a non-MSR role Use the correct spelling of the name of the individuals as per the MSR Use MD, PhD, or DDS instead of Dr. Please do not use any other designations Complete a separate DA for each officially announced position DAs do not cover the position of committee chairmen Do not use abbreviations until the full title has been spelled out once Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005)

15 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Points To Remember Do not include pager numbers An extension of a leave will require a 3rd party delegation DAs with an expired leave period will not be published The use of white out is prohibited (GD/ dated 2 Shaban 1421 (29 October 2000)) If the DA crosses areas of responsibility of two (2) or more Executive Directors, all concerned Executive Directors must approve the DA; if the individual reports to the Chief Executive Director (CED), the approval of the CED must be obtained Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005)

16 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
How Do We Audit? We note the date and time we received the DA and check the following: that we received it five (5) days before the leave starts that the appropriate DA on line form is used and is filled out completely/correctly that the approval and recommending signatures match sample signatures available on file that: the Hjjra and Gregorian dates match; an end date is indicated and the leave period has not expired that the proper approvals are obtained that proper names and titles have been used by checking the MSR and MNs that a separate DA is issued for each officially announced position that MD / PhD / DDS is used instead of Dr. that abbreviations have not been used unless the full title has been spelled out once that no white-out has been used that no conflict of interest exists Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) audit

17 The Delegation of Authority System (DA)
Your assistance in completing the form online correctly is appreciated THANK YOU! Organization & Management Rabi Al Awal 1426 (April 2005) Your help

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