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Budget Development 7E046 Note- This presentation is designed to provide schools with an orientation of the parent involvement aspect of the budget development.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Development 7E046 Note- This presentation is designed to provide schools with an orientation of the parent involvement aspect of the budget development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Development 7E046 Note- This presentation is designed to provide schools with an orientation of the parent involvement aspect of the budget development process. The presentation explains the items of 7E046 and how to allocate appropriate funds for those items.

2 Objectives Explore Appendix B of the Program and Budget Handbook
Explore Budget Development best practices Say: Our objectives today are to prepare for the upcoming Budget Development process. We’ll explore the Program and Budget Handbook by exploring Appendix B, the section that’s set aside for parental involvement, and then look at some best practices that would enable us to develop a budget that meets the needs of the school and the community.

3 The Cycle of Continuous Development
Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including data analysis and SPSA Evaluation Develop goals and identify strategies, actions, and tasks in the SPSA Goal Matrix Develop a budget based upon prioritized expenditures that support the strategies, actions, and tasks described in the SPSA Goal Matrix Monitor the implementation of the SPSA Please remember that the budget is developed to support the strategies outlined in the SPSA Say: Let’s remember that the purpose of Budget Development is to increase student achievement and we’re involved in a cycle of continuous development. (Click) A comprehensive data-based needs assessments is the first step of budget development. (Click) We develop goals, strategies, actions, and tasks based on the needs. (Click) And, then we create a fiscally responsible budget that is designed to execute the strategies and tasks. (Click) Finally, we monitor the implementation ensuring that the budgeted funds are being used appropriately. (Click) In a nutshell, budget development is done to support the strategies that are outlined in the Single Plan of the school.

4 Culture and Climate Domain
Say: Before developing the budget, it’s critical to write a Single Plan that’s based on the authentic need of the school. A plan that’s based on thorough data analysis and reflects the needs of the stakeholder is far more likely to contribute to the improvement of the school and the budget allocation for such plan will be aligned according to the need of the school. The Culture and Climate goal of the Single Plan is crucial to the success of a school. In your packet you have a sample page where you’ll see examples of data analysis, school goal, and strategies that complement those goals. Please take a few minutes to read the content of the page. Discuss what you noticed with a shoulder partner (2 minutes)

5 Main Points to Consider for Budget Planning
Ensure that recommendations are made by the English Learner Advisory Committee. Title I funds are used to strengthen parent capacity. Funds allocated for parent activities may not be used for other purposes. The school planning sheet for parent involvement activities is developed with parent recommendations. Categorical funds are to supplement, not supplant, educational services for parents. A differential may be provided to a register-carrying teacher only for the purposes of coordinating schoolwide parent engagement. Say: The Parent Community, and Student Services (PCSS) outlines the parent engagement activities required by categorical programs in a letter that was sent to all principals. Let’s take a few minutes to read the contents of the letter. (Allow 3 minutes) Say: So, what are some of things outlined in the letter? Note- take a few responses from the participants. (Click) You have pointed out some of the main points, additionally, here are some of the main points: (click) read from the screen, (click) read from the screen, (click) read from the screen, (click) read from the screen, (click) read from the screen. (click) read from the screen.

6 Budget Planning Sheet (7E046) Budget Planning Sheet 2017-2018
Say: The Program and Budget Handbook consists of a Budget Planning Sheet and you have a copy that’s in your packet. These resources that are listed support parent training, engagement and communication are available in Program 7E046. The listed items are quite similar to the items we had last year and will probably look familiar to you if you have been involved the budget development process in the past.

7 This is for short-time (less than 6 months) assignments.
7E046 Items A differential may be provided to a register-carrying teacher only for purposes of coordinating parent engagement activities. This is a payment to persons working on special projects that are non-repetitive on a temporary basis and that are customarily not performed by a classified or certificated employee in the scope of his duty. The person must be a current or retired employee of the District. Say: The budget items are presented in a numerical order and we’ll provide a description of each item, beginning with Teacher Parent Activity Differential. (Click) A Teacher Parent Activity Differential may be provided to a register-carrying teacher for coordinating parent engagement activities. (Click) Professional Experts may be hired for Parent Engagement activities given that the experts are offering services that are unique and are not provided by the classified and certified staff. Note that Professional Experts have to be cleared by Freeze Exception. The person (s) providing the service also has to be a current or retired LAUSD employee. (Click) Clerical X Time may be used for parent activities, but the X time must support parent involvement and must be outside of regular working hours. (Click) Clerical Relief may be used for short-term assignments. Typically, these assignment are less than 6 month. X Time must support parent involvement and must occur outside of basic assignment basis. This is for short-time (less than 6 months) assignments.

8 7E046 Items Unclassified position.
Assignments limited to 720 hours per year and 79 hours per pay period. Community Rep A and C hourly rate is $17.13 (with benefits), Total $12,333 (estimated cost for 720 hours) Classified position with benefits 8 hours per day Total cost with benefits $61,637 Say: (CLICK) When this presentation was developed, the Community Representative Pay rates were as listed here. Please note though that these rates WILL change during the budget development window. Also note that the Community Rep assignment have some limitations; assignments are limited to 90 working days or 720 hours per year. The maximum assignment as a Community Rep is 8 hours per day and is limited to 79 hours per pay period. For further information on Community Representative job description please visit Personnel Policy Guide E3 at (Click) (CLICK) The Parent Resource Liaison total cost with benefits is $61,637. (CLICK) Parent Resource Assistant costs $45,529 at the highest level. For this position, there are different costs based on whether the person is bilingual. (Click) Item refers to Itinerant SS Parent Resource Liaison, which is a centrally managed position that’s typically shared among multiple sites. As you know, the Estimated Rate Sheets change often and will most likely change the total costs of these positions by the time the Budget Development period arrives. Classified position with benefits. 6 hours per day. Different total cost based on bilingual (Armenian, Korean, Spanish). Total cost with benefits $45,501. SS Parent Resource Liaison is a centrally managed position that’s typically shared among multiple sites. This is a centrally managed position and shared among multiple schools.

9 Translation equipment must be used to support parent engagement.
7E046 Items Translation equipment must be used to support parent engagement. Non-Capitalized Equipment is equipment costing $500 or more, up to $4,999 with shipping, tax and all additional costs per item. Say: Some items that may be purchased with E046 include [Click] General Supplies- Technology, which must be purchased to support parent engagement, [Click] Non-capitalized equipment, and [Click] translation equipment. For the General Supplies—Technology, the items are not required to be listed on the categorical programs inventory; however, a red label must be placed on them. Computers and projectors can be budgeted. School must provide location and calendar of usage to support parent engagement. Costs must be below $500 per item including all shipping, tax and additional charges.

10 7E046 Items These contracts are with vendors providing instructional programs/services for parents. These contracts are with people who are experts in their fields and must be non-District employees, who cannot perform the work of District employees, to provide services for a school. Only the Procurement Services Division can contract with these people for a school. Say: Schools from time to time may see the need to contract with an instructional service or individual. [Click] Remember, if you want the services of an independent contractor, you need to contact the Procurement Services Division for assistance. (Click) These contracts are with people who are experts in their fields and must be non-District employees, who cannot perform the work of District employees, to provide services for a school. Only the Procurement Services Division can contract with these people for a school.

11 7E046 Items Mileage rate for 2017 is 53.5 cents per business miles driven. Say: The mileage rate for 2017 is 53.5 cents per business miles driven. The limit for Parent Conference Attendance is no longer $1,500; however, there will be a review process for conferences purchased with Title I funds. The schools will upload required Title I documentation in the shopping cart and/or as P-Card purchase or Imprest reconciliation. Schools may allocate funds for parent center phone expenses. Item number lets schools do that. There will be a review process for conferences purchased with Title I funds. The review process will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in the Shopping Cart and/or P-Card/Imprest reconciliation. Schools may allocate funds for parent center phone expenses.

12 7E046 Items Supplemental Instructional Material (SIM) is for parent activities ONLY; no office supplies allowed Say: We would like to remind you that there were some changes in the area of SIM (Supplemental Instructional Material) during last year’s budget development. You may remember that few years ago, there was a 5% cap on SIM, however, (click) that cap has been removed; (click) please note though that office supplies are still not allowed and the instructional material must be for parent activities only. The materials bought through this fund will be determined by the strategies outlined in the SPSA. The SPSA of the school always dictates what the school eventually decides to buy.

13 Special Notes There is no longer a $1,500 limit on parent conference attendance. There will be a review process for conferences purchased with Title I funds. The review process will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in the Shopping Cart and/or P-Card/Imprest reconciliation. Parent Training Allowance is not allowable in 7S046, 70S46 or 7E046. Parent Training Allowance to pay for childcare is allowable through general funds with the attachment of a birth certificate for school records. Please see current policy guidelines. Say: Unlike before, the $ 1,500 limit on parent conferences has been eliminated. However, the conferences purchased with title I funds will go through a review. Uploading of Title I documents in the shopping cart, and or P-Card/imprest reconciliation will be required. Parent Training Allowance to pay for childcare is allowable through general funds. Please see policy guide for further information.

14 Custodial Overtime Custodial X-Time Custodial Relief Clerical Overtime
7E046 Non-Allowable Items Custodial Overtime Custodial X-Time Custodial Relief Clerical Overtime Say: Much like years before, there are some items that are not allowed with the 7E046 funds. Please note that (Click) Custodial Overtime, (Click) Custodial X-Time, (Click) Custodial Relief, (Click) and Clerical Overtime are not allowed in 7E046.

15 Budget Planning Best Practices
Connect the needs of your school’s parents and community to the budget. Use the Budget Planning Sheet from the Program and Budget Handbook for budget allocations. Incorporate English Learner Advisory Council recommendations into budget planning. Attend the Budget Planning Orientation Meeting held by Fiscal Services. Seek clarifications from the Parent and Community Engagement Unit regarding 7E046 items. Say: The budget planning time may be demanding for some schools as it happens during a busy period of the year. We’d like all schools to enjoy a seamless and pleasant budget development and we’d like to share some best practices that will make this process go smoothly. For a coherent and organized budget planning experience,(Click) be sure to be able to connect the needs of your school’s parents and community to the budget, (click) use the Budget Planning Sheet from the Program and Budget Handbook for budget allocations, (click) incorporate Advisory Council recommendations into budget planning, (click) attend Budget Planning orientation meeting held by the Fiscal Services for clear guidance, (click) seek clarifications from the PACE unit regarding 7E046 items, and (click) most importantly, ensure an alignment between the comprehensive needs assessment, the specifics of the Single Plan, and budget allocations. Ensure an alignment between the comprehensive needs assessment, the specifics of the Single Plan, and budget allocations.

16 Reminders Schedule a School Site Council meeting before BD appointment date. The School Site Council has to approve the amended budget. Say: Finally, we have some reminder. (Click) Please don’t forget to schedule a School Site Council meeting during the budget window. During this time, schools will have the opportunity to amend any budgetary item, resolve any discrepancies between plan and allocation, and get SSC’s approval. The budget window starts on March 15th . The PACE administrators, along with Title I Coordinators and EL Coordinators, will review the SPSAs of the schools. (Click) Please note that the School Site Council needs to approve the budget. (Click) Also note that emergency SSC meetings are not allowed, so a 72 hour notice is required for all SSC meetings, hence advance planning is needed in this area. Emergency School Site Council meetings are not allowed; therefore, a 72 hour advance notice is required.

17 Say: What questions might you have regarding the budget development process?
Note- take as many questions as time permits.

18 Contact Information Name: Phone: Website: Please include your contact information on this slide.

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