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National 5 Dance Mrs McQueen/ Mrs Murchie 2016/2017

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1 National 5 Dance Mrs McQueen/ Mrs Murchie 2016/2017
Course Structure The Course assessment will consist of one Component, a performance. The purpose of this performance is to assess the learner’s ability to apply the technical and choreographic skills learned across the Units. The performance will have 100 marks (100% of the total mark). It will have three Sections. Section 1 — performance of a solo in one dance genre (35 marks) The solo dance will be tutor-choreographed and will last a minimum of one and a half minutes. Section 2 — performance of a choreography for two dancers (35 marks) The choreography will take the form of a duet, excluding the learner, and should last a minimum of one and a half minutes. Section 3 — support log for choreography (30 marks) The purpose of the support log is to provide evidence of the process of planning, developing and evaluating choreography for two dancers.

2 Contract I ________________________ agree to always bring appropriate kit to National 5 Dance. For assessments, I will wear black leggings and a black leotard/tight black vest top. I will wear appropriate footwear every lesson, this means bare feet for contemporary and jazz dances. I will treat other members of my class and my teacher with respect at all times. Signature:__________________________ Date:___________

3 National Dance Plan August – October Mon – Contemporary Dance
Wed – Classroom Technical skills Thurs – Practical Technical Skills October – February Mon – Choreography Wed – Classroom Choreography Devices Thurs – Choreography March- May Mon – Jazz Dance Wed – Classroom technical skills

4 Contemporary Centre work Lateral spine curve High release Contractions
Roll downs in parallel Plies in parallel and turn out Tendus and footwork in parallel and turnout You need to perform all of these techniques in a dance class for assessment. Tick off the techniques you are comfortable with and highlight the ones that need extra work. Swings -standing swings -Figures of eight -Ski swings Floor Exercises -Swings -curves -high release -tilts -transitions from standing to floor and reverse Travelling -Triplets -Leaps -Skips -Turns -Movement phrases -Gallops -Jumps and runs

5 Contemporary technical skills
Contractions = A pulling of the body centre towards the centre. High Release = An Arch of the upper back, head and sternum lifted. Isolation = 1 part or area of the body moving. Lateral spine curve = The sideward bending of the body

6 Contemporary technical skills
Tendu = Is a point, a movement of the leg away from the body with an extension of the foot in a pointed position. Parallel = Standing with both feet directly under hips. Turn-out = Stand with heels together, toes turned outwards. Plie – A bend of the knee

7 Technical skills Curves = = curving of the upper back
Tilts = A movement of the upper body laterally and downward. Transition from standing to floor = Different ways to fall to the floor or with control move to the floor and how to move from floor to standing. This transition should be smooth. Jumps and runs = Any move that involves jumping and running should be done with toes pointed parallel and turnout. Turns and kicks = Open turns, bum tucked under and kick heels down, hands low v shape and straight back.

8 Leaps = Straight legs, high off the ground and arms in opposition
Leaps = Straight legs, high off the ground and arms in opposition. A jump from 1 leg to the other. Movement phases = Moving along the floor by linking leaps, steps, turns and gallops. Alignment and posture = A balanced position creating a straight line through the body and opening chest and dropping the shoulders. Floorwork =

9 Technical skills Swings = Swinging of arms and legs Triplets = A travelling step on three counts using one ‘down’ step and two ‘up’ steps. A triplet is in turned-out position. Triplets are a continuous travelling movement.

10 Technical Skills Stag leap
Rolls downs in parallel = The roll-down is often performed in parallel positions but can be practiced with turnout of the legs also. Either way, begin in a well-aligned stance with your weight evenly distributed over the feet. Beginning with the head, which will drop forward with your chin toward the chest, start flexing the spine “one vertebrae at a time”. Sequentially release the shoulders forward, followed by the upper and middle back. As the head lowers toward the ground, the hips will gradually release to counterbalance the hanging torso and allow the dancer to stretch the back of the legs and lumbar spine (lower back).This movement can be reversed to bring you back to an upright stance with either a plié or straight legs.

11 Technical Skills Tilts -A movement of the upper body laterally and downward. Movement phases = moving around the floor

12 Contemporary dances

13 Contemporary dances

14 Aim = Design a contemporary poster and present to the class.
Poster presentation Aim = Design a contemporary poster and present to the class. In groups = Use the homework that you researched and share with group. Ideas = What is contemporary dance? What are the techniques? What costumes? Setting/staging/lighting? Famous choreographer? What type of music?

15 Contemporary Research
1.1 Describe technical skills and characteristics of the selected dance style. 1.2 Explain the development of the selected dance style.

16 Questions to help you: Where did the dance style originate?
Who was the founder? How has it developed over the years? Who are two famous choreographers in this style? Describe their work. What does the style look like? What qualities does it have? What is the music like? Is there a set number of dancers for this style? What kinds of costumes would you wear? What are the main technical steps?

17 Homework 1 = Due for wed 31st Aug
Learning outcome 1.2 = Research the history and origin of contemporary dance. Where did the dance style originate? Who was the founder? How has it developed over the years? Who are two famous choreographers in this style?

18 Homework – Due 21st September
Read through all the technical skills. Name 3 technical skills in contemporary dance? ( 3 marks) Explain each of these technical skills? (3 marks) Write down a technical skill that is a weakness of yours? Write down a technical skill that is a strength of yours? Try and answer these questions without referring to your notes.

19 Contemporary technical skills test
What is a Plie? Explain what a Tendus in a turnout position is? What is a contraction? A movement of the upper body laterally and downward. What am i? Explain Alignment? Name a type of leap and what is a leap? Write down the technical skills seen in the video clip? Write down 3 improvements needed to improve this group dance?

20 Peer Assessment Write down 2 things your partner done well and 1 thing to improve on next time. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21 Self Assessment Learning Intention: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write down 2 things you think you have done well and 1 thing to improve on next time. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22 Assessment Think carefully about how your assessment went Green = Very well Amber = It’s getting there Red = Needs improvement I have arrived on time and dressed appropriately for my dance assessment I have practiced the skills required for assessment to the best of my ability I am confident in my ability and the performance I am able to give I have recorded my performance and analysed it before assessment I can identify the techniques within the dance that are appropriate to the style I maintained focus throughout my performance I used expression to add to the performance I executed the routine accurately I executed the routine with confidence

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