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Fault-related folds in the Gerecse mountain

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1 Fault-related folds in the Gerecse mountain
Várkonyi Attila Eötvös University Dept. of Regional Geology MTA-ELTE Geological Geophysical and Space Science Research Group 2012, Tatabánya

2 Overview Types of extensional fault-related folds
Extensional fault-related folds in the Dogger quarry Backstripping of the deformation phases Evolutionary model for the Dogger quarry Stereographic evidences Microtectonic investigation Similarities with the Tölgyhát quarry General model Conclusion

3 Fault-related folds, segmented faults
theoretical figures Two types: normal and reverse rotation A to F normal rotation G to H reverse rotation Rykkelid & Fossen (2002)

4 Vertically segmented faults
Fodor et al. (2005) Vertically segmented faults Footwall anticline Hangingwall syncline Smeared clay’s importance In the hidrocarbon trapping Koyedole et al. 2003

5 Location Gerecse mountain

6 Structures of the Dogger quarry

7 Structures of the Dogger quarry

8 Deformation along the main fault
Vertically segmented fault consist of three segments: Two normal and One reverse fault Antitethic faults connected to the layer paralel shear The marl drag into the fault plane

9 Deformation backtsepping by Move
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5.

10 Evolution model of the Dogger quarry ? 2. Vertically segmented faults
2. Overstepping fault segments 2. Plastic marl 3. Increasing bending of marl 4. Listric fault in hangingwall 5. Connecting fault segment 6. Antitethic faults 6. Rotation to reverse fault ?

11 Stereographic explanation
Extensional regime Normal faults Oblique-normal faults with strike-slip component Evidence of extensional fold

12 Microtectonics Oriented samples Kinematics of the fault
Two generations of calcite Calcite fibers – syn-kinemaic

13 Fault-related fold in the Tölgyhát quarry
Sasvári et al. (2009)



16 Rykkelied & Fossen (2002)

17 General model Overlap zone Connecting fault segments Listric fault
Antitethic fault Fodor et al.

18 Conclusion Each investigated fault-related folds and vertically segmented faults are connect to the Kisgerecse Marl It is not a unique phenomenon The folds were originated by extension This deformation strucutures can be general in the Gerecse mountain

19 Thank you for your attention!
Acknowledgement: Grateful thanks for my supervisor Dr. László Fodor, and Attila Petrik, Barbara Beke, Orsolya Győri, Ábel Szabó

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