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Lesson I- Intro A Raisin in the sun

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1 Lesson I- Intro A Raisin in the sun
Lorraine Hansberry

2 Bell-Ringer Login to Padlet: Classcode- 1234567
What is the American Dream? What may be some obstacles in acquiring the American Dream? There are no wrong answers. Your answers will appear on the screen, so answer the questions to the best of your abilities. After you have posted your answers, discuss with a partner near-by. You have 5 minutes Worth 5 points

3 What is the American Dream? (1950s)
In the 1950s the American Dream was to have the perfect family, a secure job, and a nice home in the suburbs. How did the dream come about? After WWII many servicemen received money to go to college and most of them were the first in their families to receive college degrees, and this allowed the middle class to grow, making it easier to attain a home and to build families and wealth. America emerged form WWII a wealthy nation, as a result there were jobs available and an economic boom occurred. Americans were excited about their victory and focused on pursuing the American Dream afterwards.

4 Continued The house- Big nice house, with big yard and white picket fence. In the evening time, families would gather around the television and watch tv together. To keep up with the housing boom, contractors built houses that were identical (suburbs), so that housing was affordable. Jobs- most people wanted to be doctors, lawyers, or work for the gov’t. Most women did not work if they could afford it; they were housewives. Cars- part of the American Dream was having a nice car, fresh off of the assembly line. (Ford, General Motors, Chrysler) The biggest part of the dream was to have the perfect nuclear family: A dad, a mom, a boy, and a girl

5 Glogster Create Glogster account Classcode: 1234567
Google the following images: The American Dream 1950s; Harlem 1950s; African American Life in the 1950s. Students will compile up to 5 pictures from the images and post them on to Glogster. Then you will use the Analyze the Photo sheet to analyze the pictures, using the digital sticky notes on Glogster. Be prepared to present your work. 10 pts.

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