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Published byBarnard Clarke Modified over 6 years ago
Web Services, Business Process and Enterprise Simulation with MDA
Collaboration Architecture A tutorial on applying Model Driven Architecture to web services using the OMG Enterprise Collaboration Architecture with UML
Primary author of “Component Collaboration Architecture” in EDOC
Introductions Cory Casanave Primary author of “Component Collaboration Architecture” in EDOC
It’s about Collaboration
Collaboration is a key differentiation and key cost center (Healthcare Example) Customer Collaboration Claim processing Disputes Physician Collaboration Payer Collaboration Hospital Collaboration Broker Collaboration Government Collaboration Employee Collaboration Others... The system integrates multiple collaborations
Integrating Enterprises, People & Systems - Worldwide
Business Requirements Virtual Enterprises Enterprise Integration (EAI) Supply-chain automation (B2B) Customer Integration (B2B) Web deployment (B2C) Internet Marketplace (B2C) Collaboration and Integration
Model What You Simulate & Perform
Validation & Metrics Enterprise Models Process & Information Validation & Metrics Simulation Execution M&S World Management Information MDA World
Enterprise Components
Enterprise Components must be independent and distributable While being able to interoperate with each other Making the information system or simulation a lattice of cooperating components Simulated or Real Same model, same architecture Standards Open Open Standards Open Standards
Web services provides open connectivity
Web Services allow components to be independently implemented While interacting across well defined services Making the information system a lattice of cooperating components Simulated or Real Same model, same architecture Standards Open Other Middleware Web Services
An XML component architecture
XML Components XML Component (Abstract) XML WS Port XML WS Port XML WS Port Simulation Implementation Execution Implementation Modeled Web services provide An XML component architecture Independent of protocol and platform For execution and simulation
Core Requirements Web Services Common Models
Providing flexible connectivity between components implemented in a variety of technologies for both simulation and execution Web services provides for the connecting points between components Common Models Models of process, structure, roles, interactions, components and information representing the collaborative fabric of the enterprise driving both execution and simulation
The Marketplace Example
Order Conformation Shipped Process Complete Mechanics Are Us Buyer Acme Industries Seller Status Ship Req Physical Delivery Shipped Delivered GetItThere Freight Shipper
Where are the services? Status Mechanics Are Us Acme Industries Buyer
Order Web Service Conformation Web Service Shipped Mechanics Are Us Buyer Acme Industries Seller Web Service Status Web Service Ship Req Physical Delivery Shipped Web Service Delivered GetItThere Freight Shipper
Inside the Seller Event Order Processing Shipping Receivables Order
Web Service Conformation Web Service Shipped Shipping Event Ship Req Receivables Shipped Delivered
Components collaborate in processes
Identify a “community process”, the roles and interactions in a collaboration Models helps organize and define the set of services required for enterprise collaboration and simulation Protocol
Web services implement connections between components in roles
Web Service Specification Service Port on the service Protocol Operation Message Schema Type
The new center The strategic core of you systems must be the enterprise its self Only technology independent business focused models will survive the transience of technology and lock-in These models can become part of your source code, driving enterprise applications and simulations Enabler: Model Driven Architecture (MDA) with EDOC-Enterprise Collaboration Architecture
Automated Model Driven Architecture
Meta-Model UML Profile (E.G. ECA) Domain Model (PIM) Domain Architecture Manual Coding Enterprise Components Infrastructure Mapping (E.G. J2EE-WS) Tools Produce & Integrate C Minimize and structure manual implementation Framework & Infrastructure (E.G. -J2EE-WS) PSM Mapping is tuned to the infrastructure Technical Architecture
Automated Model Driven Architecture
Meta-Model UML Profile (E.G. ECA) Domain Model (PIM) Multiple and Changing Technology Support Domain Architecture J2EE-WS Enterprise Components .NET-WS Enterprise Components C Infrastructure Mapping (E.G. J2EE-WS) Tools Produce & Integrate Infrastructure Mapping (E.G. .NET-WS) C C Framework & Infrastructure (E.G. -J2EE-WS) PSM Framework & Infrastructure (E.G. -.NET-WS) PSM Technical Architecture Mapping is tuned to the infrastructure Technical Architecture
Integration of Intellectual Capital
UML Modeling Requirements Modeling Component Modeling Process Modeling Information Modeling MDA Platform Models define the system Intellectual Capital MOF J2EE Simulation .NET Integration of infrastructure
The Enterprise Collaboration Architecture
ECA is a “profile of UML”, a way to use UML for a specific purpose - it is an OMG standard That purpose is modeling enterprise systems and components. You can also think of this as a “modeling framework” for enterprise computing ECA is part of the “Model Driven Architecture” (MDA) initiative of the OMG Using precise modeling techniques as part of the development lifecycle to speed development and provide technology independence ECA has been adopted by the OMG as part of the EDOC RFP. ECA defines an architecture and meta model
MDA Solution for Web Services
Platform Independent Model Enterprise Collaboration Architecture Web Services For Enterprise Collaboration Standards Mapping Platform Dependent Model Web Services Stack Standards? Future Platform (J2EE, .NET…) Mapping Not standard
Tooling & Infrastructure
Solution Triad Service Based Architecture Components Web Services Corba J2EE .NET Model Driven Development OMG ECA Development Process Tooling & Infrastructure Standards
Loose Coupling Loose coupling is the ability for independent parts of systems to be built and evolve independently Tightly coupled systems Prevent change (the next legacy system) Cause lock-in Become unmanageable Prevent reuse Quality architecture is essential for loose coupling
Architecture Goals Create a system from loosely coupled “enterprise components” that can evolve independently Provide well defined interfaces and interaction points between these enterprise components Make each enterprise component a reusable asset that can serve many business processes Build the information system as a community of interacting enterprise components Utilize open standards such as Web Services, EJB and Corba to integrate the enterprise components
“Wrapping” Legacy Applications and Data
Enterprise Components are defined in terms of their external contract; implementation may use existing applications Can “call” existing application Can read and write legacy DBMS Can use “screen scraper” (Last resort) Legacy applications can appear as enterprise components but may not be implemented as components
Technology Independence
Business Logic Component ebXml What the infrastructure vendors would have you do Business Logic Component .NET Business Logic Component RosetaNet Business Logic Component WebServ Adapters EJB Business Logic Component ebXml BizTalk Rosetanet CICS WebServ MQ Corba
Legacy “Wrapping” Wrapping allows existing programs
and data to work with and work as enterprise components Adapters
Collaborations and Roles
Conceptual Foundation Portions copied with permission of Trygve Reenskaug - Taskon OORAM (
History OORAM Enterprise UML Object Oriented Collaboration
Role Analysis UML Collaborations Enterprise Collaboration Architecture Influence
The Connected Enterprise Content and Communication
Digital Map Census Data Police Records House Drawings Aerial Photos Police Dispatcher Role
Multiple roles in a collaboration
Travel Expense Example
Peter (Technical author) Bill (Dispatcher) Joyce (Sales clerk) Douglas (Marketing manager) Kim (Methodologist) Elsie (Programmer) Eve (Software Manager) (Bookkeeper) Joe (Paymaster) Adam (Chief Accountant) Ruth (President) John (Cashier) Ann (Customer consultant) 4: authorizedExpenseReport 1: travelPermissionRequest 2: travelPermission 3: expenseReport 5: paymentRequest We achieve a separation of concern; a collaboration describes the objects involved in one or more functions, describing the objects involved only and focusing on the relevant object properties. In the collaboration, we study patterns of interacting objects: What are the objects, what are their responsibilities, and how do they collaborate to achieve the system functionality.
UML Collaboration Diagram Travel Expense Model
Peter (Technical author) Bill (Dispatcher) Joyce (Sales clerk) Douglas (Marketing manager) Kim (Methodologist) Elsie (Programmer) Eve (Software Manager) (Bookkeeper) Joe (Paymaster) Adam (Chief Accountant) Ruth (President) John (Cashier) Ann (Customer consultant) / Authorizer / BookKeeper / Paymaster The classifierRole represents the object’s position in the structure and its responsibility for performing its part of the system function. / Traveler Objects --> ClassifierRoles
Collaboration Diagram
Synthesis – People, Organizations & Components play several roles
ProjectManager ProjectParticipant ProjectParticipant ProjectManager Project responsible Dept. Manager Project manager Section manager Project participant Hat-stand modellen Hatte-holder modellen Jmf. kombinasjon av PL/prosj.medarbeider-rolle og linjeansvar. Jane 2
Roles to Systems Component in Role Role Collaboration Interaction Path
(With Information) Role Collaboration Framework, Middleware & Container Implementation Net Hardware Operating System
Drilling down – inside a role
The open domain should make no assumptions about the “inside” of a role. Inside one role you frequently find more collaborating “parts” of the enterprise - the same model may be used Until you get to system inside a managed domain Shared resources (DBMS) Common Management Frequently a legacy system Code Role Inner Role Inner Role Legacy DBMS
Standards for Global Internet Computing
Web Service Standards XML Schema & DTD WSDL Soap
Description and packaging of data WSDL Specification a services, operations and flows available via a service Soap Basic messaging and packaging Extensions for Soap-RPC with WSDL
EDOC Component Collaboration Architecture
The model of collaborative work CCA
Parts of a CCA Specification
Structure of process components and protocols Process components, ports, protocols and documents Class Diagram or CCA Notation Composition of process components How components are used to specify components Collaboration diagram or CCA Notation Choreography Ordering of flows and protocols in and between process components Activity Diagram
A simple methodology for creating collaborative business processes
ECA Methodology A simple methodology for creating collaborative business processes
Basic Steps Identify roles and organize roles into collaborations
Define collaboration documents Create basic business transactions Organize into protocols and events Use protocols to define ports on roles Drill-down into role detail Implement roles Configure implementations for deployment with technology specifics Deploy
Identifying roles and collaborations
Identify Documents
Distinguish protocols and events
Create Business Transactions
Organize into protocols
Add ports to complete community process
Add implementation As component compositions In a programming language
By using an external service Wrap legacy As a simulation
Add technology specifics for deployment
Web Services for Enterprise Collaboration In standards process
WSEC Web Services for Enterprise Collaboration In standards process
Main Parts Distributed Component Profile Aspects
How to define & structure distributed components Aspects How to augment a model for a technology Aspects defined for WSDL/Schema The augmentations required for Web Services Mapping Transformations between ECA and WSDL/Schema
Distributed Components
Define “role” as the abstract contract Define “Engine” as exposing a set of DCs Define “Endpoint” as consuming a set of DCs Define “Proxy” as the use of an external role
Engine exposing a DC
Defining an external component resource
Using a proxy Endpoint
Mapping of a WSDL Engine
- <definitions xmlns=" xmlns:soap=" xmlns:mime=" xmlns:http=" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=" xmlns:xs2000=" xmlns:xs2001=" name="SellerServer" targetNamespace="urn:SellerServer" xmlns:tns="urn:SellerServer" xmlns:CoreTypes="urn:CoreTypes" xmlns:Ordering="urn:Ordering"> - <!-- definitions obtained from component /BuySell/Deployment/SellerServer Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
Mapping of a DC Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
- <service name="MySeller"> - <!-- implemented service role /BuySell/Deployment/SellerServer/MySeller --> <documentation><p> </p></documentation> - <port name="BuySellProtocol" binding="tns:BuySellProtocol"> original service port was /BuySell/Deployment/SellerServer/MySeller/BuySellProtocol (extending Component </BuySell/SellerImplementation/MySeller/BuySellProtocol> ) --> <soap:address location=" /> </port> </service> Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
Mapping of a protocol binding
- <binding name="BuySellProtocol" type="tns:BuySellProtocol"> <soap:binding transport=" style="rpc" /> - <operation name="Order"> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:/BuySell/Community/BuySellProtocol/Order" style="rpc" /> - <input name="Order"> <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:SellerServer" encodingStyle=" /> Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
Mapping of a protocol Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
- <portType name="BuySellProtocol"> - <!-- original cx operation = /BuySell/Community/BuySellProtocol/Order --> - <operation name="Order"> original cx flow port = /BuySell/Community/BuySellProtocol/Order/Order --> <input name="Order" message="tns:Order" /> <output name="OrderConfirmation" message="tns:OrderConfirmation" /> <fault name="OrderDenied" message="tns:OrderDenied" /> </operation> </portType> Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
Mapping of message types
- - <message name="Order"> <part name="Order" type="Ordering:Order" /> <message name="OrderConfirmation"> <part name="OrderConfirmation" type="Ordering:OrderConfirmation" /> </message> </message> - <message name="OrderDenied"> <part name="OrderDenied" type="Ordering:OrderDenied" /> </message> Aspects WSDL WSDL-SOAP
Mapping of data types - <xs2001:complexType name="Order"> -
- <xs2001:sequence> <xs2001:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="CompanyID" type="CoreTypes:CompanyID" /> <xs2001:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="OrderID" type="Ordering:OrderID" /> <xs2001:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Item" type="Ordering:Item" /> </xs2001:sequence> </xs2001:complexType>
Ways to map Generate code and other artifacts
Usually required to adapt to legacy Emulates the manual process Assemble and configure existing generic and specific components Both efficient and dynamic Interpret or otherwise “animate” the high-level model High level & dynamic but may have performance issues Simulate Evaluate technical and business impact through simulation
MDA Automation Solution Automated Provisioning Test & Sim Artifacts
Infrastructure Models Component Models System Engineer Domain Knowledge Automated Provisioning Documentation Artifacts Test & Sim Artifacts Components Harness Monitors Execution Artifacts Code (Java, C++…) Database Schema (SQL) Integration Artifacts Interfaces (IDL, WSDL) Configuration Metadata, Descriptors Runtime Configuration Policies, Processes Data Structures (XML,IDEF0) Message Formats IDEFx Solution
Example Generated Artifacts
Implementation Artifacts (EJB Examples) Class Objects Jars,Wars,Ears Java Source Homes, SQL Stubs, Skeletons, Managers, Helpers, Holders, Primary Keys Interfaces Descriptors BeanInfo ,Editors. Documentation Serialization, . Persistence Management M0/M1 XMI/DTD Business Object Implementation Logic Artifact generation involves multiple tools EJB Container provider;Deployment tools;Packagers; java development tools(IDE);persistence provider;… Typical per PIM Classifier 0-20% manual override
Web Services Plus/Minus
Advantages High degree of buy-in and support Easy to implement in legacy as well as new systems Flexible and adaptive structure Rapidly improving performance and enterprise support Disadvantages Not the fastest thing around Security and reliability infrastructure needs work Does not carry binary data well (E.G. Images) Large system will require complex matrix of interdependent web services Still changing
MDA Mitigates Web Services problems and risk
MDA components can use Web Services as one of many middleware technologies Switch to other middleware if Web Services does not prove-out for particular applications As web services changes and improves (E.G. better security) changes can easily be propagated to MDA supported components Web service specifications (WSDL) and middleware implementation can be automated MDA provides “system view” across many web services
GSA Enterprise Model Example
Thanks to George Thomas Enterprise Architect General Services Administration
[4] FEA Inheritance
[4] FEA baseRole
[4] XMLDB Reusable Components – TRM Frameworks as OO Design Patterns
Components for provisioning Implementation Simulation and Documentation
GSA Process Model Trace
Next few slides are screen shots from Live Simulation of a notional ‘to-be’ GSA EA model in Component-X, which traces through each and every component in the business collaborations that have been modeled
Model-driven UI for submitting a UBL Order
trace population
The UBL OrderResponse
GSABuySell component context
AcquisitionManagement component context – a view of ‘recursive decomposition’
in-context UBL Order data
Purchasing component context
in-context UBL OrderResponse data
FOP generated performance_trace.pdf
B-P-A-A as ABM input
Iterative Development
Business Model Design Deploy Release Build Automation Build Build Build Build Build Infrastructure Development
Net effect Using these open standards and automated techniques we can;
Achieve the strategic advantage of an open and flexible enterprise Produce and/or integrate these systems FASTER and CHEAPER than could be done with legacy techniques Provide a lasting asset that will outlive the technology of the day Integration of modeling, simulation and executable systems
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