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Primary Care Reference Group

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1 Primary Care Reference Group
Workshop 5 – 13th April 2016

2 Workshop Overview Non Clinical Functions – mapping where we are now
Workshop five focussed on two areas: Non Clinical Functions – mapping where we are now Non-Clinical infrastructure delivery in the future

3 ‘My Journey’ Each Workshop begins with a member telling the group about their journey. We try to match members journeys to the agenda for that workshop. Workshop 5: Dr Shan – GP Partner/TH GP Care Group Board member/LMC Rep I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\ Workshop 5\Comms links for Lynne\Presentation Dr Shan my journey April 16.pptx

4 Presentations given to the Group
Primary Care Reference Group Agenda & Exercise hand out I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\ Workshop 5\Comms links for Lynne\Presentation slides WS pptx Presentation - Developing a learning health system (Discovery Project) Dr Kambiz Boomla I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\ Workshop 5\Comms links for Lynne\Discovery Learning Health System for East London Presentation Dr K Boomla.pptx

5 What we did- Group Feedback-
The session was interactive, breaking into three groups to carry out 2 exercises Each group was asked to: Map where we are now with delivery of non-clinical functions Brainstorm delivery around the non clinical areas that mattered to them Group Feedback- I:\NHSTHCCG\NEW I DRIVE STRUCTURE\Deputy Chief Officer\Primary Care\Reference Group\ Workshop 5\Comms links for Lynne\Group feedback non-clinical infrastructure WS docx

6 How to get involved? Read our newsletter – we’ll be providing regular updates through NewsinBrief Request a practice visit. Sam and the Primary Care Team are visiting practices who want to raise any issues or flag up new ideas. The Primary Care Team will continue to attend regular meetings to provide updates and hear your views - E.g. Locality meetings, Health Watch, Health and Well Being Forum, LMC, Practice Manager Forums Locality Based workshops to update and discuss what a new model of care could look like will be held in April/May: NE 13 April 1-3pm, The Centre, Maha Bldg SE being rescheduled NW & SW dates tbc If you have missed a workshop please come along to another locality or get in touch to arrange a practice visit …We’ve also set up a patient reference group to steer our wider public and patient engagement Check the Tower Hamlets GP website for updates on primary care transformation

7 Look ahead to Workshop 6 – 4th May 2016
Review outputs of previous 5 workshops Review gaps in more detail

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