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Places of Interest of London: Tower Bridge .

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Presentation on theme: "Places of Interest of London: Tower Bridge ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Places of Interest of London: Tower Bridge .
The presentation is made by VED GALINA ALEXANDROVNA, a teacher of the English language of school #3 of the town of Alexandrov, Vladimir region 2013

2 London's Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world.

3 This bridge, built in Gothic style, stands near the Tower of London.

4 It was built in the 19th century to connect both sides of the river Thames.

5 The bridge has a movable roadways that lift up for passing ships.

6 Tower Bridge is still a real engeneering marvel
Tower Bridge is still a real engeneering marvel. It took eight years to built it.

7 A lift takes people up to the bridge's high-level walkways, 42 metres above the river Thames.

8 Tower Bridge is raised about 1000 times a year
Tower Bridge is raised about 1000 times a year. Inside the bridge there is the Victorian Engine Rooms.

9 They contain huge steam engines that were used to power the bridge lifts.

10 People can learn the history of the bridge visiting the exhibition inside it.

11 Answer the questions on the topic: 1
Answer the questions on the topic: 1. What is one of the most famous bridges in the world? 2. Where does the bridge stand? 3. When was Tower Bridge built? 4. Why does it have movable roadways? 5. How long did it take to build the bridge?

12 6. How high are the bridge's walkways. 7
6. How high are the bridge's walkways? 7. How many times a year is the bridge raised? 8. Is it still an engineering marvel? 9. What is there in the Victorian Engine Rooms? 10. How can people learn the history of Tower Bridge?

13 Thank you for your attention!
The photos used in the presentation were taken by the author of it.

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