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Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?
Vocabulary Using Words in Context

2 climate The average, or normal weather conditions of a place
I wish I lived in Hawaii because it has such a pleasant climate.

3 starved Suffered from lack of food
The squirrels starved because they could not find any food during the cold winter months.

4 protection The keeping of someone or something from harm
I wore a thick, warm winter coat as protection from the snow.

5 moisture Water or other liquid in the air or on a surface
It was so cold outside that moisture formed on the inside of the windows.

6 erupt To break out suddenly and with force
I was afraid that my mom would erupt in anger when I showed her my test papers.

7 discovery Something that is seen or found for the first time
The discovery of the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean floor was simply amazing!

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