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Death, Circumcision, and the Flood

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2 Death, Circumcision, and the Flood
Baptism Death, Circumcision, and the Flood

3 Some Parallels Baptism and Christ’s death, burial, resurrection (Rom. 6) In baptism, we die to sin and bury that old self From baptism, we rise up alive in God’s eyes We then walk in newness of life Baptism and circumcision (Col. 2) In baptism, we put off our sinful life In baptism, we access the forgiveness Jesus provided by his death on the cross Then, we have been raised with Christ

4 Baptism and the Flood I Peter 3:18-22
Context: Be ready to suffer for Christ, considering that Christ also suffered… for us (3:14-18) Christ died to “bring us to God” He was made alive in the Spirit Story of Noah introduced to connect Christ’s work and baptism

5 I Peter 3:18-22 A popular theory examined
When Christ died, he went to the portion of Hades where sinners are kept in torment, and preached the those who died in the flood of Genesis 6 Preaching in Hades would be pointless (Luke 16:26) Christ went to paradise, not torment (Luke 23:43) Christ did not personally do this preaching, rather it was done “in the Spirit” (I Peter 3:18-19) Spirit preaches through men, like Noah (II Peter 2:5) This theory contradicts plain Biblical facts

6 I Peter 3:18-21 What did Peter describe in these verses?
Jesus, in the Spirit, preached to the world through Noah, but they did not obey, thus they drowned; their souls were imprisoned in torment in Hades, where all sinners are kept until judgment (II Peter 2:4-10) From this, Peter moves on to the parallel between the flood and baptism We need to understand Peter’s brief review in order to understand how he connects this to baptism

7 I Peter 3:18-22 Water saved some and destroyed others (3:20)
The saved were on one side of the water The lost were on the other side Baptism corresponds to this (3:21) The saved are on one side of the water The lost are the other side Christ is still the source Baptism provides access to his saving work on the cross Jesus has preached to us in the Spirit by his servants If we do not obey, we’ll be lost with the flood victims

8 I Peter 3:18-22 Baptism is an appeal to God for a good conscience (3:21) We appeal to God to clear our guilty consciences Baptism, which corresponds to the flood, saves you… through the resurrection of Jesus The creation is now subject to Christ (3:22) By the authority he has, he commands discipleship through baptism (Matt. 28:18-20) We then live our lives for God (I Peter 4:1-2)

9 Baptism: Death, Circumcision, Flood
The purpose is to put away sin It is essential, and we are not saved before it It involves immersion in water We must live faithfully after baptism


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