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France Life Imaging (FLI) Information Analysis and Management (IAM)

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Presentation on theme: "France Life Imaging (FLI) Information Analysis and Management (IAM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 France Life Imaging (FLI) Information Analysis and Management (IAM)
MICCAI 2016 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention SATELLITE EVENTS Challenges MSSEG + PETSEG Project and technical aspects France Life Imaging (FLI) Information Analysis and Management (IAM) 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

2 People network 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

3 Project timeline : “Birth” of challenge MSSEG: Assemblée Générale of FLI-IAM in Paris, ICM (heavily discussed) : Proposal submission : MICCAI acceptance : Registration opens on portal of FLI-IAM : Training data release (15 patients with expert annotations for each) : Pipeline integration opens (guidelines release) : Paper submission deadline : Segmentation pipeline submission deadline : Papers acceptance : Final papers submission : today, workshop day 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

4 Major work packages Definition/Planning Recruitment Data Preparation
Portal Shanoir/DTM Testing/QC VIP/Boutiques Pipeline Integration Evaluation/SPA 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

5 Key numbers - 1 15 challengers / 23 pipelines integrated
5 engineers hired for the challenges More than 25 task force meetings organized since October 2015 More than 600 s exchanged between challengers and pipeline integrators Around 85 man-months of work (45 m-m engineers FLI-IAM) Definition/Planning/Orga 11 m-m Recruitment 1 m-m Data Preparation 22 m-m (with interns) Portal 6 m-m Shanoir/DTM 15 m-m VIP/Boutiques 3 m-m Pipeline Integration 13 m-m Evaluation/SPA 10 m-m Testing/QC 4 m-m Challengers work ??? Much work, but unknown 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

6 Key numbers - 2 Man-months 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

7 FLI-IAM Engineers, behind the scenes
WG1 - Engineer CATI/ICM: Jinpeng Li Integrations on CatiDBv3 WG2 - Engineer VISAGES: Florent Leray Integration of use cases Rennes and CARMIN WG2 - Engineer CREATIS: Axel Bonnet Integration of CARMIN REST into VIP WG3 - Engineer GIN: Simon Loury Shanoir extensions for little animals Portal - Engineer VISAGES: Mathieu Simon Portal development for FLI-IAM Task Force Challenges Miccai Engineer LATIM: Baptiste Laurent Data preparation for challenges Task Force Challenges Miccai Engineer CREATIS: Pascal Girard Integration of challenger pipelines into VIP Task Force Challenges Miccai Engineer VISAGES: Julien Louis Extensions on Shanoir for challenges Quality Assurance/Testing - Engineer VISAGES: Aneta Morawin Testing on portal, challenges, common catalog and CARMIN 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

8 FLI-IAM Engineers, behind the scenes
Engineers with finished contracts: WG1 - Engineer CICIT: Laëtitia Tin Integration of ArchiMed WG2 - Engineer CREATIS: Nouha Boujelben Integration of VIP WG2 - Engineer CATI/ICM: Mamadou Diallo Integration of pipeline into CATI WG2 - Engineer GIN - Bordeaux: Solveig Badillo integration of pipeline into VIP WG3 - Engineer ICUBE: Romain Lahaxe Dicomifier, extensions on MediBase/MediPy Contracts started recently / starting soon: WG1 - Engineer CICIT: Mohamed Eissa WG1 - Engineer VISAGES: Yao Yao Integration of Shanoir WG3 - Engineer LBI: Mathieu Bonnet Integration of pipelines WG3 - Engineer ICUBE: Farid Ouhmich 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

9 MSSEG: data preparation
21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

10 Architecture FLI-IAM FLIWS 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

11 Architecture for challenges
Processing platform VIP/Boutiques Portal FLI-IAM SFTP DTM Shanoir Database for medical images 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

12 VIP/Boutiques: tool integration
Your tool ? VIP Virtual Imaging Platform Tool description (JSON) Niak / PSOM Workflow Management System for Science Automation Tool implementation

13 Shanoir data access, customized for different roles
21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

14 Shanoir data access, customized for different roles
21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

15 SegPerfAnalyzer (SPA)
Evaluates the precision of a segmentation by comparing, according to various metrics, the reference image (ground-truth) and the result image of a segmentation Segmentation Dice score Sensitivity Specificity Relative total lesion load error Positive predictive value Distance Average symmetric surface distance Detection Lesion sensitivity Lesion positive predictive value F1 score 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

16 Data Transfer Module (DTM)
21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

17 Take home VIP enables worldwide visibility and collaboration
Access your data today, open since 08:30 (how-to video on starting page of portal) Connect to portal: Login to Shanoir and browse your data Video of services platform IAM? 21/10/2016 MICCAI 2016

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