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Developing A Sustainability ISU

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1 Developing A Sustainability Map @ ISU
Alec Steenbergen, Bennet Krull, Kaycee De Graaf, & Kyle Zulz

2 Overview Purpose Plan of execution Research for map Development of map
Challenges Results -Kaycee

3 Purpose Developing on-line sustainability map of Illinois State University’s campus Environmental assets Academic programs Community integration Clickable links to further display information History Faculty and student research Volunteer opportunities Financial value -Bennett

4 Plan Of Execution Performed project based upon agile methodology
Many applications and web platforms map could be built on Unsure at first what was important to display on the map Turning project over to Administrative Technology -Kyle -Agile is a software development technique that excels in conditions of uncertainty. We managed the needs of the product as we went along and made changes to it .

5 Our Starting Point Stakeholder analysis Developed user stories
Current Students Prospective Students Faculty and Staff Developed user stories Helped us set goals and remain on track to complete project Held meeting with Administrative Technology Familiarized ourselves and learned technology platform Established a “Definition of Done” Looked at other university sustainability maps to develop a vision -Kyle & Bennett

6 Definition Of Done “A proof of concept that depicts sustainable assets on a web-based platform that could easily be accessible through Illinois State University’s domain.” -Kaycee

7 Stakeholder Research Office of Admissions Visitor Surveys
Horticulture was a stand-out quality on campus Held stakeholder interviews Horticulture Energy efficiency in academic buildings Dining Centers Located GIS (Geographic Information System Points) Developed of Excel databases to organize data about GIS coordinates -Kaycee and Bennett

8 Basis For Map Development
Held interview with Administrative Technology Link Google Maps to the Illinois State University domain Create a data structure (i.e. database) called JSON Incorporate GIS points Google Maps JavaScript API Create scripting that processes data into Google Maps API -Kyle

9 Building A Compatible Map
Developed prototype throughout the project Ensured a successful and complete project at the end Picture prototype to a technical prototype Were unsure how to code and create the scripting Tutorials through Google’s Developer Tools Attempted to deliver project that could easily be transferred to Administrative Technology Housed as its own separate map on the Illinois State University website -Kyle

10 Challenges Where to start
What platforms to utilize Key points of contact Data was not structured and all over the place Time constraint Learn a new coding language -Bennett

11 Result Proof of concept of how data would be displayed through Google Maps Visualization Created separate Excel document for certain sustainability asset categories Organization Consolidation Created a document for Missy to request sustainability assets every-so-often Acquiring -Kyle and Kaycee

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