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Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015
Welcome, Introduction and Setting the Scene to the Alternative Delivery Model Challenge in Wales Croeso, Cyflwyniad a Gosod yr Olygfa ar gyfer Her Ffyrdd Amgen o Gynnig Gwasanaeth yng Nghymru Flintshire All Wales Alternative Delivery Models Event 6th July 2015 Digwyddiad Ffyrdd Amgen o Gynnig Gwasanaethau Cymru Gyfan yn Sir y Fflint 6 Gorffennaf 2015

2 Cllr Aaron Shotton, Leader, FCC / Arweinydd, Cyngor Sir y Fflint
Colin Everett, Chief Executive, FCC / Prif Weithredwr, Cyngor Sir y Fflint

3 Purpose / Pwrpas To consider the Welsh policy context and emerging best practice / Ystyried cyd-destun polisi Cymru a’r arfer gorau sy’n deillio o hynny To develop a way forward for sharing emerging best practice between interested parties / Datblygu’r ffordd ymlaen ar gyfer rhannu arfer gorau rhwng cyfranogwyr

4 Outline for the day / Amlinelliad ar gyfer y diwrnod
10am Welcome and Introductions 10.15 Key Note Speeches 11.35 Workshop 1 (4 pre selected choices) - including questions from key note speeches 12.35 Lunch 1.20pm Workshop 2 (repeat of 4 choices) - including discussion on sharing emerging practice 2.50pm Feedback from Workshops 3.15pm The Way Forward

5 Setting the Scene : The ADM Challenge Gosod yr Olygfa: Yr Her
The financial context : reducing budgets Services at risk Redesign or lose services ADMs offset the reduction by their ability to increase income and / or reduce expenditure In ways that are not possible in the Council Technical or Cultural Reasons Result = less cutting of services + less job losses

6 Potential Solutions in a Welsh Context / Atebion Posibl yng Nghyd-destun Cymru
Policy - Local Government - Health and Social Care Welsh Government – enabling role? Learning from Welsh Best Practice Learning from the UK and Internationally - Mutuals, Co-operatives, funding and training, social sector growth, community resilience Sharing Emerging Practice - limited time, need to share now

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