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Pre-Proposal Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Proposal Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Proposal Conference
No. SOL Growth, Enterprise, Employment and Livelihoods (GEEL) Contract

2 Welcome! Karibu! Soo Dhowow!

3 Introductions Office of Acquisition and Assistance Somalia Office
Maria Televantos Caroline Bertolin Evans Mutende Hodan Hassan Marybeth McKeever Fatuma Aden

4 General Information Any questions asked will be posted on The official responses to the questions are those in writing and not the verbal responses from today Necessary changes as a result of questions will be incorporated by an amendment to the RFP The slides from today’s presentation will be posted on

5 Overview Overview of the Solicitation Evaluation of Full Proposals
Technical Proposal Cost Proposal Evaluation of Full Proposals Selection and Award Process Questions and Answers

6 Overview of the Solicitation
USAID anticipates the award of one five-year Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Contract (IDIQ). Task Order 01, with a maximum estimated cost of $15 million, and Task Order 02, with a maximum estimated cost of $35 million, will be issued simultaneously with the award of the IDIQ.

7 GEEL goal: promote inclusive economic growth
Catalyze both “systemic” economic changes - that affect all sectors of the economy - and “sectoral” ones that affect key industries Systemic activities - open up opportunities for new, small and medium-sized businesses with access to finance, policy and regulation, and business services Sectoral interventions - increase investment in high growth industries, such as agriculture, fisheries and renewable energy Increase participation of women and youth in the economy

8 Background: Somalia is one of poorest countries of the world with GDP per capita of $600 (2010) with 75 percent unemployment rate Emergence of FGS, relatively stable governments in Somaliland and Puntland, a degree of accessibility in newly emerging states Cautious optimism of businesses and investors plus willingness for government to implement regulation and provide public goods essential for business growth Lessons from USAID’s Partnership for Economic Growth program, external assessments and evaluations and information from other development partners Opportunity to accelerate economic recovery and increase employment across Somalia by addressing key constraints to growth

9 INSERT Logframe

10 Illustrative Results IR#1 – Business enabling environment strengthened through access to finance and support to policy and Regulation IR#2 – Enterprise development promoted through business development services IR#3 – Improved production, employment and incomes in select value chains (agriculture, fisheries, and renewable energy) Cross-cutting Result #4 – Greater participation by women and youth in the economy as entrepreneurs, employers and employees

11 Task Order 1: Management, Coordination, and Learning
Purpose of TO1: to provide management and oversight for the IDIQ and all TOs Demonstrate strong coordination and highly collaborative management and implementation approach Staff must work across various regions and sectors to maximize impact, share lessons, and solve problems Theory of Change and LogFramework to demonstrate logic behind achieving IDIQ goal Proposed approach for Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA)

12 Task Order 2: Agriculture Value Chain
Goal: Improved production, employment, and incomes in the agriculture value chain AND greater participation by women and youth in the economy as entrepreneurs, employers, and employees Minimum expected outcomes include: New or more efficient technologies introduced Private investments increased in agribusinesses and supporting industries Improvements to supporting infrastructure made Improved capacity to meet safety requirements for domestic and overseas markets Greater participation by women and youth in the economy as entrepreneurs, employers, and employees

13 Required Format for a Full Proposal
Applications must be submitted in two separate parts: Technical Proposal Cost Proposal READ the SOLICITATION carefully All instructions and eligibility requirements found within Follow all RFP instructions carefully Pay close attention to Sections C, L, M Submit ALL required information

14 Technical Proposal Detailed instructions found in section L.8 of the RFP Technical proposal should take into account requirements of the program and evaluation criteria found in the RFP The proposal must be written entirely in English The technical proposal is limited to 55 pages Any pages that exceed these limits will not be evaluated

15 Cost Proposal Detailed instructions found in section L.9 of the RFP
Cost proposal must be completely separate from the technical proposal Must be in English with cost estimates in USD. The cost proposal must be compatible with Excel, include all unlocked formulas, and be an unlocked spreadsheet that is not password protected. The detailed narrative for the cost proposal must describe the assumptions made as well as detailed explanations about how each proposed cost was estimated by line item.

16 Submitting the Proposal
Only ONE proposal package per organization will be accepted. Electronic submission is required to and is the only method for submitting proposals Zipped files cannot be accepted due to anti-virus software Attachments must be submitted in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Office Proposals must be received no later than 8:00 AM Nairobi local time on July 13, 2015. Offerors are responsible for confirming that their complete proposals were received electronically by USAID.

17 Evaluation of Full Proposals
The evaluation of full proposals will be conducted in two parts: The Technical Proposal will be evaluated by a technical evaluation committee (TEC) The Cost Proposal will be evaluated by the Contracting Officer Evaluations will be conducted in strict accordance with the evaluation criteria in section M of the RFP.

18 Technical Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Maximum Points 1 Technical Approach to Overall IDIQ 30 2 Task Order 1: Management, Coordination, and Learning 3 Task Order 2: Agriculture 20 4 Institutional Capacity and Experience 10 5 Past Performance Total Points 100

19 Cost Proposal Evaluation
USAID will also evaluate the proposed costs to determine if they are fair and reasonable using proposal analysis techniques consistent with FAR Each cost proposal will be evaluated but will not be assigned a rating The evaluation of cost will include a determination of cost realism, completeness, and reasonableness. Where technical evaluations between proposals are close, cost may be the determining factor.

20 Selection and Award If the Contracting Officer determines that discussions are necessary, s/he will establish a competitive range composed of only the most highly rated proposals.  In accordance with FAR ‐1(f), the Government intends to award a contract resulting from this solicitation to a responsible Offeror whose proposal represents the best value after evaluation in accordance with the factors as set forth in the solicitation.

21 Next Steps Your Team Works Really Hard Proposals Due (July 13, 2015) Technical Evaluation Committee Meets Negotiations/Discussions Award Post-Award Conference Work Planning and Implementation!!!

22 Thank You! Opportunity for Questions! Points of Contact
Maria Televantos Ali Ali Evans Mutende

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