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Macintosh & Linux Used to fill in pg 5 & 6 of “Operating Systems” Packet.

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1 Macintosh & Linux Used to fill in pg 5 & 6 of “Operating Systems” Packet

2 PC VS Mac? Things the PC is good at: Things the Mac is good at:
1. Work 2. Numbers Things the Mac is good at: 1. Movies 2. Music 3. Photos 4. Fun

3 Macintosh Facts 1. 1984 – Apple introduced the Macintosh computer
2. Mac is credited with popularizing the “GUI - graphical user interface” 3. The Mac OS is preinstalled on every Mac computer 4. The original Mac was based on the Lisa OS

4 Macintosh GUI desktop

5 Macintosh Facts 5. Apple partnered with Microsoft and had Microsoft creating versions of Word & Excel for the Mac 6. Stickies are virtual “Post It Notes” 7. Most recent version of Mac Operating System is: Mac OS X

6 Macintosh stickies

7 Linux Desktop

8 Linux 1. Linux is comparable to: Windows & Mac OSX 2. Created in 1991
3. Linux is FREE: You can download and run it on your computer 4. 2 part Linux has: A kernel GUI

9 Linux 5. What makes Linux useful? GUI
6. Without GUI you would have to type in commands 7. A true desktop comes with: Tools, utilities, games, & other applications 8. The typical programs it includes are: , Office software, File sharing,

10 Non GUI Desktop

11 Linux 9. Five advantages: Disadvantages:
Flexible (You control the way the desktop looks) FREE Secure (Very Safe - No Viruses) Future Value Reliable Disadvantages: You have to be able to figure the software out on your own

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