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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME WAR EAGLE FOOTBALL 2017"— Presentation transcript:


2 2017 CHS FOOTBALL STAFF Van samples – assistant head coach / defense
Artie ulmer – defensive coordinator / defense Tyler pineda – defense Donnie Johnston – special teams Jake conley – offense John brimer – head jv / offense Scott degraff – offense Logan conley – offense

3 Why are you here? State of the team New d.m.o. & why
Important information regarding 2017 football season Answer common questions – answer your questions Involvement – 4 boys - it takes a village Player experience – how to have a great one

4 State of the team Right on schedule
35 winter/spring workouts / avg: 63 players per session / 74 max 308+ loaves of bread / 87 ½ jars of peanut butter & 175+ jars of jelly Last max – 89% of all players (7) lbs – 94% of all players increased (4) Speed and agility – gone from 2 stadiums to 10 stadiums – foot skills have shown great improvement Started study hall with now < CHS – is the place to be Leadership committee training Thumbs up – more than 48 min - mission is to create men of character

5 Web page How we will handle business, announcements, player recognition War eagle football web page How we will handle money, Communication, scheduling On-line registration

6 War eagle touchdown club
HOW do I BECOME A MEMBER OF THE VILLAGE? Jonathan Yarbrough – president Mark Jarrard – vp Mandy teal – treasurer Julie ann Hamilton – secretary Amy knickel – co-treasurer

7 Ways players can benefit from sponsorshi[ps
Ims gear holding inc. presentation Dustin chambers

8 Expectations of coaching staff
Produce men of character – champions behave like champions before they are champions Produce great students – emphasis on academics Be innovative – high expectations of players and ourselves – stay on top of game Be an example – we are not perfect – we will strive to be men of great character Be firm fair and consistent – we will coach em all! We will play the best one! Our families depend on that. Your son will be pushed, challenged, uncomfortable, often frustrated - But be assured, they will also be loved, treated fairly, & taught to fight through adversity with a vision in mind!

9 Expectations of the parents
BE their parent!! Support, encourage, love, & and allow them to grow through adversity Team 1st mentality – buy in! All in – wise man & wb – not about me , not about you, about us! Role players vs starters Sportsmanship – be great before during and after all games Respect for others – cheer for us all – its about us – coaches included Service oriented – we need you to pour into the program like you want us to pour into your son.

10 If a problem arises – follow 24 hour rule-
Chain of command If a problem arises – follow 24 hour rule- 1st - The player should : Talk with position coach Talk with the head coach 2nd – the parent should: Set up meeting with position coach Set up a meeting with the head coach 3rd –the head coach & parent should: set up meeting with the athletic director Set up a meeting with the principal

11 Team rules Do right for the team – character
No complaining, no excuses – courage Be early – do your job – commitment Violations will be handled on individual basis Violations concerning drugs & alcohol will be handled according to hall co policy

12 Practice policy Practice is everything No misses must be the norm
Any absence during spring / summer will require extra conditioning In-season (July 24th) 1st – extra conditioning 2nd – extra conditioning & ½ game suspension 3rd – extra conditioning & full game suspension After 3rd – dismissal from team for the remainder of the year.

13 Injury procedure / protocol
Injury is possible Must report to our athletic trainer If the occurrence of an injury, the player should: Inform position coach Coach and player will inform trainer Trainer will make return to play decision – decision to see Dr

14 Summer sacrifice War eagle football summer sacrifice 2017

15 Your family experience
Parents: Be a great parent Players: be a great teammate Enjoy the process – embrace your role Make great memories E. a. t. t.

16 Questions? War eagle football (770) 532 – 1162 ( ext. 5276)


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