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Major Developments and Achievements of Korean S&T Policy

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Presentation on theme: "Major Developments and Achievements of Korean S&T Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Developments and Achievements of Korean S&T Policy
- Based on S&T Basic Plans - December 9, 2004 Pyengmu D. Bark, Ph.D. Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning Tel Fax 1

2 Contents Brief Recent History NSTC, S&T Foundation(Basic) Law
S&T Basic Plans New Era of Korean S&T Promotion Concluding Remarks 2

3 · effectiveness, efficiency, redundancy
Brief Recent History of S&T Policy System History-1 Background and issues Rapid increase of public R&D fund brings in special attention by tax payers Diversified R&D programs : numbers of program, S&T areas, R&D performers, size of each project National level coordination among ministries in terms of planning and evaluation · effectiveness, efficiency, redundancy New Era( ) breaks down into 2 periods · prior to vs. after 2003 (new government) 3

4 Prior to 2003 : growth , S&T centered
Brief Recent History of S&T Policy System History-2 Prior to 2003 : growth , S&T centered 1999 : National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) - Special Law for S&T Innovation and Promotion - National R&D program evaluation system 2001 : Science and Technology Foundation Law - Developed from Special Law - S&T Basic Plan(5 year) 2002 : S&T Basic Plan( ) - Strategic R&D Development Priority Setting 4

5 After New Government : being balanced, beyond S&T
Brief Recent History of S&T Policy System History-3 After New Government : being balanced, beyond S&T 2003 : Revised version S&T Basic Plan( ) - new position of information and science & technology advisor to the President - building up a ‘S&T based society’ :official national agenda 2004 : Develop a new national system of S&T innovation - promotion of MOST : Vice Prime Minister in charge of micro economic situations w/MOCIE, MOIC - Office of Ministry for S&T Innovation (科學技術革新本部) 5

6 President National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
National S&T Council(NSTC) Presidential Advisory Council on S&T(PACST) Research Councils (Basic, Industry, Public) Vice Prime Minister(MOST) Office of Ministry for S&T Innovation (科學技術革新本部) S&T related Ministries 그림을 일부 수정한다. 국가위사무국에 상자를 그려 과학기술혁신본부를 소개한다. Science & Technology (MOST) Commerce, Ind. &Energy (MOCIE) Information & Communication (MOIC) Education (MOE) Defense (MOD) 6

7 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
Chair : President , Vice Chair : Minister of S&T Members : S&T related Ministers, Civilian Experts Role : Coordinate and Propose Major S&T Promotion Policy and Plan Steering Committee Chair : Minister of S&T Members : S&T related Deputy Ministers, Civilian Experts Role : Pre-view and Coordinate Proposed Agenda to the NSTC Planning and Coordination Committee 전문위원회 구성도를 다시 그린다. (1) 기획조정전문위원회, 등 기타 전문위원회를 소개하든지 아니면 기획조정전문위원회만 간단하게 소개한다. Chair: Selected Civilian Member Role: S&T Promotion Policy Making S&T Foresight, Census, Analysis, and Evaluation 7

8 Coordination of National Science & Technology
National S&T Planning S&T Level and Trend Analysis Technology Assessment National Standard S&T Classification S&T Indicators and Statistical Analysis S&T Foresight and Roadmap R&D Investment & Program Analsis National R&D Priority Setting National S&T Plan (5 year) S&T Related Ministrial Action Plan (yearly base) Pre Budget Review & Coordination for National R&D Programs Ministrial R&D Programs National R&D Program Evaluation Performance Review Ministrial Action Plan (yearly base) Pre-Coordination and Evaluation for National R&D Programs 8

9 S&T Foundation Law(科學技術基本法)
S&T Basic Law (enacted July 2001, revised August 2004) S&T Innovation Policy : Industrial Development, Human Resources Development, Balanced Regional Development Mutually balanced and interdependently development between natural science, and humanities and social science National S&T Innovation System National S&T Council (NSTC) S&T Basic Plan(Every 5 year) 9

10 S&T Foundation Law(科學技術基本法)
S&T Basic Law (through NSTC) Survey, Analysis and Evaluation National R&D Programs R&D Budget Allocation and Coordination National R&D Planning : S&T Foresight, R&D statistics and indicators S&T assessment and measuring its levels 10

11 S&T Foundation Law(科學技術基本法)
Requires S&T Basic Plan to suggest : Mid and long-term S&T development policy goal and directions And to cover issues about : Increase of S&T investment Diffusion, transfer and practical use of R&D outcomes Promotion of basic science and research Promotion of local S&T activities Global and North-South Korea S&T cooperation Stimulate S&T culture toward public awareness Stimulate private sector R&D activities 11

12 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Prepared end of 2001, prior to new government Vision : to realize 15 thousand US dollars per capita income and better quality of living standard Goal : to reach 10th world best country by 2006 in terms of S&T competitiveness 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 12

13 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Policy directions Develop six future technologies with selection and focus Foster and utilize creative R&D human resources Open system of S&T innovation with strengthened networking Promotion of understanding S&T by public Increase R&D efficiency and investment 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 13

14 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Revised S&T Basic Plan( ) - Revised early 2003, new government starts Feb. Vision : to build up S&T oriented society(科學技術立國) for second time since 1960’s through realizing S&T based society(科學技術中心社會) Goal : to reach 8th world best country in terms of S&T competitiveness by 2007 14

15 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Policy directions Strengthen national S&T innovation system Selective & focused development of national strategic S&T area for the future Strengthen future growth sources Enhance local innovation capability Job creation in accordance with knowledge based society S&T with and for public 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 15

16 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Part I : Vision Background and meaning Change of foreign and domestic S&T environment Vision and policy directions 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 16

17 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Part II : National strategic S&T development - based on national technology road map Building a knowledge, information, and intelligence based society Aiming at Bio-Healthtopia Advancing E2(energy and environment) frontier Enlarging the value added of major industries Improving national safety and prestige Building and Information-Knowledge-Intelligence Society 2. Aiming at Bio-Healthtopia 3. Advancing E2(Energy and Environment) Frontier 4. Upgrading the Value of Major Industries of Korea Today 5. Improving National Safety and Prestige 17

18 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Part III : Enhancing S&T capability and its role for society (I) Promote basic science and research Foster R&D human resources S&T globalization toward Far East R&D hub Promote local S&T innovation Efficient and increasing S&T investment 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 18

19 S&T Basic Plan(科學技術基本計劃)
Part III : Enhancing S&T capability and its role for society (II) Support private sector R&D activities Enhance S&T infra-structure Increase role of S&T meeting social needs Diffuse S&T culture among public 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 과제 등을 정리해서 소개하고 성과에 대해서도 가능하다면 언급한다. 19

20 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
Since (new government) 2003 : S&T Based Society (科學技術中心社會) New engines for economic growth (次世代 成長動力) 2004 : New System of National S&T Innovation (國家技術革新體系) revision of S&T Foundation Law (科學技術基本法 改定) new Office of the Ministry for S&T Innovation (科學技術革新本部 新設, 科學技術部 所屬) promotion of Minister of S&T(MOST) to Vice Prime Minister (科學技術 副總理) 2005 : Public Research Institutes of S&T areas 과학기술중심사회의 핵심내용을 소개 차세대성장동력의 핵심내용을 소개:배경, 분야, 추진체계 등 국가기술혁신체계의 핵심내용 과학기술기술기본법 정부조직개편(부총리제도 도입, 기술혁신본부 신설) 정부출연연구소(연구회)의 국가과학기술위원회로의 이관 20

21 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
Building S&T Based Society (科學技術中心社會) One of 13 National Management Agenda MOST & PACST ( ) Proposed 30 projects for action plans To be succeeded by NIS project(2004) 21

22 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
New Engines for Economic Growth (次世代 成長動力) Grand Strategic Plan coordinated by Advisor to the President on Information and S&T Proposed 10 major industries along with 50? core technologies To be followed up by NSTC(2004) 22

23 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
National Innovation System (國家技術革新體系) Requested by the President(2004.2) to MOST Reported to the President( ) Proposed 5 core factors and 30 action projects based on results from Study on ‘Building a S&T Based Society’ 23

24 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
Revision of S&T Foundation Law (科學技術基本法 改定) Definition and scope of S&T Innovation Policy R&D budget allocation and coordination Vice chair by Prime Minister of S&T, Secretariat by Minister of Office of Ministry for S&T Innovation 24

25 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
New Office of the Ministry for S&T Innovation (科學技術革新本部 新設, 科學技術部 所屬) Affiliated to MOST, but independently operating as Secretariat to NSTC Ref : National Council of S&T Policy in Japan Covers S&T innovation policy, planning and evaluation down to national program level 25

26 New Era of Korean S&T Promotion
promotion of Minister of S&T(MOST) to Vice Prime Minister (科學技術 副總理) President’s decision( ) on expectation of MOST role as control tower of national S&T policy implementations and executions in terms of leading close ties between innovation policies and micro economic policies OMSTI expects to provide technical support to MOST in a way 26

27 What are lessons from experiences of advanced countries?
End-1 Concluding Remarks What are lessons from experiences of advanced countries? System and Law Government structure Players Related policies 27

28 End-2 Concluding Remarks Lessons from Japan S&T Basic Plans 28

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