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Keyword check: Without looking!

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1 Keyword check: Without looking!
You must be able to define the following key terms AND understand how they are used in context. Asceticism Spirit of Capitalism Salvation panic Predestination Conservative force Theodicies Starter: Define each key term. Extension: Use ALL the keywords in context - write a few sentences using the keywords.

2 Keyword: Definitions Asceticism - Abstinence, self-discipline and self-denial. Two different types: ‘Other wordly’ and ‘this wordly’ What is the difference? Spirit of Capitalism - having an attitude to be industrious and entrepreneurial; having a duty to prosper. Salvation panic - Calvinists did not know whether they would be saved or not, so they developed a theodicy to help them deal with the ‘not knowing’, in order to be saved. Predestination - God has already decided what souls to save. Conservative force - preserving traditional customs, institutions and moral views, roles etc, maintain status quo. Theodicies - an explanations for why there is evil in the world, or why God permits evil - Justifications.

3 Religion as a conservative force…..
Thinking back to the last set of lessons: In what ways does religion ‘defend’ traditional customs, institutions, moral views, roles, ways in which society should be organised? (Think back to feminism, Marxism…….) Religion’s function as a conservative force is to preserve things the way they are – maintain the status quo. It does this in three main ways… Religion and Consensus – promoting social solidarity and a value consensus Religion and capitalism – Legitimising exploitation and inequality – discouraging change Examples – role of women n in the home, reproducing role, men as the head of the family in a traditional marriage vow, love honour and OBEY, forbidding aboration etc, instiotuions e.g. keeping all priests MC and male, family institution. Examples – Religion and consensus, religion and capitalism, religion and patriarchy Religion and Patriarchy – Legitimising patriarchal power and women’s subordination.


5 Max Weber – Religion can be a force for change (social and economic)
He rejected Marx’s ‘economic reductionist’ model which argues that religion justifies and reproduces wealth and power for certain social groups. Will you stop using people’s financial status as an explanation for everything!!! Weber believed that people’s social and economic status is a product of culture and the way in which society is organised – it is not random, nor is it a product of divine intervention. HOWEVER, people need to use religious explanations to make their world feel more meaningful and predictable. Economic reductionism – reducing all explanations of society e.g. social class relationships, down to economic relationships. Pronounced as VEY-BER

6 Keyword: Theodicies A religious explanation or justification for something e.g. “God made the volcano erupt because he is angry with us.” Marx suggests that these theodicies are used to legitimise inequality and discourage social change……can you think of any examples which illustrates this? Think back to previous lessons. Max Weber – religious theodicies can lead to social and economic change……Calvinism.

7 Religion and Oppression
Marx identifies two aspects of the role of religion: It ‘cushions oppression’, by making people feel better about their oppressed situation. It acts as an ‘instrument of oppression’, by keeping people ‘in their place’. Read the section on Marx (pages 12 to 13), including the example of the caste system, and find five phrases to illustrate the two aspects of religion that Marx identifies.

8 TASKS: Calvinist beliefs and the emergence of capitalism
Weber – The Protestant Ethic, the Spirit of Capitalism and Social Change Religion – specifically the Protestant religion Calvinism – was one of the catalysts for capitalism in the 16th and 17th centuries. TASKS: Calvinist beliefs and the emergence of capitalism Task 1: Read the information sheet on Calvinist beliefs and highlight any references to capitalism. We will then discuss as a class. Task 2: Watch the two video clips and answer the set of questions provided – can answer in pairs. Task 3: Write a summary paragraph on how Calvinism led to the development of modern capitalism in Northern Europe. Include the photo from folder – a comic strip.

9 Calvinism and the emergence of capitalism
Key question: How did Calvinism lead to the development of modern capitalism in Northern Europe? The idea here is to explain how this social change came from a theological source. You must include reference to the following: Calvinist theodicies e.g. predestination, salvation panic, ‘this worldly asceticism’ and how these led to social change. How these Calvinist views differ from Chinese and Indian religions, as well as Roman Catholicism? Explain how this development challenges Marxist views that theodicies are used to legitimise inequality and discourage social change.

10 Summary tasks…..Explain
What was the Calvinist doctrine of predestination and how can this idea be linked to capitalism and social change? Explain what Weber means by ‘this worldly asceticism’. Why does Weber argue that Calvinists experience ‘salvation panic’ and how has this contributed to capitalism and social change? How does Weber’s view of social change differ from the Marxist view? How would Marx challenge Weber?


12 AO3: Evaluation – Criticisms of Weber
Capitalism did not develop in every country where there were Calvinists e.g. Scotland had a large Calvinist population but was slow to develop capitalism. Marxists argue that Weber overestimated the role of religious ideas and underestimated the role of economic factors already prevalent before Calvinism e.g. slavery, and colonialism….for example….. Counterargument Weberians, such as Marshal (1982) points out that Scotland lacked the other factors necessary for development e.g. investment capital and skilled labour – which may explain why capitalism took longer to arise.

13 Britain gained the capital required for industrialisation from colonising in other countries and gaining access to cheap raw materials and labour. This developed Britain’s capital and therefore accelerated capitalism. Thus capitalism is not due to Calvinism ‘back home’, but to expanding the empire elsewhere.

14 AO3: Calvinism – economic success as God’s will……is this too optimistic?
MacKinnon (1993) argued that Weber misinterpreted Calvinist theology and that the religion was opposed to greed and the pursuit of money….perhaps the opposite was true. Perhaps it was all about the money! (Difficult to determine, as much of the theory was based on assumption, rather than evidence). He accused Weber of only selecting parts of the Calvinist religion that suited his hypothesis which questions the validity of Weber’s findings –WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Others argue that capitalism predates Calvinism and that the bourgeoisie have adopted the Calvinist ideas in order to legitimise their pursuit of economic gain.


16 Religion and Social Change
LO: To describe and evaluate the explanations of the role of religion in promoting social change, using specific examples. Starter: Read/listen to Dr Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech. Which biblical references highlight racial inequality and injustice in America? Which biblical references did Dr King use to motivate people to change society? Ext: Which reference do you find most powerful and why?

17 Religion and Social Protest
Like Weber, Steve Bruce (2003) is interested in the relationship between religion and social change. He compared two examples of religious inspired protest movements in America; the civil rights movement and the New Christian Right. One of the above movements was successful in creating social change, whereas the other is unsuccessful. – Civil rights images – Montgomery bus protest. Video: Most hated family in America (Netflix) – televangelists in America

18 Religion and Social Protest - Tasks
Using your notes from pages 1. According to Bruce, why were the black clergy so important in the black civil rights movement? 2. Briefly outline four ways in which religious organisations can support and contribute to social change. 3. Briefly outline the aims of the New Christian Right in America. Give some specific examples of their ideas. According to Bruce and your own interpretations of the clips, what are the two reasons why the New Christian Right have been unsuccessful in their aims? What can be learnt from this comparison, with regards to religion and social change? EXT: What would Marx say with regards to social change?

19 Social Change - so far….. Max Weber – Religion can be a force for change (social and economic) Theodicies can be used to encourage social change e.g. Calvinism and the emergence of capitalism AO3: No capitalism in Scotland, economic factors before Calvinism more likely to have caused capitalism e.g. colonialism, theory based on assumption. Religion and social protest - American Civil Rights movement vs New Christian Rights,

20 The Dual Nature of Religion
Can inhibit change AND challenge status quo…. Whilst Marx argues that religion is a conservative force shaped by a set of ruling-class ideas, he also acknowledges that religion can have its positives: He describes religion as “The soul of soulless conditions”…..”the heart of a heartless world”……what do you think he means by this? Marx argued that religion is capable of humanising a world made inhuman by exploitation. Friedrich Engels (1895) Marx’s life-long collaborator and friend argues for the dual character of religion, an example of which is Liberation Theology.

21 Liberation Theology This theology combines the teachings of Jesus and Marx. It encourages people to actively change their societies, through the use of violence if necessary. They believe that it's a 'Christian duty' to be involved in any actions which ease suffering and lead to liberation. In fact, liberationists said the church should act to bring about social change, and should ally itself with the working class to do so. Some radical priests became involved in politics and trade unions; others even aligned themselves with violent revolutionary movements.

22 Where did it originate from?
Liberation theology grew in South America as a response to the poverty and the ill-treatment of ordinary people. The movement was caricatured in the phrase ‘If Jesus Christ were on Earth today, he would be a Marxist revolutionary’ but it's more accurately encapsulated in this paragraph from Leonardo and Clodovis Boff: “How are we to be Christians in a world of destitution and injustice? There can be only one answer: we can be followers of Jesus and true Christians only by making common cause with the poor and working out the gospel of liberation.” Leonardo and Clodovis Boff

23 But not all agreed….. The late Pope John Paul II was frequently criticised for the severity with which he dealt with the liberation movement. His main objective was to stop the highly politicised form of liberation theology prevalent in the 1980s, which could be seen as a fusion of Christianity and Marxism. He also closed institutions that taught Liberation Theology, which led to the removal of the movement's activists, such as Leonardo Boff. He didn't mean that the Church was not going to be the voice of the oppressed, was not going to champion the poor. But it should not do it by biased politics, or by revolutionary violence. The Church's business was bringing about the Kingdom of God, not about creating a Marxist utopia.

24 Q: Do you think this is comparable to the New Christian Right?
Liberation Theology Where now? The movement has since lost influence and the mainstream churches have given up the struggle of the social gospel in favour of a more feel-good theology, whilst still defending democracy and human rights. Possible AO3: Liberation theology is seen as an example of religiously inspired social change but other Marxists disagree. Liberation theology may have helped to bring about democracy but it did not threaten the stability of capitalism. Q: Do you think this is comparable to the New Christian Right?

25 Liberation Theology vs Pentecostalism
In recent years, Liberation Theology has faced competition from Pentecostal churches which have made big inroads in Latin America among the poor. Liberation Theology - The ‘option for the poor’ - consciousness -raising and campaigning for social change led by revolutions. Pentecostalism - The ‘option of the poor’ - people pull themselves out of poverty with help from the congregation and church pastors One is RADICAL and promotes political change, whilst the other in conservative and promotes personal self improvement.

26 Immediate activity: True or false
All Marxists see religion as being a ‘conservative force’ which stops social change.’ Bellah's ‘Civil religion’ describes a belief system which attaches sacred qualities to society itself. Marx felt that religion acted as a ‘spiritual gin’ Brusco’s Colombia study can be used as a criticism of the feminist view that religion means women have less power. Weber argued that Calvinists deliberately set out to make profit for themselves. Bruce argues that New Christian Right has been unsuccessful because it lacks widespread support and struggles to cooperate with other religious groups. Weber felt that Marx’s focus on economic factors as the driving force for social change was too simplistic. Liberation theology helped to maintain the power of ruling classes in South America. Liberation theology was supported by all parts of the Roman Catholic church. Pentecostal Christianity in South America also encouraged revolutionary action to create social change

27 Millenarian movements p17-18
Millenarian movements are an example of the desire to change things on earth at present and bring about the kingdom of God. Millenarian movements expect the immanent transformation of this world by supernatural means. The group will be saved on earth and will live in utopia on earth – Peter Worsley Worked well amongst poor, exploited groups, especially in the colonies.

28 Millenarian movements 17-18
Millenarian movements used traditional beliefs, ideas and images with Christianity . They united tribal movements and became mass movements. They were the very beginning of the political movements to overthrow colonial rule. For Marxists they were the first awakening of the proletarian self consciousness Your tasks: What are cargo cults? How did they combine traditional beliefs and Christianity? How are they linked to social change?

29 Humanist Marxism: Antonio Gramsci
Interested in ISAs – how the government use ideas to control society. Hegemony – the way the RC use ideas (RELIGION) to control the WC Government have popular consent to rule so there is no need for coercion. Catholic Church helped win support For Mussolini’s fascist regime. VIDEO: cultural hegemony

30 Gramsci: Religion and hegemony
Hegemony isn't always guaranteed – WC can develop an alternative vision or a counter hegemony. Religion has a dual culture that can challenge as well as support the RC. Your task: Explain Gramsci's idea that religion can promote change as well as maintain ruling class ideology.

31 Religion and Class Conflict A modern application of Gramsci Dwight Billings (1990)
Page 18 – A study to emphasise the importance of leadership and organisation for religion to promote social change. The Billings (1990) study shows how religion can have a dual character – it can be called upon to defend the status quo (the textile workers) or challenge the status quo (the miners). Task: Briefly describe the study and outline the ways in which religion either supported or challenged the employer’s hegemony. EXT: What Problems do you think there might be with this study with this study?

32 Who does this sermon come from: A priest for the Miners or the textile workers?
Come now, you rich men, Weep and howl for your torment has come upon you. You have heaped up together treasures and the rust of them shall eat your flesh as if it were fire. You have held back by fraud the wages of those that labor in your fields and the cries of them have reached up to heaven against you! Reverend Oliver Garland 1933 Justify your decision!

33 Coalminers & Textile workers struggle
Religion and class conflict – Dwight Billings: A modern application of Gramsci Compared the Coalminers & Textile workers struggle. The coalminers were more militant and forceful the textile workers more accepting and inactive Religion can play an important role in effecting class struggle (other factors did play a part too) Coalminers & Textile workers struggle Leadership Organisation Support Your task: Fill in details on this mind map for miners and another for textile workers

34 Ernst Bloch: The principle of hope….
Religion often inhibits social change but can also inspire protest and rebellion. Religion is an expression of ‘the principle of hope’ - our dreams of a better life that contains images of utopia. People can see what needs to be changed in this world to build their utopia. That combined with effective political organisation and leadership, can bring about social change.

35 Summary: Dual character of religion
Marx: Religion can humanise a world made unhuman by exploitation, even though the comfort is an illusion Ernst Bloch - the principle of hope Liberation theology - Catholic Church in Latin America - religion can be a revolutionary force Millenarian movements - raises the hope of a better world and may create desire to change things. Gramsci- Religion can challenge as well as support the ruling class.

36 Write a 10 mark answer to this question.
10 mark question Outline and explain two ways in which religion promotes social change (10 marks) How do we answer 10 mark questions? Write a 10 mark answer to this question. Remember you need some analysis and evaluation - either strengths and weaknesses OR comparisons e.g. examples where religion inhibits social change backed up with sociological theory

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