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Prompt Question Module 3

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1 Prompt Question Module 3
For this assignment, you will prepare and submit a power point presentation on one of the following topics: Measuring Emotions What Drives Human Behavior? Consumer Motivation and Maslow’s hierarchy The presentation must be a minimum 10 slides and no more than 15, including the title slide. Title slide should include the topic name and your name.  The presentation must have consistency in content and appearance and must exhibit your knowledge of the topic. Your grade will be based on a display of your understanding of the topic you chose.  It does not need to be fancy as your grade will not be based on clip art, affects, pictures, and so on.  When the assignment is complete, save the document as [yourlastnamemodule3assignment3.ppt] and submit through the assignment tab located on this page or on the navigation bar. The assignment is worth 50 points.

BUS 355 Consumer Behavior ASSIGNMENT 3

3 LET’S START FROM THE BOTTOM In General Psychology, it has always been fascinating to study Human behavior. Wherein, we are able to know what drives our character, our thoughts, our decisions, our mindset and most of the time, we can understand, somehow, how we end up doing such thing for a purpose or a reason. How about you? Have you asked yourself once? What’s your purpose? Are you living here on earth just to pay bills? What keeps you going? Do you have friends and family that keeps you inspired? How are you surviving? Do you have enough food, shelter, and air to breath to make you alive?

4 At the basic level, humans are driven by three factors: EMOTION, DESIRE AND KNOWLEDGE Emotion shows your affection: love, happiness, sadness, guilt, repentance, sorrow, fear, etc,. Desire drives our hearts to give thanks and ask for help for our goals. Whether it’s about wealth, peace of mind, completeness, balanced life and etc. Knowledge teaches us a lot of things. It directs our life to the past and present. It helps us unlock and discover the things we need to be able to survive as human

5 MOTIVATION These are the reasons of our greater insights
MOTIVATION These are the reasons of our greater insights. It generates our ideas. It sets our goals. It helps us achieving our dreams and most of all, it makes us positive towards life.

6 Motivations of human are classified into two key groups of behavior:
HOMEOTASIS SELF-IMPROVEMENT Has the tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state. It regulates any aspect of our body chemistry in such a particular level. It occurs when our bodies reacts to maintain a normal and constant blood stream. It drives us to experience stimulation. It helps us to Learn and Unlearn behaviors. It leads to consummatory response.

7 Source:

8 Connect and analyze them together
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS HEDONIC AND UTILITARIAN MOTIVATION Self actualization includes morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice and the defeat of fear. Self esteem teaches us about confidence and respect for others. Love and affection provides relationship, family and intimacy. Safety asks for security and freedom from fear Body needs refers to human’s basic needs. Hedonic motivation is a traditional attitudinal perception. Some inputs can be accepting, rejecting and even adjusting. Utilitarian motivation often teaches the concept of judgement and irrationality. As well as wiseness and rationality.

9 Let’s go deeper Hedonic motivations
It occurs when a consumer see it as pleasure. It drives the behavior of a person for it associates fun and excitement.

10 Utilitarian Motivation
It affects human behavior in both mental and emotional state. It’s involvement is based on the relevance and importance of a certain decision.

11 Conclusion: Human behavior will always be affected by several factors
Conclusion: Human behavior will always be affected by several factors. One is through biological means defined by our genes. Another is social which is described by our thinking skills based on our environment. Our motivation and inspirations can also result from the makings of our past experiences. Moods that are based on mental health, emotions that brings inner motivation to succeed in life and so on.

12 References Fishbein, M. E. and A. Icek (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. USA: Addison- Wesley. Hirschman, E. C. and M. B. Holbrook. (1982). Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 46 (Summer),

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