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Type IV collagen as an early marker for diabetic nephropathy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus  Nobuo Kotajima, BS, Takao Kimura, MD, Tsugiyasu.

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Presentation on theme: "Type IV collagen as an early marker for diabetic nephropathy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus  Nobuo Kotajima, BS, Takao Kimura, MD, Tsugiyasu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type IV collagen as an early marker for diabetic nephropathy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus  Nobuo Kotajima, BS, Takao Kimura, MD, Tsugiyasu Kanda, MD, Kenichi Obata, PhD, Atsushi Kuwabara, MD, Yukihito Fukumura, BS, Isao Kobayashi, MD  Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications  Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages (January 2000) DOI: /S (00)

2 Fig. 1 Relationship of urinary concentration of type IV collagen to that of U-Alb at the beginning of the study (A), and 6 months later (B) in patients with NIDDM. Concentrations of respective urinary components were measured as described in Materials and Methods. Significance of correlation was defined as P<0.05. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications  , 13-17DOI: ( /S (00) )

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