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Teacher in Residence 9-15-08 Please sign in, update your information, write your textbook numbers on the form, and take your homework from your folders.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher in Residence 9-15-08 Please sign in, update your information, write your textbook numbers on the form, and take your homework from your folders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher in Residence 9-15-08
Please sign in, update your information, write your textbook numbers on the form, and take your homework from your folders. Keep your PMI from last week and turn in the Metro Personal Data Form and anything you didn’t turn in last week. Sit at the table where you see your name. Visits the week of Sept. 22 – me if you would like to schedule a face to face meeting.

2 WARM-UP At your tables, introduce yourself and tell your group members what you teach. Try to figure out the reason for my group assignments. If you completed the Lesson Plan Template and received a “Proficient”, please share yours with the rest of the group. Share your PMI observations with each other.

3 AGENDA Warm-up Article jigsaw “How The Brain Learns”
Classroom Management Strategies – Fred Jones “Tools For Teaching” independent reading and group work Break Classroom Management Strategies – Group presentations Housekeeping: prioritizing, emergency wallet card, mentor questions, homework Closure

4 TONIGHT’S OBJECTIVES Candidates will know teaching strategies that foster long-term memory to be able to structure learning experiences for the best possible student achievement. Candidates will know strategies for effective classroom management to be able to create an effective learning environment. Candidates will know strategies for dealing with learned helplessness to be able to foster independent learning in their classroom and engage in corrective feedback with more students.

5 “How The Brain Learns” Jigsaw
At your tables, decide how to divide this article into individual reading sections. Read your assigned section quietly. When everyone is done, at your table share the highlights/learning from your section with each other. Discuss the implications for effective instruction. On a post-it, write one thing you will do this week as a result of this new information.

6 Classroom Management Techniques
Each group member will read Chapter 1. Each group will be assigned a chapter in addition to Chapter 1 for all members to read. Individually, take notes during your reading. As a group, prepare a 8-10 minute presentation of your assigned chapter for the rest of the class. Each member should participate in the presentation. Use chart paper, the text book, demonstrations, etc. to thoroughly share the ideas from the chapter. When done, take a break from 7:00-7:20 pm


8 HOUSEKEEPING Prioritizing Homework Emergency wallet cards
Mentor questions Other?

9 Prioritizing Some thoughts regarding your to-do list…
RED: this must be done…yesterday Examples??? YELLOW: needs to be done by the end of the week. I can’t leave on Friday if it is not finished. GREEN: it would be nice if this is done by Christmas.

10 Homework Due September 22: Curriculum Map
Any assignments that you have not turned in or were incomplete…

11 CLOSURE Share with your table – One management “tool” we learned about tonight that you will implement this week.


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