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Unit 5 and 6 – Cell Signaling and Cell Cycle

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1 Unit 5 and 6 – Cell Signaling and Cell Cycle
Watch the following Bozeman Biology Episodes (Others under Unit 3) 028 - Cell Cycle, Mitosis & Meiosis Mendelian Genetics Advanced Genetics 032 - Signal Transmission  Genotypes & Phenotype 036 - Evolution of Cell Communication Cell Communication Signal Transduction in Pathways

2 Cell Cycle


4 Relay molecules in a signal transduction pathway
Overview of cell signaling EXTRACELLULAR FLUID Receptor Signal molecule Relay molecules in a signal transduction pathway Plasma membrane CYTOPLASM Activation of cellular response Figure 11.5 Reception 1 Transduction 2 Response 3

5 Example of Pathway Steroid hormones bind to intracellular receptors
(testosterone) EXTRACELLULAR FLUID Receptor protein DNA mRNA NUCLEUS CYTOPLASM Plasma membrane Hormone- receptor complex New protein Figure 11.6 1 The steroid hormone testosterone passes through the plasma membrane. Testosterone binds to a receptor protein in the cytoplasm, activating it. 2 The hormone- receptor complex enters the nucleus and binds to specific genes. 3 The bound protein stimulates the transcription of the gene into mRNA. 4 The mRNA is translated into a specific protein. 5

6 Other pathways regulate genes by activating transcription factors that turn genes on or off
Reception Transduction Response mRNA NUCLEUS Gene P Active transcription factor Inactive DNA Phosphorylation cascade CYTOPLASM Receptor Growth factor Figure 11.14

7 Action Potential – salty banana Here is the white-boarding activity we did! 4 Minute action potential START HERE - RESTING POTENTIAL (Includes multiple other steps) Na+ is high outside the cell K+ is high inside the cell The cell is polarized (negative on the inside and positive on the outside) A signal is received Na+ channels open Na+ diffuses into the cell K+ channels open K+ diffuses outside the cell Depolarization (May include multiple steps) ACTION POTENTIAL (Includes multiple other steps) Na/K pump - pumps Na+ OUT and K+ into the cell Repolarization (Reset) (May include multiple steps) Action potential moves to the axon terminus Ca++ channels open Ca++ moves into the cell Vesicles with neurotransmitters move to synaptic membrane Neurotransmitters diffuse from presynaptic axon through synapse Neurotransmitters bind at postsynaptic membrane (dendrite) of another nerve cell END HERE The signal is restarted

8 Unit 6 – Meiosis and genetics
Crossing over 4 daughter cells all genetically different Sodaria lab Genetics Monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, allele, homozygous heterozygous, sex-linked, linked genes, F1, F2, incomplete dominance, codominance

9 Overview of meiosis I.P.M.A.T.P.M.A.T 2n=4 interphase 1 prophase 1
metaphase 1 anaphase 1 n=2 prophase 2 metaphase 2 anaphase 2 telophase 2 telophase 1

10 Alteration of chromosome number
error in Meiosis 1 error in Meiosis 2 all with incorrect number 1/2 with incorrect number



13 No Recombination Asci 4:4

14 Genetics problems Start assuming genes are on different chromosomes – independent assortment Other options Sex-linked Linked genes Codominace Multiple alleles Others?

15 A different % in male and female = sex linked
XRXR XrY XRXr XRY Xr Y XR Y XR XR XRXr XRY XRXR XRY BINGO! XR Xr XRXr XRY XRXr XrY 100% red females 50% red males; 50% white males 100% red eyes

16 Linked Genes Linked genes are found close to each other on the SAME chromosome Linked genes do not assort independently of each other



19 X-inactivation & tortoise shell cat
2 different cell lines in cat

20 Fruit Fly Genetics – assume simple Mendelian genetics (separate chromosomes
Cross a recessive fly (mutant for both traits) with a fruit fly that is heterozygous for both A = wild type wings (normal) a = mutant wings (vestigial) B = wild type color (yellow) b = mutant color (black)

21 25% Each

22 How the heck does this happen with the same cross
How the heck does this happen with the same cross? AaBb x aabb A = wild type wings (normal) a = mutant wings (vestigial) B = wild type color (yellow) b = mutant color (black) Expected Observed Wild Type (normal wings/yellow 50 33 Mutant (vestigial wings/black) Vestigial Wings, Yellow 17 Normal, Black Body

23 CROSSING OVER – 34% are recombinants

24 Chi-square (from Unit 1 review)
Dihybrid Cross with two plants RrYy x RrYy R = round r = wrinkled Y = yellow y = green Write a null hypothesis: The following are the observed results: complete the chi-square test to determine if the results support your null hypothesis: Round Yellow Peas Round Green Peas Wrinkled Yellow Peas Wrinkled Green Peas 219 81 69 31

25 Expect a 9:3:3:1 Ratio!

26 Find the full explanation at this link
Phenotype Observed (O) Expected (E) O – E (O – E)2 Round Yellow Peas 219 225 -6 36 Round Green Peas 81 75 6 Wrinkled Yellow Peas 69 Wrinkled Green Peas 31 25 Total 400 Phenotype (O – E)2 E (O – E)2 / E Round Yellow Peas 36 225 0.16 Round Green Peas 75 0.48 Wrinkled Yellow Peas Wrinkled Green Peas 25 1.44 Total 2.56

27 Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis?
Chi square = 2.56 Degrees of freedom = # of groups -1 = 4-1 = 3 P = .05 Critical value = 7.81 The chi-square values is less than the critical value so we ACCEPT the null hypothesis. There is no statistical difference between what we expected in the dihybrid cross and the observed result.

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