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ELTDP Training Bau District 18th May 2011

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1 ELTDP Training Bau District 18th May 2011
Classroom Management ELTDP Training Bau District 18th May 2011 ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

2 Classroom Management Successful teaching is the creation of the conditions in which learning can take place. The skills of creating and managing a successful class may be the key to learning and exam success. An important part of this is to do with engaging the learners in a variety of fun activities. However, you also need organisational skills and techniques. Such items are often grouped together under the heading of ‘classroom management’. ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

3 Conditions for Learning
positive teacher/student relationship motivating learning materials students actively participating students productively engaged ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

4 In a well-managed classroom:
Students pay attention Students listen to the teacher each other Students know what they have to do They respect each other and the teacher ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

5 How the teacher can create this environment
Planning for good behaviour Rules and routines Getting and maintaining attention Instructions Reward systems ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

6 Planning for good behaviour
Children in Bau District are, generally, not really naughty If we are saying “the children were naughty today”, does this mean “I didn’t plan the lesson properly today?” ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

7 Planning for good behaviour
Plan lessons thoroughly – teach the children not the plan Have a good pace with clear timings Include interesting content Use appropriate resources Use varied activities: - stirrers and settlers ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

8 Rules and procedures Rules should be clear, simple & student-friendly
Teachers need to follow the rules too! Routines can include any classroom duties, even setting up of group activities Getting students involved allows teachers more time to focus on teaching ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

9 Getting Attention Use sound and movement
Clap hands/snap fingers/wave hands Use a noise/bell/instrument Use a short phrase, chant or song Count backwards ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

10 Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
Anticipate – plan to avoid Continually scan the class to detect problems and address them Reinforce the behaviour you want, not the behaviour you don’t want. Catch the naughty children being good and praise them. ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

11 Giving Instructions Give clear instructions before your start the activity or give out the resources. Ensure all distractions are put aside books, rulers, pencils, rubbish, etc. Consider your positioning Plan what you want to say Take it step by step Use big gestures to support your language ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

12 Giving Instructions K.I.S.S Keep It Short & Simple ELTDP
Creating Opportunity Worldwide

13 Instructions for pair work
Write vocab on board Make sure children understand Drill the vocabulary Model between you and whole class. Model between you and one child Get two children to the front to model Instruct again clearly. ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

14 Reward systems Sweets (?), Stickers, pencils etc Points Group rewards
Praise Everyone claps ELTDP Creating Opportunity Worldwide

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