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Year 4 MLPS Parent Information Session

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1 Year 4 MLPS Parent Information Session
Miss Baros Room 13 Ms Collins Room 8 Mrs Gibbs/ Mrs Burgess Room 14

2 Class Rules Respect for yourself. Respect for others.
Respect for the environment. Respect for school property.

3 Classroom Philosophy Have a go!
It’s okay to make a mistake. We learn from this! Listen. Be respectful to others. Have fun! Embody a Growth Mindset

4 Getting the most out of Year 4
STUDENTS SHOULD: Follow school and class rules. Keep drawers, desk and personal property neat and orderly. Plan ahead: use their diary to help keep themselves organised. Set new goals and work towards them. Actively participate in group discussions. Ask questions. Think before they speak and listen to others. Work to the best of their own ability. Use their time wisely. Persevere; don’t give up easily. Accept responsibility for their own actions. Be independent.

5 Behaviour Management The whole school behaviour management plan can be found online. Positive behaviour will be met with positive reinforcement, varying between class and teacher ClassDojo will be used across all classes and is a great tool for parent/teacher communication Students who demonstrate inappropriate behaviour will be met with the following school-wide framework: Warning Reminder Consequence (Pink Slip) Any incidences of bullying will not be tolerated and will be investigated when the need arises (Friendly Schools)

6 Planning and Assessment
We are planning collaboratively across the three classes. The Year 4 teachers meet regularly, discuss and plan. Common assessment tasks and collaborative moderation working from the Australian Curriculum.

7 Homework As per the school’s Homework Policy, Year 4’s should be completing 30 minutes of homework per day. This should include: Reading a book of their own choice. Some students may be reading simple texts while others have moved to novels. Spelling: practicing the list words that are sent home on a Monday in a variety of ways Times Tables Mathletics: completing assigned tasks regularly Please note, each classroom has a different method for recording and monitoring homework

8 Literacy Literacy involves: Reading, Spelling, Writing, Viewing, Speaking/Listening, Literature and Handwriting. New Wave Spelling E will be used as a spelling base. List/revision words will be sent home for practice. English Skills Practice text used to introduce and consolidate grammar and editing skills. A range of explicit teaching strategies including Guided Reading, NAPLAN resources, Springboard into Comprehension series and Blue Comprehension Box. Reading Around Writing About (RAWA) text for comprehension. Co-operative learning strategies will also be taught and practiced in all Learning Areas.

9 Numeracy Numeracy is comprised of the following learning areas as per the Australian Curriculum: Number and Algebra Measurement & Geometry Statistics & Probability Text books: Mental Maths D completed daily with a weekly test on Friday Mathematics for Australia 4 from Haese Mathematics There will be a focus on mental computation and times tables. Recall of tables will be introduced and revised regularly. Students should also learn the division fact families which relate to the tables they are learning.

10 Requirements Thankyou to all parents for providing their children with all the necessary items for school. If any items are missing or on backorder, please ensure they are brought to school as soon as possible. Ensure your child’s belongings are labelled, especially hats and uniforms. Please replace or replenish stationery as required.

11 General Housekeeping Hats are mandatory in Term 1 and 4 (NO CAPS)
Assemblies are held on a Friday morning from 9:00am Water bottles are encouraged (water only) Absences must be accounted for by either , verbally, in a letter or ClassDojo to the class teacher or front office. Students are expected to catch up on work they have missed. Absences due to vacation need to seek permission from the Principal. Birthdays: cakes or treats can be brought in for the class for your child’s birthday. Please be aware of numbers and any allergies. Tissues Punctuality: students should be in class by 8:50am. Any students who arrive after 9:00am require a late note.

12 Parent /Teacher Communication
If there is anything the teacher would like to speak to you about she will either ring you , you or will write a message to you through your child’s diary or class dojo. If you wish to make an appointment with your classroom teacher either see them in person, them or message via ClassDojo.

13 Things to consider Analogue watches to help your child learn how to tell the time Library books can be changed more frequently in their own time before school and lunchtime on scheduled opening days. Encourage your child to accept responsibility for packing their library books and homework. Keeping a jumper in their bag If your child requires medication, please ensure it is sent with the correct dosage and frequency so that it can be administered by the office

14 Are there any concerns or questions?

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