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Self Study Workshop Plenary III

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1 Self Study Workshop Plenary III
Assessing, Evaluating, and Documenting Achievements and Effectiveness Standard Three—Students Sonya Christian February 1, 2007

2 Standard Three Disability Services Financial Aid Athletics
Tutoring Services Standard Three Bookstore Food Services Counseling Student Health Enrollment Services

3 Standard Three—Students
3.B.6 The institution periodically and systematically evaluates the appropriateness, adequacy, and utilization of student services and programs and uses the results of the evaluation as a basis for change.

4 Key Words in Standards Adequate Appropriate Professional Standards
Comparative Data Support of institution’s mission and goals Appropriate Example: 3.B.4 The institution makes adequate provision for the safety and security of its students and their property. 3.A.2 Student services and programs are staffed by qualified individuals whose academic preparation and/or experience are appropriate to their assignments. Assignments are clearly defined and published. The performance of personnel is regularly evaluated.

5 Effectiveness of student services operations
Effectiveness of student services in promoting student success

6 Effectiveness of Student Services Operations
Plan Do Check Act Direct Measures Attitudinal Measures Professional Standards Comparative Data Close the loop: How does this lead to improvement?

7 Effectiveness of student services in promoting student success
= Student Satisfaction + Student Engagement Student Learning Effectiveness of student services in promoting student success

8 Student Satisfaction Student Engagement Eg: ACT Student Opinion Survey
Tinto: Academic and Social Integration Eg: CCSSE/NSSE Indicators: Academic Challenge Active & Collaborative Learning Student Effort Student-Faculty Interaction Support for Learners

9 Student Learning Indirect: Course Completion Rates Persistence Rates
Plan Do Check Act Student Learning Indirect: Course Completion Rates Persistence Rates GPA………. Direct: Student Learning Outcomes Close the loop: How does this lead to improvement?

10 Build into daily activities
Example:1 Student ID entered for every visit Student demographic Student Learning (direct and indirect) ….. Example:2 Outcome Questionnaire (OQ45) …..

11 The Developmental Model
Who are our students? Are they satisfied? Are they engaged? What impact does student services have on learning? Dan Timberlake Lane Community College

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