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Meeting Facilitation: Turn Hate to Love

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting Facilitation: Turn Hate to Love"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting Facilitation: Turn Hate to Love
Presenters: Julie Hartmann Repayment and School Servicing Manager, College Foundation Inc. Spring Conference April , 2017

2 Why do we dread meetings?
Nothing gets accomplished Meaningless conversations; rehashing old topics; boring format Meetings run longer than planned Decisions get made – but nobody remembers what they are Tend to get in the way of ‘real work’ Spring Conference April , 2017

3 Meetings with Intention Require Facilitation:
Time and attention outside the meeting room Defined Rules of Engagement Focus on the overall objectives Spring Conference April , 2017

4 Facilitation leads to: Focus
Spring Conference April , 2017

5 Outside the Meeting Room
Effective Facilitation Begins and Ends OUTSIDE of the meeting room Spring Conference April , 2017

6 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Prior to the Meeting If you are PLANNING a meeting: What do you want to achieve with this meeting? Who should be included? Do we need a formal agenda? Do I need to provide anything to the participants in advance? If yes – how far in advance? Do I need to bring any materials to the meeting? Do we need a note taker? Spring Conference April , 2017

7 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Prior to the Meeting If you are ATTENDING a meeting: What is the goal of this meeting? Do I need to prepare prior to the meeting? Do I need to bring anything with me to the meeting? Spring Conference April , 2017

8 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Rules of Engagement Effective meetings CANNOT HAPPEN without: Defined goals Rules established to meet goal Meeting ‘leader’ Spring Conference April , 2017

9 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Meeting Goals Discuss something that went wrong, determine how to avoid future situations Plan a future event or future change in process Share information between different functional areas Gather input from a cross-functional team Spring Conference April , 2017

10 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Meeting Rules Meeting Start and End Time Who gets to speak and when Physical location of meeting attendees Topic of discussion Who gets to make decisions Who is documenting the meeting Spring Conference April , 2017

11 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
Meeting ‘Leader’ Facilitates the meeting by: Holding group members accountable to rules and goals Ensuring all team members contribute Ensuring the meeting decisions and discussion are documented appropriately Spring Conference April , 2017

12 Spring Conference April 9 - 12, 2017
After the Meeting Be sure to: Take notes and share with meeting group Schedule follow-up meetings Solicit feedback from group participants about the meeting Reflect on what worked and what didn’t Spring Conference April , 2017

13 NCASFAA would like to thank our Professional Affiliates!
Spring Conference April , 2017

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