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Innovation and its importance

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1 Innovation and its importance
Chapter Module-II Innovation and its importance McGraw-Hill/Irwin Entrepreneurship, 7/e Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Creativity & Innovation
Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems & opportunities Innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems & opportunities to enhance or to enrich people’s lives

Phase 1: Background or Knowledge Accumulation Involves seeking and gathering of information through observations, readings, conversations with others, attending seminars, meetings and workshops, etc. Phase 2: The Incubation Process Entrepreneurs deliberately allows creativity to spur by breaking-away from the problem and let the subconscious mind work on it. Phase 3: The Idea Experience Discovery of the idea or solutions to the problems (eureka factor). Phase 4: Evaluation and Implementation Evaluation and implementation of workable ideas requires high level of persistency and patience. Entrepreneurs do not easily give-up when they face obstacles. 3

Creative thinking skills The use of creative intelligence to approach problems and find solutions Knowledge Four styles of creative intelligence: Intuitive Innovative Imaginative Inspirational Motivation Extrinsic Intrinsic 4

5 Creativity is thinking new things & innovation is doing new things
Entrepreneurs succeed by thinking and doing new things or old things in new way Having a great new idea is not enough; transforming the idea into a tangible product, service or business venture is the essential next step Leadership expert Warren Bennis says. “ today’s successful companies live and die according to the quality of their ideas”

6 Innovation Process - bringing an invention to market and users
Innovation is planned - does not happen by chance Requires team work and cooperation inventors and researchers process, product and design engineers lawyers and marketing specialists financial and production managers sales, advertising and distribution specialists entrepreneurs

7 Features of Innovation
Novelty: Innovation is something new Function Technic Design (?) Implementation: Innovation is introduced into market Modification: A innovation should cause a change/improvement

8 Types of innovation

9 Incremental Innovation
Incremental innovation refers to simple changes or adjustments in existing products, services, or processes Continuous improvement, is the process of trying to find ways to improve and enhance a company’s products and processes from design through assembly, sales, and service

10 Breakthrough Innovation
A breakthrough innovation is an innovation in a product, process, technology, or the cost associated with it that represents a quantum leap forward in one or more of those ways Breakthrough approaches to innovation are inherently more risky than incremental innovation approaches

11 Risks Associated with Innovation
Innovation involves creating something that doesn’t exist Market risk Technology risk

12 Innovation behavior of the enterprise
External factors - market environment characteristics - regional institutional characteristics - policy institutions Internal factors - organizational - personal - financial, etc

13 Competitive advantage/innovate
Difficult to imitate Sustainable Significant value to customer

14 Obstacles to Innovation
Conservative and hierarchical structures hostile/unfriendly to innovation New ideas threaten the profits of existing products and services Inventors not able to present ideas in business terms; many do not even see the business benefits of their ideas general no-saying attitude of people & culture of the enterprise

15 Translation of Creative Idea into Useful Application
Innovation Process Translation of Creative Idea into Useful Application Analytical Planning Organizing Resources Commercial Application Implementation To Identify Product Design Market Strategy Financial Need To Obtain Materials Technology Human Resources Capital To Accomplish Organization Product Design Manufacturing Services To Provide Value to Customers Rewards to Employee Revenue to Investors Satisfaction of Founders

16 Sources for innovative idea
Innovation idea Sources for innovative idea Analyze market, customers and environment; Analyze your existing business Check your idea; Check yourself Evaluation level Implementation Results

17 Sources of New Idea Family, Friends, Relatives Market Research Firms,
Industry, Consumers Channel partners Existing goods and services Suppliers Competitors Employees

18 Methods of Generating New Ideas
Focus groups number of group members from 6-12 Moderator focuses discussion of the group in a directive or nondirective manner. Co. women’s slipper-concept of “warm & comfortable slipper that’s fits and old shoe” – 12 women focus group An excellent method for initially screening ideas and concepts. Brainstorming A Group method for obtaining new ideas & solutions

19 Brainstorming Conti.... 4 Rules should be followed
No criticism is allowed by anyone in the group Freewheeling is encouraged-wilder the idea the better Quantity of ideas is desired- greater the no. of ideas the greater the likelihood of the emergence of useful ideas Combinations and improvements of ideas are encouraged- ideas of others can be used to produce still another new idea

20 Focus group and brainstorming is different in the sense that FG is structured or moderated...while BS is not a debate or discussion like that....its people giving lots of ideas without criticism allowed

21 Methods of Generating New Ideas
Problem inventory analysis Instead of generating new ideas themselves consumers provided with list of problems in general product category Then asked to identify & discuss products in this category that does not have particular problem Can be used to test a new product idea. Effective method since its easier to relate known products to suggested problems & arrive at a new product idea than to generate an entirely new product idea by itself Results must be carefully evaluated as they may not actually reflect a new business opportunity.

22 Reverse brainstorming
A group method for obtaining new ideas focusing on the negative. Finding fault by asking questions “in how many possible ways can the idea flop” Maintain group morale Stimulate innovative thinking Often involves identification of everything wrong with an idea- followed by discussion how to overcome these problems

23 Brain writing Form of written brainstorming.
It is a silent, written generation of ideas by a group of people. This sheet can b passed around on as well Pass the sheet around – reach its owner The only thing wrong with it is that there is no excitement of verbal discussion

24 Attribute Listing Steps:
Identify the product or process you are dissatisfied with or wish to improve. List its attributes. For a simple physical object like a pen, this might include: material, shape, target market, colors, textures, etc. Choose, say, 7-8 of these attributes that seem particularly interesting or important. Identify alternative ways to achieve each attribute (e.g. different shapes: cylindrical cubic, multi-faceted….), either by conventional enquiry, or via any idea-generating technique. Combine one or more of these alternative ways of achieving the required attributes, and see if you can come up with a new approach to the product or process you were working on. 24

25 SCAMMPERR (Micheal Michalko)
A checklist that could assists students to imagine various changes they can make to an existing products/things to create a new one. SCAMMPERR stands for: S - Substitute - components, materials, people C - Combine - mix, combine with other assemblies or services, integrate A - Adapt - alter, change function, use part of another element M - Magnify - Make it enormous, longer, higher, overstated, added features M - Modify - increase or reduce in scale, change shape, modify attributes (e.g. colour) P - Put to another use E - Eliminate - remove elements, simplify, reduce to core functionality R - Rearrange - change the order, interchange components, change the speed or other pattern. R - Reverse - turn inside out or upside down. Students can use these changes as starting points for Lateral Thinking 25

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